Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: A Trip to the $.99 Store
Okay, technically the $.99 Store is the $.99.99 Store now – I kid you not. They needed to raise prices and couldn’t figure out how to do it until some lawyer jumped in … of course, they round to $1 … though technically, does this mean some other lawyer is going to file a class action lawsuit? Though I suppose they round up taxes so …
Anyway, as a marketer, it’s fun to stop in and check out what products have failed to make the regular price cut and have been shuffled off to the mortal coil called the $.99 Store …
And of course, there are plenty of CARS items – not really noteworthy – stuff you’ve seen like pencils, pens, notebooks, mini puzzles but um, a stapler?
Sorry for the shabby shot but in case you need a CARS stapler and you don’t want to pay more than $1 (you can also pick up some Laker pencil sharpeners) … Yep, it’s the Supercharged one – I was hoping for the Race O Rama red stapler … maybe next year.
But there was something CARS interesting – more sandwich bags and not just of McQueen but …
Collect them all!
And surprisingly, not just artwork on the outside packaging but individual bags to match the box so if you got the Sally one, you get just Sally bags … see top.
And Mater! There was not a McQueen one open … out of the 15 boxes there, about 10 were Sally, the pegwarmer of sandwich bags ;-(
And of course, if you favor some other Disney licensing …
Of course, you will find many interesting things at the $.99 Store …
Yea, a fine tribute to one of NASCAR’s greats and his son …
Of course, you can go over to the food area before running some Dale Jr. waxy string through your teeth – and find even wackier things.
Now, I like scallaps as much as the next person but I kind of prefer my scallops on a plate – I prefer to eat my molluks not from a pouch but maybe that’s just me …
Same with sea creatures. I’ll pretty much eat anything not still moving … but are we so short on time we are pouching everything? Or should they at least class it up & tape a spoon to the side of this? I really hate people walking down the street eating octopi out of a pouch – they never see where they’re going – bumping into me and spilling Bearnaise sauce on Zegna suit …
Here’s my questions regarding this.
Are we really so bad off now that people can only afford a slice at a time Spam?
Are we so bad off that people cannot afford a knife to slice off some spam to carry away?
Are there dozens of other Spam flavors that they need to label it “Classic” so we’re not confused as to what’s what? Oh, this is Hollandaise sauce Spam, I wanted Classic Spam …
(cue SPAM song)
Though I suppose this is perfect for people who want something with not much Spam in it.
Did you know there was a Premium Cup O Noodle? It’s a great deal for ‘premium,’ $.39 so I bought one … I haven’t tried it yet, my yacht is getting a new helipad so when I dock in Monte Carlo, I’ll let you know just how premium it is.
I guess ‘Frosted Flakes’ is a useable non-trademarked non-copyrighted phrase? I guess you’re okay as long as you don’t put a tiger on the box?
And if you’ve ever wanted to eat Smarties but was confounded by the double twist wrap or like beer in a clear bottle, believed UV rays would ruin its flavor in its clear wrapper – now Smarties in a pouch! Was last year the of food in a pouch and most failed? Maybe this generation cannot open a pouch? The other thing is there seems to be only two smarties in each pouch – which seems to be twice the paper of a regular Smarties roll … either this is intended for people who would be tempted too much by an entire Smarties roll so two in a difficult to open pouch is better? Or for really, really cheap Halloween candy … those kids don’t deserve an entire roll! When I was a kid, we were given sugar beets & mallow stalks to make our own candy – no way am I giving kids more than 2 Smarties!
Yum, authentic Maple flavor sugar goo …
And of course, why our economy had to collapse … this needs a carrying case?
Time to nap.

Why is it that only certain 99 cent stores get Octopus and Scallops in Oil? Clearly 99 cent stores use Walmart as their distribution partner because we haven’t had the Majestica line of exotic seafood offerings in a very long time. Nothing better than Majestica Octopus on a 99 cent store frozen pizza. I just tell the kids that it’s CPK chicken pizza. They don’t know the difference…
I am totally gonna go buy Twinkie the Kid…and some Cars baggies.
great post. so funny to read and get an insight in to the crazy stuff available in your supermarkets.
it might be… it could be…. IT IS!! HOME RUN!! CUBS WIN CUBS WIN
Ok John, now I am dating myself back to the Brickhouse days!!
