Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Mainline Singles Cases Next – H, J & K
The GOOD NEWS is Patti and Todd the Pizza Planet Truck are coming in CASE H.
The not so good news? You did ask for more Lightning McQueen’s, right?
And there is a blank space at the end because the listing reads Impound McQueen (CHASE) which is presumably not correct as Chase CARS are only supposed to appear once and never return to the mainline so presuming someone decided not to annoy Pixar & JL, that listing is an error – maybe it’s another Lightning McQueen (sad but likely) or hopefully, it was a listing mistake and another NEW CAR will be included like Patti, Todd or even Andrea.
The good news is there won’t be Race O Rama Mainline Cases with lots of Lightning McQueen’s after this.
BTW, CASE J is the last of the Race O Rama Mainline Cases with the current card height.
The good news is there are more Todd’s in this case – finally an understanding that people might want this CAR …
(Matt56 NYCC photo – thanks Matt).
The CASE after this might be?
… AKA: The Big Unknown.
The switchover to ‘shorter’ 5.5″ is not a huge change or the switch to 24 CARS (as long as it’s not 8 McQueen’s in each) – that’s just admin stuff … the bigger unknown is the decision to mix in lenticular eyes CARS.
Not exactly sure why you want to mess with a good great money making thing but they are splintering the line into lenticular eyes CARS and “classic” CARS … the plan was to sell the ‘classic’ CARS on Matty and other retailer/retailers but as we near April, it’s pretty clear that MattyCARS is taking a dirt nap and doesn’t look like it can roused in time to list dozens/hundreds of products in a few weeks, does it? … AND the lenticular eyes CARS cannot be released until AFTER the “classic” CARS have been out a month/a while (as part of the agreement with Pixar/JL) so it’s like having a game plan but none of the players have shown up.
Oh, and prices are going up.
So, it’s really hard to say what is going on? They really should just scrap the whole lenticular thing for some holiday box sets of the townies. It’s a cute idea and a nice supplement but why mess with the golden goose of CARS? How many other diecast lines are going all-blazes out after 3 years – good luck finding any NEW CARS on the shelf and now, some weird plan to roil the waters already with an extra mix of CARS that are the same CARS but with moving eyes? Like the Mini’s, it’s not a bad idea but as a supplement and NOT as a replacement. It’s not like the line needs ‘jazzing’ up for the sake of adding something – when you SELL OUT of every new CAR and the only thing left are McQueen’s, the problem is clearly not the line needs an artificial boost but the case mix needs serious work.
If Mattel really needs to raise prices a dime or so, we’ll live with that AND they save on the whole lenticular eyes thing. That sounds like a perfect townies box set for TRU – and higher margins – instead of confusing people with the two Mater’s on the shelf – just put lenticulars 5 to a box and charge $17.99 a box like the current boxes at TRU and at least it’s different and you collectors will have to get one to open 🙂 TRU gets an exclusive and everyone saves a lot of grief and logistics costs.
But presuming they someone get their act together, then expect this box sometime in early summer …
Just like the transition from WOC to ROR happened but the Kmart Days CARS cards reflected neither …
Yes, the Piston Cup racers will have “real” synthetic rubber tires … and other than it will be available at Kmart June 20, 2009 – any other logistical details are unknown but you can presume it will be much like the last one. Don’t worry – as we get closer, you will get more instructions and info.
« Mighty Muggs Checklist Part 2: Star Wars, Marvel, GI Joe, & Transformers (2009 Update) | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Bruiser Pitty – Brown, Blue, Blue & Brown Again » |

No! I want to finish NOW! I don’t want ANY of the lenticular eye cars. I HATE the idea and don’t want ANY of those in my collection.
So when this Kmart day actually gets here will anyone be able to help me out by getting 2 sets for me in the UK one for collecting and one for my boy to play with, i will pay actual cost and will add extra for to the price for whoever helps out. If you can help email me at
When is Elvis coming??
Dude, Elvis has been there and done that for awhile now:
Only 16 in case h
So any word yet what the price increase will be to? $3.74? $3.99? $4.49?
Wasn’t Vitoline supposed to be at Kmart Day 2?
The very first lists I saw listed Vitoline Pitty, in subsequent postings on differant sites, I think the “pitty” was dropped in error. I’m pretty sure this list is correct.
Yeah, that could be.
