Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: The Cars of CARS, Part 2
Part I of this post mostly covered the tuners which offer clues but nothing definite … the rest of the CARS here, are mostly licensed as indicated by the info on the cards or the trademark info …
Here are some obvious ones … though of course, CARS is great on two counts – the original design of the characters from Pixar and Mattel in capturing that personality in metal diecast form …
Ferrari F430
Fillmore & VW Microbus
Doc Hudson & the Hudson Hornet
Luigi & the Fiat 500
And while McQueen is clearly not a Corvette, here’s the inspiration for his Crusin’ art …
Mike & the BMW Isetta
No real doubt that Ramone is a Chevy Impala … by the late 1950’s – hard to mistake one car for another …
Or a great car design such as the Porsche 911 that after 40 years, the 996 looks as great (BTW, it’s pronounced PORSCH-CHA …two syllables not one šĀ ).
And speaking of iconic design, the 1949 Mercury looks great 60 years later!
With free built in metal mustache š
And love it or hate, the Hummer H1/HumVee won’t be forgotten either …
Of course, there are some CARS they took some liberties with – both because it was fun to combine a couple classic American designs into one … and to save a little on licensing …
Edwin Kranks – looking mostly Mercury like – hood a little flatter but this was a popular look in the post WWII – late 1940’s so Edwin is a little mix of a lot of American CARS from the time.
The Trabant, the Eastern Europe version of the Fiat?
And Like Edwin Kranks, Greta is a homage (and a mutt š ) … if the “tub” look was popular in the late 1940’s – of course, the tailfin craze was the late 1950’s … here is Greta next to a DeSoto. Though clearly, there are a couple dozen car models that featured great tailfins culminating with the 1959 Cadillac.
Of course, this list is not complete. I don’t have matching diecasts for every CARS car š
« eBay to Referee Customer Disputes: This Should End Well | Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: A Trip to the $.99 Store » |

Great post – very interesting. I seem to have missed loads of stuff whilst i have been away – i was following the posts about the history of the cars etc and got up to the post that explained about the wave 4 World of Cars movie moments sets but can’t find anything else after that – think i am looking in the wrong places – can anyone point me in the right direction – i think this post was about part 8 and there were meant to be 10 parts i think.
(MET: You’re caught up, still writing Part 8 š ).
I too am impressed with your great diecast collection, most are well done! Isetta? never heard of it! Makes me want to collect these more rare diecasts just because they are interesting. Great post MET!
Should hear a lot more about Isettas in the future. There is a new all-electric model that will debut this September and be sold in 2011.
Just wondering which ‘vette you think McQueen most closely resembles. He seems to be an amalgamation of different years, but I thought he was closes to a ’57…
I thought he was supposed to have some Mustang in him too
Amazing post…I never even thought about Mike being modeled after a real car. BTW as a FYI I was able to pick up Jerry Recycled and Leakless haulers today at Boscovs! So just another place to check if anyone is still looking…$14.99 but still well worth it! Gonna have to go back and pick up Octain Gain as well.
The PX at Fort Bliss has them too; so many places before CTC!
Seriously…………… I am about sick of waiting for CTC haulers case to come in. Good thing they direct imported. Would have cancelled the thing long ago had it not been for the 30% restock fee. I’m with every one else here about saying NO to further Preorders. Will wait to see them on the shelf. As it now stands, one Jerry is going for a trade, and the remainder will be returned to a store to recoup some of the expense paid on haulers I now have.
Does anyone have any idea of when CTC will get these, and yet again, when they’ll ship.
One of the most difficult things about the preorder is patience…I preordered the 3 pack gift boxes Case D I think, which has the Showgirls and a nice catch up of the rest released on ROR….NOT buying the ones as they were released was the key!
Sure I don;t have them now, but I will have them all when it arrives!
BUT, I think we have all learned a preorder lesson…good thing for his 30% restock fee, or CTC might be no more…he wood have been out all that money Mattel tricked him into putting out for the direct import and then screwed him behind his back and got the stuff to the big boys anyways!!
that is IF case D 3 packs arrive . . . š
Wow – I didn’t realize Matty had Schtooped our buddy up in CTC as much as that!
Bogus Dudes!!!
Just noticed on the TRU website that they have clearanced all the Mini Adventure’s 2-packs; weird.
(MET: Mini’s going exclusive (in US) – I think Target?)
If that’s the case I hope it makes them easier to find; it seems like stores order tons of one case assortment and then none for months. By the time they order again they’ve missed the last 3 or 4 assortments.
More exclusives? When is this supposed to happen? =/
(MET: It’s Target. It could happen anytime or a year from now but I think by Autumn?).
Wow, MET! Another very interesting post. The matching of each CARS character to its original design is great, and showing your own diecast version is even better. Am impressed by the breadth of your collection. We all know you are a CARS guy. But having diecasts of an Isetta, a Fiat 500, a DeSoto, and especially a Trabant in your collection shows you are a real ‘Car Guy’ too.
