Disney Pixar CARS: A Visit to the Disney Store
It’s a little left turn from the outskirts of canonocity to the Disney Store but not too far off the beaten path …
Penny racers! $2.50 each but if you buy 3, you get a 4th so a little cheaper than Mini’s though you can’t look too closely
Though Disney Store doesn’t call them Penny Racers but NANO AUTO.
Not sure there’s more than these three but that’s all I saw.
The pullback feature works pretty nice so kids and pets will enjoy them …
Again to damn it with faint praise – it’s Disney Store quality!
And of course, if you compare it to Mattel’s Mini Adventures McQueen … um, the best thing you can say is that you won’t feel bad when it goes flying off a table or smashes into your wall. Speed – good. Design – Um, it’s red!
You can also pick up a mini CARS metal can – a short garbage can or CARS storage if you store them in a heap pattern. It comes with a thin plastic lid so design wise, not bad. Did not check the price …
There is also a Lightyear tire CARS case that looks nice. Only holds 18 CARS and while intended for the Disney Store 1:64 line, it’s spacious enough to fit some/many of the 1:55 CARS though as a bulky tire, it still only holds 18 CARS so you’ll need about 10 of these
There is a new launcher track I’ve not seen before but with the poor package design, it’s hard to tell exactly what the CARS included are (plastic or diecast?) and whether you can use it for the 1:55 series – anyone have this?
It looks reasonably fun.
I also took another look at the “Courthouse” with the freeway offramp … since it does not actually attach to the Courthouse, it’s not a bad add-on for Mini collectors as it should go along with the Mini Fire House fascade – in scale to the Mini’s but not much play action and more “facade-like” than an actual playset. I’ve seen it on sale for $14.99 – a much better price for a in-scale freeway offramp and a courthouse fascade (regular price $29.99).
So, not technically canon but if you insist on buying and playing with it – we won’t boot you though not Mattel so definitely not part of the line.
So, it’s been a while since I actually walked up and down a mall – is it just my imagination or are the only things mall shoppers are interested now are lingerie, shoes & cell phones?
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Target Shipping Haulers … | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Shipping Problem? What Shipping Problem? » |

I got the launcher track for my son. I’m having a hard time putting it together–in fact it’s still in the closet in pieces. It didn’t come with any cars–just a cardboard picture of McQueen and Chick. It will fit all of the diecasts. I’ve noticed that the things that come from the Disney Store never have good instructions. I think it will be fun once I get it figured out.
The little pull backs are the same they had a couple of years ago. They used to come 3 in a pack. Now they come separately. There were 2 different packs-McQueen Sally and Doc and Mater Ramone and Filmore.
Off topic:
Check out this listing 320356268303. MSOS going for $2550. with more than a day to go. New record if it’s legit?
i thought disney store wasnt in the US?
John Lewis are selling cars for 2.25 on a brighter note…thats pounds by the way !
I was in Oxford Street today (London) and the Cars section has shrunk considerably
I miss my Nano Auto. She used to cook the biggest Thanksgiving feasts, and then read to us by the light of the fireplace.
I got one of them Courthouse play sets and a Mater-Land one as well…
They might not be canon, but at this point I figure Matty won’t bother with new playsets for Radiator Springs… So whuy not?!?!?
…And since Mater IS McQueen’s new BFF… I think they will end up spendin’ lots of time there sharin’ pints of WD40 and talkin’ about the good ‘ol days…
When I was in CA last November, I got the penny racer Cars three pack. My son has since opened them, but I think there was McQueen, Mater and Sally. Let me confirm that when I get home…
Haven’t been to a Disney Store since I was in Japan last summer.
Did go to Ross today. They had a few Cars items. The big ‘lights and sounds’ DJ were $12.99. Also found a Megabloks Sheriff for $4.99.
They also had ‘Target exclusive’ JLU figures , DC Infinite Heroes, and Hot Wheels 40th anniversary 2-packs pretty cheap. Good place to hit up to get Anti-Monitor points before SDCC.
I got the raceway track for my son for christmas. You can arrange it 3 different ways and it has lots of push button sounds you get to hear again, and again, and again, and again, lol. Its way better than the hot wheels version.
It doesn’t come with any cars but works perfectly with the 1/55 line.
Everything else at the store seemed like most cars propoganda……….how much stuff can we make and how much will people pay.
Saw that Oil Can Trash Bin a few weeks back…think it was $20, which is ridiculous!
I know, I would have given at least 30.00!! Bwaaaaaa Haaaaaaaa Haaaaa
What up? Waiting to hear from you!!
Not so hip on the minis……..Trying to save the $ for the never ending 55’s line that seems to have no end………….