Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: It’s In the Bag
And now, the geekiest post of all … the bags of CARS …
Of course, most CARS come on cards or in boxes but the mail-aways have mostly come with bags so here’s a review since there are a lot of questions about “authenticity.” In this case, it is important because you want to be paying for what you are getting and if you consider the baggie essential in making it complete, mint or unimportant to you
The first mail away CAR was Blu Lightning McQueen (ne: Blu Ray Lightning McQueen)
Here is an example of it SEALED:
It will be addressed from Walt Disney Home Entertainment and sealed accordingly. Since the paper tape cannot really be opened and resealed, if someone is selling you one sealed, here is what it should look like.
John in MO measured his – @5″ tall & 9 7/8″ in width.
Here is what the back looks like.
Inside, there is no additional paper from Disney or Mattel – the only included item is the CAR. It is in a plastic baggie that is NOT TAPED nor sealed, merely folded over and tucked under the CAR.
While there were unauthorized Blu Ray Blue Ransburg’s McQueen’s made – the baggie however is pretty hard to fake.
As you can see, there is ยฉ Disney/Pixar on the front and Mattel info on the back – product # M8736 “Blue” Ray McQueen.
The final clincher is the date code on the bottom of Blu Ray Lightning McQueen – there seems to be only one for the promo and the base is dark gray/black:
So, to buy this SEALED means you get an unopened manilla envelope from WD Entertainment.
To buy it NEW/MINT is to get it with the baggie and the correct date code.
To buy it LIKE NEW (if not damaged without the baggie) is to get it with the production date code of 2427 EA.
In the case of BR McQueen – because of factory unauthorized versions, the packaging will help assure in part of what you are getting.
Now, I understand if you don’t want to pay the going price currently for an authentic factory authorized Blue Ray LM … but just so you know what you are getting and you can decide accordingly as to what you want to do.
Some people have reported receiving a Blu Ray McQueen in a bag such as this … clearly not a Disney fulfilled one …
At one point, Blu Ray McQueen was offered to consumersย in the Italian market but no Blu Ray McQueen’s were actually created to fulfillย this promotion – instead, everyone received a Faux Wheel Drive (and a mini 2-pack). Later, this promo was expanded to Germany & the UK (still ongoing in the UK).
Faux Wheel Drive was shipped in another UNSEALED baggie – though there’s really not much of an unauthorized Faux Wheel Drive issue unlike Blu Ray McQueen in 2007. But it is still nice to have the authentic baggie …
While not technically a mail away (unless you bought at, the SD Comic Con Lightning Storm McQueen packaging comes into slight play here.
Though the white box is NOT sealed, Lightning Storm McQueen is actually wrapped in a thin white tissue that is IMPOSSIBLE to remove and retape … ironically because the white tissue is so thin and the tape so thick, it’s essentially IMPOSSIBLE to unwrap and tape back exactly as it came so a quick look can tell you straight away if it has been opened and either retaped or the person gave up and tossed the tissue.
While there are no authorized Lighting Storm McQueen’s, the reason I bring this up is that because of the way it was constructed, some McQueen’s were snapped off it’s display base and spent a month banging around inside its display case as it traveled to America so some have paint scars and other damage but if the tissue is still taped up and pristine, the seller has no real way of seeing that so it could be sold as SEALED and presumably MINT when the actual condition is not so great but in this one instance, the seller is not to blame as they cannot see inside … however, if the tissue looks retaped or there is no tissue, that takes away “the excuse.”
Bottom of the box. Sorry, no tissue example to show you.
The last two and most recent US mail aways are also straightforward and sans unauthorized ones especially since they are unique versions and have elaborate packaging but just in case, you want it want it COMPLETE MINT or MINT.
Both Sidewall Shine & N20 Cola mailaway versions came wrapped in a plastic bag and taped. This tape is also not so easy to remove without damaging the bag but not impossible. Of course, it would hard to substitute in any other CAR since both feature two additional screw slots in the base of the CAR and are attached by screws to the plastic base … and as long as the plastic cover is not scratched or damaged, the CAR is essentially MINT and SEALED so it’s whether you believe the complete “MINT’ package should contain this plastic bag or not – that’s your call – but just so you know, the car and box are pretty hard to recreate so it’s simply whether the plastic baggie should be included.
