Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: When Launchers Go Exclusive …
As noted earlier, Pit Row launchers are going to exclusive status and now we know where …
Maybe this Autumn? Same as Movie Moments?
Since Target uses DPCI numbers and not UPC’s – until something shows up, not even Target employees know how to look up things 🙁
But the rumor is Autumn for Movie Moments but the Team Haulers were a surprise, unless it’s a holiday item, it’s unknown until SURPRISE!
Is this the reason for the strange disappearance of CASE C in the US market?
Unlikely but then trying to apply logic to his might be like trying to butter a live squirrel in a tree.
My guess is these won’t arrive until Fall or the Holidays at the end of 2009 … or sooner.
The only bit of big news is they are two-packs … but CASE A is not exactly a barn burner …
Of course, Mattel is launching a SECOND LAUNCHER line called LIGHTYEAR LAUNCHERS …
Probably closer to summer …
So, will we get the currently scheduled RACE OFF LAUNCHERS CASE C, & 2010 CASES B,C & D (listing in this post?) before the switchover to Target?
Why not.
Are you going to eat that corn dog?
Does this seem more confusing and perhaps, there should be a less maddening way to plan & release CARS … or CARS with launcher type devices?
If I say yes and not no?
So, um, Collect Them All and we’ll have a big sorting session in 2015?
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: This is Not the Final San Diego Comic Con Exclusive 2009 | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Quality, Meet Control, Control, Meet … Hey, Where Did He Go? » |

lightyear launchers are showing up on ebay. seller is from Australia.
DANG IT!! Target always gets the good exclusives!! walmart has only had the 8 cars that aren’t so exclusive anymore cuz they all will soon be re-released & wally hauler. TRU has had Sidewall Shine & N20 Cola & Soon Something Else. Target Has Had Way Too Many Good Exclusives, Give Walmart & TRU More Exclusives! Target Has Had Storyteller’s, Movie Moments, Dinoco 400 Set, Race n’ Chase Set, Mini’s Regular Paint Job Set, & Plenty Others! Give Walmart & TRU A Chance!
Ugh, exclusives irritate me beyond belief, especially when it’s for Target. They went through the motions during their initial reset to make us think they cared about this line, but since then have gone back to their “what’s a Cars?” mentality.
Clutch Aid Lightyear Launcher. Damn pic is to small. But I think you all will get the idea of how they will look like and how they will be. It looks like is going to be like that Lightyear Tire Case that came out where you store your cars and lock them in a certain area. Then, when you want to open it to play with them. You unlock it and you can Launch them all one by one at the same time by turning on the red rim on the tire. You all know what I am talking about? This is how I perceive this new line to be only the Lightyear tire is on a smaller scale and fits only one car to launch. I would only be interested in it for the the exclusive car. Still prefer the original launcher as you can actually build a race team set with it. With these new ones? Well I guess they will be just for our kids to play with though one or two of them would suffice depending on how many kids you got.
The pciture is definitely too small — would you please send me the real thing for a full review? 😆
If I can get my hands on at least two of them John, that extra one is yours man!
Also, isn’t that Lil’ Torquey Pistons???
Picture is so damn small I couldn’t really tell. They are both blue, it seemed like Clutch Aid but I have now made out the number of the Racer Car and it is 117. That is the # of Lil’ Torquey Pistons so yeah you are right.
Don’t question “Rainman John”, he is ALWAYS right 😉
Hundred uhh, hundred s-s-s-seventeen. Definitely hundred seventeen. Lil’ Torquey Pistons, hundred seventeen. Hundred Seventeen. Piston Cup Race Car. Goes real fast. Yep. Have to go watch Jeopardy now. JEOPARDY! I NEED TO GO WATCH JEOARDY NOW!!!
Don’t forget, KMart SUCKS RainMan John!!
