eBay to Referee Customer Disputes: This Should End Well
eBay started out a welcoming friend.
eBay then became a demanding friend.
eBay “unfriended” nearly everyone.
eBay then became “too good for us.”
eBay sent out e-vites for a holiday get-together and no one showed.
eBay then tried being “nice.”
eBay is now trying desperation.
“eBay today announced it will take a more active role in resolving transaction disputes between buyers and sellers and start directing buyers to eBay directly, rather than sending complaints to PayPal, the company’s online payment unit”
This should end well.
Maybe eBay should try something easier like getting North Korea on a bus to a buffet?
“If a buyer has been unsuccessful in working directly with a seller, the buyer can contact eBay via a toll-free number or via Web-form. Customer Support representatives review the case, examining transaction details such as item description, buyer and seller track record, seller location, payment and shipping details.
eBay said in its statement in cases where “both buyer and seller may be right,” it will absorb the cost to reimburse the buyer on behalf of merchant, it also states “If five business days elapse without a response or a refund to the buyer, eBay will refund the cost of the item and shipping to the buyer and, when appropriate, seek to recover transaction funds from the seller.”
Something tells me only eBay can get both the SELLER & BUYER mad and make no one happy.
So, good luck everyone with this new policy. I’m sure the annual eBay meets the Power Sellers convention is going to go great. Would it be ironic if I sold a lot of gas masks that weekend on eBay?
Oh, eBay – can you do nothing right?
From Internet News.
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I’ve been a seller on ebay for 9 years and
have made them and paypal tons of $ . I am what they call a ” Power Seller ”
I refused to join their little power sellers club for years. They made me one anyway .
There are reason why being a power seller is ridiculous, but I won’t get into that.
They treat Sellers as ” Garbage ”
3 months ago, ebay decided that they didn’t want buyers
to be able to pay by money order anymore . Why ?
Because they want the WHOLE PIE ! They don’t care that many buyers
do not have paypal accounts or that many do not want to use paypal.
So I received a call on a Saturday telling me that I had the words,
” We accept money orders” in our listings and this was no longer allowed .
She then nastily told me that they were going to remove all 200 listings .
I said, please let me remove the offending words. She told me it was too late , that they were all in the removal que and this process CAN NOT be undone ! So they deleted every one !
I was angry to say the least. How can anyone remember 200 items and prices
that were listed ?
I managed to re list 140 items after 1 weeks worth of work . It really wasn’t worth it.
About a month ago a buyer purchased a used electronic card for a synthesizer.
It was delivered to her within 3 days across the country. 3 weeks later I receive an
email from her stating that the card was bad and wouldn’t work . I think 3 weeks is a little
long to decide that an item doesn’t work. I refused to refund her $. She filed a complaint with
paypal and they immediately froze my account .I called them and ebay and was told that there’s nothing I can do but agree to refund the $. Buyers have up to 48 days to do this
no matter if the buyer breaks the item or decides that they don’t want it. Sellers are at the whims of buyers .
I’m going to drop my 9 year account with ebay and paypal . I know many other sellers
that are going to dump them also. Ebay and paypals greed has run rampant .
They take higher and higher percentages and treat the people that have made them
so large and wealthy like crap.
Attention Ebay ::::::::
You’ve shot yourselves in the a** and we will not tolerate you anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Outrageous shipping charges by vendors cured my eBay habit.
Noticed the appropriate “right now on eBay” ad to the right. There are several Speedway of the South sets going for $2,200-$2,499 plus a liquidation of a collection for $2,999 which includes the SOS. Looks like a dissolution sale. Also, RLC set from 2006 for $795.
I received NO Warning, No Wrisk Slapping, No Sease and Desist Letter, TOHO told E-Bay they wanted me off for selling Godzilla T-Shirts and E-Bay said duh…OK…So I took up collecting “CARS” for personal COMFORT AND GRATIFICATION – Thank You E-Bay and Toho… OH and a BIG Thank you to Pixar/Disney!!!
I gave up on ebay a while ago… I know some of you have success there, but all the fees and bs, just made it a headache…plus shipping from Canada is so expensive…. Good Luck eBay, you’re gonna need it!
oh… I just can’t resist….I will be the 1st today to post on this little article…hope ya’ll have a happy day!!!!
curse you chuki_mama!!! Beat me by 2 minutes!!!!
Sorry! Maybe I can buy you a drink at SDCC 2009? 🙂
ummmm wasnt this supposed to be a secret??? huh, tell me huh?!?
Ebay cancelled a listing once, but I had already paid. If it wasn’t for Paypal, our money would never have been returned. We asked Ebay about the item and their response was “The auction is cancelled.” 🙁 THANKS – for nothing..
In over 650 buys on eBay I’ve been ripped off only three times by sellers. PayPal refunded my $$$ in the three instances. In all cases the seller ran up significant negatives in consecutive order in a short period of time. One was selling non existent merchandise. Another apparently was selling Disney company merchandise stolen from a distribution center. The third sold intentionally poorly described merchandise. Always pay with a credit card, never use the e-check feature. That gives the buyer another line of defense to reverse the credit card billing. In two instances where purchases were lost in the mail, one seller reversed the charge, and, the other sent a replacement. In either case, even if they had not done that, the savings on insurance over 600+ items easily outweighed the cost of insurance. In another case the seller did not insure the ceramic item which I had paid for, and, absorbed the $25.00 loss. As a buyer on eBay I’ve done fairly well. I think eBay is making enough money from the sellers on the fees to cover the cost of reimbursing the buyer without necessarily getting reimbursement from the seller. I doubt eBay will extend that courtesy to large $$$ items.
In about 2 dozen buys on eBay one seller tried to rip me off, so my odds aren’t nearly as good as Steve AKA: Poppa. A couple years ago a Seller shipped wrong item, could not contact seller, eBay didn’t care, returned item per their resolution procedure, PayPal was extremely slow in trying to resolve issue. Finally contacted my credit card company and they reversed the PayPal billing. So do as Steve AKA: Poppa says: always pay with a credit card!
And don’t wait to long to get your credit card company involved. They all have time limits to submit complaints about purchases.