Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: D Before C When Matty is in Charge …
Yep, the D CASE launchers are shipping next week …
Hey, wait a minute, did CASE C of the launchers ship?
Yep in Germany and the Philippines.
So, we’re not getting Easy Idle, Fiber Fuel and Mood Springs in the US next as launchers.
That’s not logical.
Will we get CASE C next then?
“Reply Hazy. Check again later.”
The bright side is now you can strike new friendships in Germany and the Philippines to trade with.
So, according to Matty’s alphabet, D comes before C?
Yep, accept it when it comes to launchers.
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: The Still Not April 2nd Yet Picture Post :-) | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: The Mainline Singles Price Rollback is Complete … » |

I bought the Easy Idle pitty today and now learn that the racer’s been pushed back? Stink! Like someone else mentioned here I’ve never even seen Tank Coat and that pitty’s been ours for awhile, too. It confuses my son to have pittys of cars we can’t find.
Figures, C case had plenty of new cars to enjoy, so they stuck us with a case that only has one new release instead.
Not that it matters, our local WM seems to have the market cornered on B case launchers at the moment. They’ve put out at least 15 cases of it in the last month.
I was told by CTC that case C will probably be out in may keep your fingers crossed.
Song: ‘The ‘No Launcher He**’
Well since that, Matty ditched me,
I’ve found a new place to dwell.
It’s down at the end past the pegwarmers,
The, ‘No Launcher he**.’
You make me so angry, Matty.
You make me so angry.
You make me son angry, I could cry.
And although the shelves are full,
With Lightning and The King,
The only launchers I’ve seen,
Double-you, Oh and See.
You make me so angry, Matty.
You make me so angry.
You make me son angry, I could cry.
Well, The Case A’s never came,
And the Case B’s called in sick.
And if I don’t see C and D,
I’ll think it’s a really cruel trick.
You make me so angry, Matty.
You make me so angry.
You make me son angry, I could cry.
Someone send this guy a Launcher, STAT!!
By the way, you must shop at my Wal-Mart!
Must be a lucky out of the way place.
The nearest Walmart to me is an hour by bus, and I’ve never found anything there.
Well, recently. That was the only time I found Bruiser in the WM packaging way back when. Last time I checked, they were just stockpiling NightVision McQueens.
Not helping my Tank Coat blues…
Or pinks… whatever!
I have an extra Tank Coat if you need him…. I have a couple trade needs or will sell him to ya….
Well, I guess we will be doing alot of trading with our German friends now!!
I still have NEVER seen Tank Coat, Vitoline, or even Shifty Drug. For that matter NONE of the ROR packaged launchers.
Case C was looking to be a beauty- only one repeat and the rest as new vehicles.
Boy, the more I read about these things, the more I want to do some little cartoons about Matty making stupid mistakes/decisions regarding CARS.
Call it ‘Matty Musings,’ or ‘Moronic Matty.’
“Hey, Mistah Mattsy. Whattaya wants us ta dos with these here Cars?”
“I don’t have time to deal with those! I have more important matters to attend to, like action figures, and making sure Bill Murray signs off on his likeness. Geez, guy gets a freaking Oscar nomination and you have to jump through more hoops than a tutu’ed poodle.’
“But Mistah Mattsy-”
“Oh for-give me that! (grabs invoice order, and writes down in hard bold lettering, ‘send to outside markets’). There. Now ship them out of here and leave me alone!”
Am I reading it correctly? Case C will be ship in Germany & Philippines only?
Yes! It will be a great news for us here in the Phils.
(MET: As of know but – could change in 3 weeks (most likely) but until it gets scheduled, hard to say …).
dude, you are my NEW best friend . . . I would like to place my order for . . . 🙂
I already bought Vitoline, Shifty Drug, Mood Spring & Fiber Fuel. Easy Idle is out of stock. But Tank coat can never be found here. The clerk said there is no Tank Coat came to them… I think Mattel is shipping them here bundled. I don’t know.
Matty has pics of the SDCC Exclusives on his facebook page. All of the SDCC exclusives for 2009 are there. Anyone find that kind of strange?
Also on his notes facebook page, he mentions briefly Cars, at the end of a long announcement about the MOTU and other lines, coming in a few months. Here is the small portion about Cars:
“Okay, and to end on a high note, overall things are going great. We are very close to launching the DCU brand library featuring (ideally) all of the collector lines from the past few years leading up to sneak peaks of new released. Should be the ideal place to get your DCU info! After that we’d like to see CARs go up as new CARs product gets ready to launch in a few months (the team is working hard on this with Pixar and Disney, so stay tuned for awesome stuff as soon as it is ready”
(MET: It’s NOT the final paint on the three CARS – not the DOUBLE Ransburg finished yet so I have not bother to post because it’s not as good as what the final will look like … Matty knows a lot of about the DC Universe characters, the Wonder Twins bucket & Gleek but CARS … um, not so much …).
This is comical (get it? DC comics? I crack myself up. I’m here all week folks)
Of course! Just because I have had Case C pre-ordered for months. What a joke!
exactly, i think i was mid-feb been waiting ever since ( obviously) oh well, at least we can get retread and cross him off the list!!! but seriously what the heck is going on!! i guess travor’s email was not an april fools joke after all huh
Yeah I was really looking forward to case C Grrrrrr why must he play with our emotions.
and I before E except after C
And he wonders why we want a steel cage match with him?? Talk about Mood Springs!!!
Is it still April Fool’s Day, cause this is one big joke that I don’t find funny?
(MET: Sorry, April 2nd posting … but Matty is having a good chuckle, does that count?)
at least Matty knows that ‘b’ comes before ‘s’ 🙂
actually, maybe he doesn’t and that’s why we keep seeing things like this…