Well Kmart is only great on the following dates:
October 18,2008 (Cars Day 1)
June 20th, 2009 (Cars Day 2)
October 17,2009 (Cars Day 3)
The rest of the days, yeah they pretty much suck.
where did you get the launcher rumbler74?
hi brian. i don’t have the launcher. i found the small pic in some chinese internet shop that apparently has started selling it or maybe has it on preorder. the website is in chinese so i don’t understand any of it. i just thought it was intresting to know what these “lightyear launchers” would look like and wanted to share my find with fellow take5ers so they can get a small glimpse, literally, of what they were going to look like.
they need to fire whoever decides what cars to put in a case…
has there ever been a case with no mcqueens?
or less than 3? probibly not,
and now its MQ & King and MQ & nitroade!!!
i would have had Chick & King and Nitroade & RPM
just makes more sense to me….
first order of bussiness,
some nice gift packs,
how does Frank and 3 Tractors sound?
or Tow and trashed um..whats his face…is it nitroade?
It was ‘Mood Springs’ who gave his best Rocky Balboa of ‘don’t take me out coach! I can still race!’
I think a “Speedway of the South”-type set of rusty old cars in the Rust-eze tent would be a blast!
that would be good,
a pack of say….5 rusty MQ fans
a 5 pack of reporters
a 5 pack of race fans
a 5 pack of random cars (like the ones you see on the highway)
a 5 pack of haulers (Gils friends or the sleeping trucks)
and how about a Drive in gift pack?
with Pt Flea, Flick, Yeti, Mike, Sully, Buzz, Woody & Ham…
and the box can turn into a stage for them, with diferent backprops from the films…
i should work for mattel, ill tell ’em what would sell!
Drive In Gift Pack is an AWESOME idea!!
Uh, they are all AMAZING ideas!! sound like SDCC material to me!!!!!!!!!!!
Next up will be a line of “Cab Launchers”, with all of the hauler cabs in launcher form.
Mack Launchers, RPM Launchers, but the best will be the “Jerry Launcher”, he’ll be (recycled) BATTERY OPERATED!!!
(I hope I didn’t just put an idea in the head of some Mattel designer!)
WARNING: most of the Mattel designers are the ones who developed New Coke, so be careful what you wish for!
Well no wonder there are a lot of problems with the new line (paint chips, dirt, poor color..etc) and new marketing (these new target exclusive 2 pack launchers). They are all on COKE!
I picked up a Chase Chuki yesterday, and on closer review, there are several blemishes on “her” paint! Maybe that is the real appeal Chase Chuki: you get factory rejects!
All the Chukis have this problem, the black paint flecks. The original Chukis were like this. Many complained about it, me included. Never saw a pristine pink painted Chuki. And it looks like the Chase ones are the same.
i’m just waiting for my son to say we dont have a launcher for mcqueen. then i can pick it up on clearance.
Asinine is the only word that comes to my mind right now….
I heard that Asinine will be a F1 Race Car in Cars 2. There will not only be an Asinine Launcher, but an Asinine Hauler, an Asinine Pitty, an Asinine Crew Chief, and of course an Asinine Mia & Asinine Tia.
wrong one! this is what I meant 😯 hehehehe
I was wondering about that! 😆
Yeah I heard that too. It’s actually called ASN # 9. It will be a Matty Collector exclusive.
“The World’s Biggest A$$face Brings You The World’s Most Exciting Line of A$$ Racers!”
LMFAO ROTF!!!!!!!!!!
Just when I really started really warming up to the launchers this has to happen. This last assortment of Tank Coat, Vitoline, and Shifty Drug was awesome. I figured, what the hell, “Collect them all.” Now I wanted the “launcher” for every single racer. I wanted the hauler, the racer, the pitty, the crew chief, AND the launcher. If I have to buy a 2 pack of these for example and have to pay $19.99 only because there is a NEW racer (ex. Faux Wheel Drive) with it’s launcher but it comes with an old racer (ex. Leak Less)then it is surely going to make me give up trying to collect them. It is this sort of thing that gives way to the “thievery” that we have seen lately of certain collectors buying the product, getting what they really want, and replacing it with a junk car, and returning it to the store to get their money back. Expect a whole lot more of this happening. I do not condone it, but trust me, it will happen and I can’t fault them for doing it. Collectors feel “ripped off” too when this sort of thing happens so they retalite like that.
corn dog? You mean Cozy Dog, a corn dog only better!