Hope this helps. Happy collecting!
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Tokyo Mater CARS … Part II | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: The “Real” Cars of CARS » |

Vinyl Toupee Baggie reads ‘M8133 Vinyl Toupee’ – mine arrived in an oversized White envelope with a poster
Good grief, Charlie Brown! Better open that envelope and check out the contents. You may be getting a bunch of junk instead of your prize. Maybe your postal worker recognizes the contents coming out of the distribution center. The Car may have a production defect. I built plastic models for enjoyment and one of the biggest cons right now is bidding on sealed vintage kits. One local rare model distributor around here can tell you stories of sealed kits containing discarded plastic parts and sprues. The make the appropriate noise when shook, but, there isn’t anything but junk in it. The same phobia with baseball cards. The sealed sets are ‘mint’ until the seal is broken. Of course, the cards the entire box may be factory miscuts, etc.
I never buy something unless I can kick the tires! ๐
Met wrote: >It is in a plastic baggie that is NOT TAPED nor sealed, merely folded over and tucked under the CAR.< Met, As others have said, Blue Ray McQueen did come TAPED in the baggie. I have two, and both were taped shut. Maybe yours was just folded over? I still have one sealed and taped shut in the baggie, can take pics if you need a sample of one like this, along with the padded envelope. But good to see this post, hopefully it will help other people looking for the real thing (Not Coke) ๐
(MET: Sure, I think I only open one …).
I’ve gotten them from different people. All of them have had 1278EA for the FWD promo.
Most of the ones I have left are 1278EA and 1308EA. I do have one that has 1168EA.
what number is on the bottom of the Faux wheel drive promo?
Hey Chris,
I have 7 Faux Wheel Drive’s and there are 2 different numbers;
4 have the # 1278EA
3 have the # 1308EA
All were shipped in a White Jiffy Co. Royal Mail Large Letter Size Airkraft envelope size 00(w). Measures 9 1/2 X 5 5/8’s inches, flap open.
Hope that helps. I don’t know the significance of the 2 different numbers or if there are more than 2? Anyone?
I have seen more than my fair share of FWD’s and there are only the 2 codes that I have seen. Initially they were 1278EA and the latest ones are 1308EA
Hello everybody what about the vinyl toupee that came in A bag no pictures of this one?Also I noticed that the new movie moment with Red and Stanley are different to the first desertcard!The color of Red’s window is different and also the emblem on Stanley’s statue is!Looks like they (mattel)are cutting costs everywhere!Keep on hunting!
Off subject, but does anyone know why Milton Calypeer is like the Chase car in G? Because I’ve seen like 10 Chase Chukis and like 20 Andreas, but only 2 Miltons. Anyone?
That is b/c they only put 1 Milton per box. That is harder to find b/c we are seeing that the Cars collectors in general are only interested in the “new cars” so to speak, and don’t essentially care, except for those few of us, what package the car comes in. To the everyday shopper, they think, my son/daughter already have Chuki, and they don’t need another one.
I know we have said this before, but I am extremely disappointed in the Chase Packaging. It is really nothing more than a re-dristributed car, on a regular package that says “Chase” and has a couple of words in the foreign language. No real appeal to it.
How do you say Rip Off in Japanese?? Perhaps Chuki….
Yeah, the packaging is really disappointing….
I put the word “fraud” in babelfish and got this: ๆฌบ็
I also put “ripoff” and got this: ็ใฟ, which translates back to “stealing”. HA!!
ๆฌบ็ translated back to “deception” by the way.
hey why don’t you type in the symbols from the chuki packaging and translate for us. should be easy enough. ๐
Ditto. Packaging blows. The only worse case would have been a green Ramone with the word Chase on the cardback. Cheesy ripoff from Mattel. Of all the characters from the movie, the suits at Mattel sat down and drew up a list for the Chase series and someone tossed out the idea that Chuki should be a Chase? Wow, must have been someone that got a mail order degree and Mattel never did a background check. And next is a Chase Ferrari? Those parents who bypass the chuki will certainly bypass the chase Ferrari as well. C’mon, there are still so many characters that haven’t been released, doing re-releases as Chase versions is just plain insulting. I think this next case with the chase Ferrari is going to slow down everything because the case is pretty much a bunch of rereleases. Just what the pegs need. Imagine if the stores stock a few cases. It’s going to take awhile to work through all the pegwarmers before they move on to the next case. Could be a SLOW spring.