Great. Case H is going to kill us. Once Patti, Todd and Chase Ferrari are gone, the rest are peg warmers. Right now at 9 of my 13 WalMarts, there are pletny of RD Kings and Andreas on the shelf. Plus, plenty of the rest of the cars from G and earlier. This case H is going to sloooooow everything down. It would be one thing if Christmas was close, but this is going to bog down all of the WM’s and Tgt’s around me for sure. As a side note, I was at 7 WM’s yesterday and I found 10 Chase Chuki’s and 5 Miltons. (I only bought 4 chase and 2 Miltons). There were plenty of Octain Gain and Leak Less Haulers, but no Jerry’s. And launchers, plenty of the new ones also, Tank Coat, Vitoline and Shifty Drug were all in abundance. Absolutely NO Elvis but plenty of Dustins. Yipppeeee. 🙁
You have an extra Milton?? Just found 4 Case G’s not one single Milton!
Yes. email me
Every time I read “lenticular eyes” I think of Mrs. Potato Head in Toy Story 2 talking about packing Mr. PH’s “angry eyes” just in case.
I hope the lenticular eyes don’t make us all want to put on our angry eyes. They sound kind of interesting, but I don’t think I’ll be collecting them all.
I agree Monica…I think Martin is a genius, but I hope he hit the mark with these things…. I am NOT collecting two separate identical lines except for the eyes!!
I’m excited for new cars though also a little stressed out thinking about trying to find them.
And I looovvee Mini’s paint job!
this is a link for mood springs launcher, many more are on ebay, this is good because this means they are coming to a store near us all very soon..
Mattel is NOT Swell needs to dump any and all McQueens for a looooong time. I was out and about this afternoon and two Targets were awash with McQueen’s-maybe 80% of the peg warmers were McQ. The rest were heavily into Ramone (Here we go again!!). TRU may have well not opened its door this morning. WM on South Hill rivaled Target! The antique mall’s kiosk has two Impound Snots and three Impound DJ’s for $8 each. No Chuki Chases or Wingo Impounds, so I guess they’re not around yet. Fred Meyer for some reason has an abundance of different peg warmers. And, if you hit K-Mart fall apart, you can complete your WOC set.
Some haulers here and there, but, it looks like the usual-get them while they’re hot because their production life appears to be nil. Maybe Obama will have a Pixar bailout plan to move these clunkers. 🙂
sent you e-mail…
Yay for repeat Todds! I might stand a chance.
Patti sure is distinctive… what kind of car is she?
Finding Todd will be like finding Sarge back in the Desert Back glory days.
If that’s correct, it will be easy. I was awash in Sarge’s when he came out- gave out plenty to the kids of the military guys around Fort Lewis. Still sitting on DB 12 & DB 16, SC and with buddy Filmore.
So, once Mini comes out, can we expect a ‘desert-wandering 2-pack with her and Van? And Van has to have that crazed look in his eye, as well as his ‘dead-bug/stubble.’
Even so, if I see Todd on the shelves, I’ll snatch him asap. Though still waiting to see Andrea and Milton appear.
(MET: Maybe, I think there is a ‘sticker’ CHASE Van scheduled for mid 2010 …)
Try explaining all this information to your average sales associate at WM, KM, TGT, etc! Good luck! The KM Day will need added security to control rioting in the aisles. 🙁
I mentioned this the other day, but don’t forget that these retailers have ten’s of thousands of products on their shelves. So whether you’re trying to explain blue jeans, toilet paper, or Cars, it’s all the same to them.
have you found case F in MO, can’t find anywhere in IL?? by the way Cubs opening day is only a week away!!
I’ve only found remnants of Case F TWICE — once at the Jefferson City Wal-Mart, and once at the Lake of the Ozarks Target. I did a trade the other day to finally get Impound Wingo. I did however find most of a Case G at our Wal-Mart last week, and then most of THREE Case G’s on Friday. So if MISSOURI is seeing these, you shouldn’t be far behind!
I found case F and G in IL, I even found Elvis RV at both Walmart and Target.
where did you fine case F and G
At the Walmart in Forest Park and target in hillside il.
St. Peters MO TRU had 2 case F’s 2 weeks ago. Two W-M’s in the area had case G last Friday.
Here are the “exclusives” that make up the TWO Kmart CARS Days lists that I received:
June 20, 2009
1. Bumper Save
2. Clutch Aid
3. Easy Idle
4. Lil Torquey Pistons
5. Mood Springs
6. No Stall
7. Retread
8. Shifty Drug
9. and Tow Cap
October 17,2009
1. Leak Less
2. N2O Cola
3. Octane Gain
4. Rev-N-Go
5. Re-Volting
6. Trunk Fresh
7. and Vinyl Toupee
Lots of differences, guess we’ll see who’s right in a few months.
Yes, and I have to buy them all with the rubber tires 🙁
I don’t think the release of N20 Cola is going to make many people happy. There might just be a riot at TRU headquarters and Mattel headquarters with Mattel signs and Matty likenesses being burned at the stake. This would make all of us who play the TRU game and buy 5 cars to get 1 exclusive look pretty silly. And I’m sure most collectors DON’T like to be made to look silly. I hope Mattel reconsiders this and DOES NOT include N20 Cola in a K-Mart collectors day case.