(MET:Cozy dog? Large enough to use as a pillow?)
Are we sure this isn’t either (1) Met’s late April Fool’s joke, or (2) an accidental re-post from last year? They did Launcher 2-packs about a year ago, and most wound up on Clearance.
John read Mets reply to my post above.
Thanks! Sorry about that, I tend to read the article, and then put my comments without checking the others first. I did this to Matt here too. 🙂
Target just needs to make it official, and start a line called “Peg Warmers”.
World of Peg Warmers or Peg-Warm-Arama?
i just realised, every day i come on ere to see ‘whats coming next…whats new…whats around the corner’ yet i havnt bought a single car in months…because i havnt seen a single car iv wanted/or thats new even in months,
quite sad realy…
Wow! These will look cool next to the WOC carded lauchers that have become peg warmers all over town! Can’t wait to never see them! I’ll stick with the single carded Cars!
I am still laffing at Butter a live squirrel in a tree! Who was your Boy Scout Leader Met? Hannibal Lecter?
(MET: When you’re hungry … 🙂 ).
It figures, I finally get Mattel licensing and one of my favorite products will be off the ordering list. 🙁
Did you try and get the Case C and D Jake…they might have them still…Mood Springs etc??
Yeah I have those ordered but there is nothing available after that to order. I guess now I know why.
Hey Jake, does that mean you think you will get Case C of the launchers?
Those launcher 2 packs are not good. The packaging is too large, can’t separate without tearing up the package, and few collectors want them IMO If you are an opener fine. But if you want them on card, these are hard to display, they take up too much display room. They sold out at Target the last time, but only because Target had to discount them way down in price. I found the NoStall/Trunk Fresh on sale for 7.00 or so.
(MET: My guess is when the 2-packs arrive, they will not be cobbled together like the value packs since that was a lot of cardboard and mostly to clear the shelves … my guess is it will be a smaller Movie Moment like pack?).
I only buy launchers when it’s a race car that hasn’t been, or doesn’t appear that it will be, released as a single.
Tank Coat ring a bell?
I agree, with the upcoming K-Mart days, who cares about launchers. I’m sure they will all become pegwarmers very quickly!
Mattel’d have better luck with their exclusive Semi+pitty+racer sets. I only saw those on the shelves once, and never since.
I’m a bit tired of ‘the usual suspects’ when it comes to launchers at the stores, as the other launchers thread can attest to.
Sometimes, I feel like a trained dog:
‘You want BumperSave? You want it, boy? Go fetch the Mack-pack at Walmart.’
‘You want Re-Volting? You want it, boy? Buy the 4-pack at Target.’
‘You want an iCar? You want it, boy? It’s right through that brick wall.’
‘Dumb dog.’
You’re cracking me up lately Mike…. 😆
So I would assume this is going to be the same thing when they were doing the Movie Moment 2 packs as well. It looks like the exact same assortment as I still have the Trunk Fresh and No Stall lauchers together.
Well it looks like Case A will be the end of the launchers as I am assuming that the two pack will retail for at least $16, and they will fester on the shelves with that tantilizing assortment of cars. I am truly surprised that they did not package a McQueen and Dinoco McQueen combo.
These assortments are really getting ridiculous in general.
what we really need is a three pack launcher set including McQueen, Bug Mouth McQueen and Tar McQueen!
Met, I assume the 2-packs are nothing new and will just be 2 curretn launchers slapped together under 1 piece of cardboard? Is there any word if they will do the Movie Moments 2-packs again?
Oops, I see Matt asked this same question below, sorry Matt!
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