Betcha don’t have a Yugo š
(MET: If they make a diecast of one, let me know š ).
That is quite a nice collection of diecasts that you have there MET. I have been enjoying watching these recent posts. Would not be surprised if you come up with a couple of more.
On a side note, I went to Monterrey, Mexico this past weekend for Easter weekend. While there, I visited the MARCO museum their that was showcasing “Pixar’s 20 Years of Animation”. It was a great exhibit. The highlight of the museum was the Toy Story “merry go round”. It showed while in standstill, different poses for many of the characters, and once it moved around, they came to life. It was excellent. There was a lot of CARS stuff there too of course. Unfortunately they had strict surveilance and no pictures where allowed so I could not capture all of it. Just took a picture with my two boys with statues of Mike and Sully from Monsters Inc. that was allowed. If you all want to catch a glimpse of what I saw while I was up there. Check out this youtube link:
Hope you all enjoy!
This is really cool but I WANT A CONTEST I’M GETTING BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How generous of you to offer to supply the prize in a contest….
What shall we play for ??? Hmmmm do you have a SOTS? Perhaps the 3 newest launchers? Either way, thank you for sponsoring the next contest, applefinatic!!
I think he should put up a Green Ramone — when they finally come out of course.
NO ONE can afford that!!!!
The contest – For BEST PUNCH-LINE…
Finish this sentence better than anyone else and win a Green Ramone!
A Car walks into a bar… _____________________!
Write CONTEST ENTRY , your punch-line and nothin’ else.
you have ONE submission each – So make it good.
Entries will be judged by Dude, Dudette, Canadian-Dude, Applefinatic-Dude,Squirrel-Dude and of course, Me-Dude!
Contest ends Friday April 17th at the stroke of Saturday Morn.
PS – Entries involvin’ the desecration of Matty’s character will be considered with much favoritism…
A Car walks into a barā¦ _____________________!
… and says, “Dang, that hurt!”
shouldn’t it be a Car rolls into a bar?
CONEtest Entry
Car rolls OVER a bar….cuz Matty was under it!!!!
CONTEST ENTRY – Car walks into a bar in a kinda stubblin’ kinda way…
The barteneder asks: “You gonna be alright there??? I ain’t never seen a car with legs before…. Are they givin’ you trouble? ”
And the Car replies: “Yeah – Some Dork named Matty wasn’t usin’ them so… But unfortunately… Like the rest of him… THEY are useless!!!”
Way to show ’em how its done Pirate-Dude!!!
PS – My lil’ guy wants to be a pirate for Halloween this year!!! Scary huh!!!
I might have a mc donalds green ramon johninmoussouri
sorry i’m really behind on my collection
Since i’m a judge i should know when this contest ends and what is the prize and no i’m giving the prize!
BUT the WHOLE thing was your idea…and I quote…
Pony up little man!!! mmmhhhhaaaaaahahahahahahhaahahahahahaha
So far – its the Pirate-Dude in the lead… with twenty minutes to go…
Would you like the green Ramone shipped with or without insurance, Sir?
I LOVE MY CARS I WOULDN’T GIVE 1 UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of my local Walmarts is cutting down on Cars section so they can put up Star Trek movie figures. š
Hank Murphy looks like a older version of a Ford Crown Vic.
I’ve got to start carrying a camera with me where ever I go — I saw an old Suburban the other day that had the same paint scheme as Hank “Halloween” Murphy.
This is really great – thanks for sharing!
Awesome post!!!!!
I have often wondered, what the heck is McQueen anyways?
A precision machine of speed and aeromatics!!
areomatics? aromatic? Oh, like in SMELL Swell…….I get it
My Dad owns an Isetta. Wonder if I can convince him to paint it green and put a big eyeball in there. š
It’s worth a shot š
Of course, there a lot more out there.
Mack, Jerry the Peterbilt, The King’s Superbird, Al Oft, Sarge, etc…
Looking forward to Part 3.
Much, Much better matches the second time around! š
This is such an impressive post. Tracking down matching die cast cars for each character must be a mind-numbing effort.
I was wondering that too…the matching diecast are part of your collection? Did you get them because they were the inspiration cars, or did you already have them?
(MET: Most I had or would have gotten anyway but I would not have really noticed the Hudson Hornet before and defintely would not have bought before Doc & CARS …).
Earth to Canada… Canada come in please….are you there?
Met is just a BIG Kid!! Good for you!
Lovin’ it always, Dude-Met-Dude!
When will the Dude-Met-Dude car come out?
(Sorry, I just HAD to do it.)
Met, are these part of your personal collection? GREAT post!!
(MET: Yep, I like them diecasts š ).
hey check the takefive utube group tokyo mater full vid