Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Shipping Problem? What Shipping Problem?
Well, there’s no shortage in some stores …
Of course, that is SlicePie’s shopping cart next to this pallet so you’re just a little late …
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CARS shipments are sort of like when Doc is trying to explain turning on dirt to Lightning………”Turn RIGHT to go LEFT!”
**I found CASE G on the pegs at Walmart a few weeks ago…..the next time I was there when a truckload was being put out, there were THREE Case “C” boxes on the pallet!!!!
Also comparable to “Back to the Future”! Or would it be “Future to the Back”?
Anyone have a DeLorean in good shape?
What is “Walmart”?
A flourescent enigma of supply & demand?
WalMart is this little store that just happens to be the largest department store chain in the world 😛
Google Sam Walton and you should get all the info you never wanted!
A pit of despair.
i still need an avatar!
here i trust u guys can someone do it for me?
my names obviously djbennett22 and my pass is : 07703a5
thanks! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 LOL
I gave you directions little man! Follow the yellow brick road!! I signed you up for gravatar…click the link in your email and follow their directions…call me if can;t figure it out! 800-477-2822
Don’t foget to tell him it is $7.99 a minute for the call! 😈
That is my 900#
not sure if that was the wisest of ideas. This group maybe ok, but what about some of the ones who watch and don’t post. Will be interesting to see what ends up there.
He has to confirm his desire to have an avatar by following the link in his email…. I was only able to get that far on his behalf!
Must be where all the stock for my local TRU went to. It’s been a whole week, and their main CARS shelves are bare…except for NV McQ.
The only shining light is they finally got some new haulers, and Jerry Recycled Batteries is mine.
Now if only Andrea and Milton would appear, let alone any of the newer ROR launchers.
Could someone tell me who “Gil” (the green peterbuilt) is and where it appears on the film?
I can’t tell you the exact point in the film (I’m sure John in MO can) but he is at a Truckstop Diner, with some other trucks, watching the big race.
Try that, it might help!
Thank you! It did help!
That would be nice. I did walk into Target and see an unopened case of Mega sized vehicles. I helped them open it up, but alas it was case E and still no Elvis for me.
Walmart in the NE has been pretty good I must say. They are getting some new some old but for the past week they have kept them stocked. I even finally found Case G. Happy hunting all and hopefully all the stores will look like that some day
Is it just me, or does it seem to be that all the Mega-Size cases have Hot Wheels on the label?
I think it was just a case of “these fit in this box we already have, let’s use it” not lets try to trick slcepie and let someone actually get one of these”…but I could be wrong?!?! 😉
Yes, all Mega-Size cases have Hot Wheels stamped on the side.
And no, I was not fooled! I found Case A as soon as it hit locally.
I’ve never seen a Mega-Size case. I’ve seen Singles, Movie Moments, Launchers, Haulers, Mack Transporters, Shake ‘n’ Go’s and Story Tellers cases, but again, I’ve never see a Mega-Size case.
By the way, here is what I have STILL not seen in the wild:
• Tank Coat Launcher
• Impound Wingo
• Elvis RV
I have all of these thanks to Take5aDay trades, and I have the feeling that when I do finally see them, they will be all together!
Yep, and they will all be laughing and pointing your direction . . . “hey, I have been hiding from that dude for weeks. QUICK, duck behind the birdseed .. . Elvis pull that black tarp back over our heads . . . IPM Wingo, shhhhhh turn down the music!!””
Kind of like hiding under the Pylons in Toy story II
I think you are CONEfused?!?! 🙂
That’s traffic cones for us yanks.
As far as I know, every case of mega-size have been labeled with Mattel Hot Wheels on the packaging
Mine that came from CTC does say Hot Wheels on it.
I’ve only seen remnants (ie: Shifty Drug
& Vitoline) of the Tank Coat Launcher case.
Here in NW Illinois. No Impound DJ or Wingo.
And just now seeing Dustin at Target.
Is this an older picture? It looks like those are all Case C and 1 Case E.
I was wondering that too? But even if it is, EIGHT cases??? at one store at one time?? WOW…If the law of supply and demend works there, I think slicepie is singlehandedly shifting the bell curve and raising the bar!!!
I think the most I’ve ever seen was maybe 4 or 5.
Most I saw was 12 cases of ROR B at TRU . . . a MONTH after they hit everwhere else!
Supply & demand =
Wal-Mart Supplies their warehouse
who seal the Cars in a shrik-wrap
cacoon for six months. While we
demand to have something decent on
the shelf in the stores for six months!
That makes 10 C Cases at this store alone in the past week. Plus the E Case and 2 or 3 G Cases. I just told the girl to start ordering and they would sell. She listened and there you go.
Oh, and out of all of those cases, there is maybe 24 cars left on the pegs. I guess I need to tell her to order more!!
NOT an older photo. I sent this to Met about 3 days ago.
great, thanks,
that cheered me up…
(slight chance this message may be riddled with sarcasm)
it cheered up mattel…
I wish….NEVER gonna happen in Canada…sERIOUSLY what the HECK is wrong with Mattel…Turkey has ROR but not Canada????
Yes, but Canada has turkey!
so do you open those boxes or wait for the store to do so? Are they haulers, singles or mega sized?
Slicepie, are you gonna offer up some trades?
Those are singles, 7 Case C (Impound Snot Rod Chase) and one Case E (Impound DJ Chase). In other words, at this point, “older stuff.” 🙂
For the record, I did send in that photo and it was at my local WalMart. I never crack cases on the pallet, I always get someone to open them for me — and then I take all the good stuff.
Okay, okay, to be fair I did leave a couple of the Impound Snot Rods that had damaged cards, but to no one’s surprise they were gone the next day when I went back.
Trades? Sure, anyone need 5 Impound Snot Rods? None had confetti though 🙁