I think part of it is OUR fault! They see many of us are dumb enough to buy the same car on different cardbacks, ie: desertbacks, Supercharged, WOC and ROR. Why not also ad an already produced car to a short-printed card? Actually marketing genius….many of us bought it!!
i totally agree. How many of these do you see warming the pegs after a couple of days?
Think of this line of Cars… They don’t change from cardback to cardback…
Its the cardbacks that change right?!?!
God love all of us that only want one of each car…
But the reality is – And I am a beginner when collectin’ is the subject – This line is all in the cardbacks…
Desert -back spellin’ mistakes on a main character Filmore/Fillmore… Wrongly named Red/Hydrolic ramones… Supercharged cards that only made international appearances(Tia n Mia – PT Flea n Flick – Rudty n Dusty EZE)… WOC rarities like Boost and Nitroade who were a dime a dozen on Supercharged…
Then we have our first Chase cars on WOC… FRED?!!?!? Who?!?!?! And let us not forget that as a diecast toy he was remodeled… And for what?!?!?! Just stop makin’ the damn thang!!!!!
Sarge is an anomaly I think because he was taken off the shelves and will probably not be out back… So get them while you can… That is the real CHASE car if you ask me!!!
PLUS… Chuki’s card back is seen both in the Cars movie AND in the Tokyo Tall Tales NO?!?!
That is pretty inventive on a whole…
My Californa Speedway came wrapped in that same white tissue and each car was individually bagged, but not individually printed, just Mattel/Disney/Pixar etc…
yeah… so was mine….
Nice post but I would like to throw a stick in the mud. I have a “Blu” ray mcqueen that I sent away for that came in a box not an envelope. It looks to me that the box I received is what they were shipped to the mailling house in. I sent away for 2 because my first copy of the bluray movie did not work big bubble in the disk. When I took it back I received another code and entered that one aswell a recieved my 2 in the mail one in envelope and the other in the box. The box one is still sealed never opened since arriving hear but I did not have anything else coming from disney at the time and the return address is the same on both.
So I do not know if there are an others in boxes out there or not but I have one that with out opening it I would say is in a box.
(MET: That’s the first I’ve heard of a box … and the last day that guy worked at Disney fulfillment ๐ ).
Sine the one in the box is unopened…. what if it is Faux Wheel Drive, Vinyl Toupee, maybe even Apple… Heck it could be a Red Ransberg……… Mattel is notorious for the switch a roo. Didn’t somewhere here say that they got some Hot Wheels promos instead of a Sidewall Shine. Unless you open it, you will never know.
I bet it is a Green Ramone.
(MET: Since it came from Disney and not Mattel … your odds of getting another diecast are pretty slim … a Winnie the Pooh PVC, that’s another story …).
good call but it came after the first one “that I opened” by 2 days and my mother inlaw got hers “that she opened” after that. So I can not see it being the old switch a roo. I was hoping to send it off to afa to have it put in a case but can’t figure out their website. So for now it will remain a mystery.
Met if you email me a way to send a picture I will send picture of the box if you want to look further into it.
Let’s just beat this topic to death……….next it will be the #84 Apple car.
Was there a bag on the UK promo Vinyl Toupe? Also, my BluRay McQueen baggie did come taped straight from the packaged with all of the codes.
Met, slow news day?
umm collect them all ๐
the bags . . . of course . . ๐
Nice… The UK Faux Wheel Drive promos were mailed inside a padded white envelope; the baggy is inside the envelope. That’s one way to tell you’re getting the real deal.
I suppose there is no limit to the insanity……………
(MET: Um, no? ๐ ).
when we start to analyze the bags or even that little bit of joy one gets when you pull up the site and see the newest installment of MET’s words of wisdom and see “no comments” and rush to the bottom to stake your claim and be the one to type the word FIRST.