Not that I am disagreeing cuz it will bug me too….but….if the tires are rubber, it makes it different, and it will have been one year from the TRU promo, which is the agreement they had…no other retailer will have access to it for one year.
If it’s just an exclusive for 1 year, than why not re-release sidewall shine first and then N20 Cola? I still think it’s going to create a ruckus. Hey Shannon, how ya dew-in?
TJ…things here are getting weirder everyday…and I am not just talking about Mattel!!
Hi I hope they do because the people that didn’t get a chance to get the car now can. By the way I never do the buy five cars or whatever because I no in the future they will release them individually. Just like the launchers and easter eggs ones. They slowly are being released in a single card. People need to start thinking into the future instead of rush rush rush to get the car right away.
That’s not necessarily true.
Met put up a post awhile ago about 4 Piston Cup racers not being released outside of the MSOS set. Maybe someone (John in Missouri?) can find it and post a link.
OK, I am super stoked on KMART Day! What a great selection.
Sorry to disappoint you, but there are only 16 cars listed in the H-case, and sadly, I believe the missing one (besides the “chase”) is Tar McQueen. As if there weren’t enough McQueens!
It will be time to start checking for the decals added to the spoilers! I’ve been checking religiously, but, only the one change so far! More variations should be rolling down Route 66.
(MET: Come back for the next post 🙂 ).
Do we have any idea of the time line of these cases? I know that it will be about a week after we start seeing them on Ebay but still would love to get my hands on Todd! He has been one of my favorites for a while! I also am hoping that they really did not put the Chase McQueen in there again. That would not be good for the rest of the Chases they come out with. Oh well!! Bring on the new Cars!
So these shorter packs will be noted as lenticular eyes cars on the package? Ah, “New Cars Eyes” or something like that? Would like to see a mock up of the new packaging. Martin mentioned “Drift” as the new series in his on line q and a. Any idea what “Drift” means.
I’m thiking the chase is an error as there is already one in the box. I couldn’t see 2 chase cars in a case. I also am looking forward to the new pitties and of course Todd!
Though I don’t really understand the lenticular eyes I am sure they will be fantastic to look at and have them look back at you.. “Chick Hicks is staring at me! He won’t stop it! ARRGGGHH!”
Dam I’m still looking for impound snot rod, and impound dj other than that i’m about up-to-date. no stores near me seem to have ordered any case-c or case-e.
KMart is way behind in their releases. You should be able to find older cases their.
I found Impound LMQ yesterday.
My Kmart never has new Cars PERIOD!
All of our KMarts closed about a year ago. The nearest K is far, far away…
I can help you with Impound Snot Rod (Case C), but I’m all out of Impound DJ (Case D). Case E did not have a chase.
Wan’t Impound Wingo in Case E?
Nope, case E was the first appearance of Damaged King and Greta, but no Chase. Impound Wingo in Case F.
Hard to tell when we are 12 cases behind…minimum!! Stupid geographic bigotry!! Even Australia has ROR, but not the 51st state…so STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Easter Island just reported getting Frank, Octane Gain Semi, and Timothy Twostroke.
So, if the racers are available with the “synthetic rubber tires” does that mean these will be a variant? to continue the thought…….
The mainline cars have the hard plastic tires so are they going to re-release them?? (i.e. bumpersave, no stall, shifty drug, and tow cap are already out with hard plastic tires)
(MET: Yes – variants for openers … they will also have different packaging … yes, ther releases such as ones in launchers will still be plastic).
Dang, now I have to buy these racers twice….
Me too. Another victory for Mattel Marketing!
Reminded of a Stones song…….. “Between a rock and a hard place.”
I like the Race O Rama in the corner of the Shadow Pack…nice touch!
I wonder if the Impound McQueen is real…after all BS Fred was in the Kmart Case and one previous, and now Chase Packaging Mario is in the case above AND the Kmart Case…so who knows?
Of course it could just be something close to Impound Mcqueen, like I’Pound McQueen, a Rocky Crossover…or 1’pound McQueen for our UK Collectors….or just plain Old InRound McQueen, which is Future mcQueen after a big weight gain!
could the chase mcqueen be the one with him in dinoco colors and with the piston cup. I have seen another possible list of upcoming releases and they show dinoco chick with piston cup and the king with piston cup. If this is true, why would they release those two before mcqueen with piston cup. Just a thought
(MET: They are scheduled next after the three CHASE PACKAGING Chase ones – just no case assortment after K).
I like your thinking!
yes sir!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for the update