Harry Caray had NOTHING on Jack Brickhouse! Jack was the man!
amen brother!! However, for a good laugh, nothing beats Harry singing the 7th inning stretch. We would make bets on how many times he would slur a word and on which date he would fall out of the booth on the unsuspecting fans in the lower level. Go Budweiser!!
Before I read the part about that first picture being a stapler, I thought it resembled the top of Elvis RV.
(MET: Might fool some adults … not kids, but maybe adults 🙂 ).
score update, Cardinals still drooling, but winning 4-3!! COME ON ZAMBRANO!!!
I know they are teammates now, but has Zambrano ever pitched to Milton Bradley? Talk about Crazy vs. Crazy!!
St.L 7, Cubs 5
Geez, thanks a lot Lorri!! 🙂
Hey I dont usually watch. My sons been home sick all week and all of a sudden he likes baseball….go figure. He’s also why I now have several thousand dollars worth of Cars in my house……. 😀
8-7 Cubbies!!! Now HOLD them, Marmol!!
I love those sandwhich bags! I had some from the $1.00 aisle in Target, but we used ’em up a long time ago. The kids LOVED them. I don’t think we even have a $1.00 or 99 cent store here anymore… Shucks!
someone make the honey bear and twinkie stop staring at me, giving me the creeps. doesnt matter where you stand, they just keep staring back!!
As I toggled down the first time, I thought it was a box of flat top cones for Sally.
Cool! I didn’t know Twinkie the Kid was still around!
Hey Met, In the “Have your say” section you state “Be nice. Keep it clean. Stay on topic. No SPAM .”
(MET: Flat meat excepted! 🙂 ).
Well he didn’t say anything about Spam Singles!
Will case D come before C in the Spam Singles?????? lmbo
Matty can send them to UK….can’t stop lmbo
😆 NICE!!
Met, flat meat is unacceptable
My wife thinks so, too. 😉
that’s what she said
I wish our dollar stores had wicked cool hilarious stuff like this!
Doesn’t yours include birth control items? Ours does. How much protection do you think you’ll get for a dollar?
Is that where the term “A sucker is born every minute” comes from…?
(MET: I put up photos last time … they also convenient rack the $1 condoms next to the $1 pregnancy tests … er, you get what you pay for?)
So that is where I went wrong and ended up with two “SURPRISE!!” children….
MET:edit needed!!! Oh no!!! Your kids will someday see this site, and this comment! Turn back… turn back… turn back…
An employee at our dollar store told me that the $1 pregnancy tests were the most stolen item they carry…YIKES!!!
THAT is why they call you “PirateDad”!!!
I can’t understand the mindset of someone who would be satisfied with the accuracy of a dollar store test, and now, I can’t imagine how one says, “I think I’m pregnant – Maybe I’ll steal a test from the dollar store.”
Is this the product that has led some women to say they didn’t know they were pregnant (haha) or led to “prom night dumpster babies”? (Family Guy) Sad, but painfully probable…
(MET: Hey, if the dinner was a $1 dollar burger 🙂 ).
Jay Leno does a segment on items sold at the $.99 stores. Their toy selection should be banned from the aisles. If anybody is interested Hallmark has mailed out their dream books which has the 2009 ornament of Mater and McQueen. Really looks nice! 🙂
Finally I can start a new collection!!!
That octopus made me gag! And I have seen some pretty sick things in my life!
Worse yet, those look like baby octopi!
Is that Pampers-brand Frosted Flakes? …oh wait, it’s just Pampa. Phew!!
Herb, that guy is here again taking pictures of everything. He’s in Aisle 7B right now. Will you please escort him out, or at least confiscate his camera phone???
And you can just picture him not wantin’ to get caught takin’ pics of sliced canned meats and honey too!!! Long trench coat… Sunglasses…!!!
…Casually turnin’ in every direction to see if he is bein’ watched!!!
Ohhhh – What we do for the love of the game!!!
Way to go Dude-Met-Dude!!
thats nasty….this is off the record, but how many trailers are there going to be…haulers I mean I heard 30….is that confirmed? Thanks
and that’s why we won;t let you have an avatar…you’re grounded young man!!