Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: CARS On Sale!
Okay, that might be a little too much hype … hey, it’s better than collecting furry mooses 🙂
(yes, I know that moose plural does not need an “s” at the end but mooses is funny to say 🙂 ).
Discounted to $19.99 though no real hurry – says sale runs through May.
Okay, in most Kmart’s, you’re unlikely to find a whole lot of choose from but over 30% off is 30% off.
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Check Lane Series Race O Rama CASE A & B | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: The Still Not April 2nd Yet Picture Post :-) » |

One of my local K-marts actually had a decent selection of singles: Chase Impound DJ, Hank Holloween, Greta, Easy Idle Pitty amd Kathy Copter.
Not bad for $2.49. Too bad I already have all of those.
our local K-mart sell those Cars for 9.99. That is a 400% increase and I know the dollar value difference here in Australia is not that much. Someone is making a huge profit!
Yeah but imagine how much it costs to train a Kangaroo to load some diecast in her pouch in America, and then hop back to Oz…that’s where the markup comes from…it is all in the shipping!!
kmart in dover n.j. had 3 cases of supercharged and like 4 cases of movie moments and the movie moments was on clearance for 2.50 each
Why have “sales” or “Roll backs”? Kmart has had very little the times I’ve gone in and WM has been poor with lots of empty pegs, but today was an exception. I actually scored an Impound Snot Rod with confetti. Nearly wet my pants! Looked for more but none. 🙂
I went to Kmart this week and found a Chase Impound LMQ.
I have had some success at Kmart, my last find was the Octane Gain Hauler. I was also able to find Andrea and Milton today at Walmart on Hall rd/mound in metro Detoit area. There were 12 Andreas and 3 Miltons but no Chase Chuki. This particular Walmart has been of the “bird seed” variaty lately with single cars but ok in other Cars products. Of course I didn’t buy them all and I was glad that I didn’t check out how many are on ebay.
I just stopped into my closest Kmart and pretty much nothing there. I did however cave and let my son get a Bug Mouth McQueen he can play with since it was so cheap. There was a Greta, Trunk Fresh Pitty and a Bob Cutlas there too.
I went to Kmart today here in Montana — Tar Mcqueen Dinoco Mcqueen and a leakless were all that were there and these are the same 3 that have been there for weeks…. As we all know Kmart gets cars once a year outside of Cars day and that is during Christmas season
Where in Montana?
It’s “up there” somewhere.
Missoula here Mia— avid cars fan I see your posts all the time
kmart as to got down to 5 cars in stock before anther order is make its all done by computer so if someone steals some or hides some in another prt of the store and the count never reaches 5 then no order is made. if you know the people there and you see none on the counter have them check the on-hand count
My K-Marts need it to clear out all the WOC & SC cards.
Nice…But Kmart seriously doesn’t have any really good stuff. Will be going once a year because a) Too far & b) not a good selection of cars. I’m talking about Peg staples. Only go for Kmart Cars Day.
I always say this on here, but my Kmart really hasn’t had anything since maybe August, and even then they were about 2 months behind. There was indeed Cars Day, and maybe a couple of cases have dropped since then, but if I went there today, all I would find would be several Dinoco Chick Hicks from Cars Day, some Ramone’s, and maybe Dinoco McQueen, all on WoC (and surely several cards are bent).