Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Motor Speedway of the South New eBay Pricing Benchmark – $2,500 USD
If a shark is attacking you – grab its gills or punch it in the nose … or jab its eye … um, let us know if that works … in economic calamity times, you run to blue chip safety and apparently that would be a Motor Speedway of the South set these days.
With shipping, that’s @$2,600 USD of safety …
And yes, it’s a real auction …
In case you’re wondering how your other blue chip investing options might’ve worked out since May 20, 2008 (this auction closed 3/18/2009) … when compared also to buying the MSOS from the Red Line Club at the opening bell … um, not so good – McD’s is only a Quarter Pounder large meal away though from breakeven but the other blue chips … RED ZONE.
That MSOS set – not looking too shabby.
Too bad you could only load up on a few shares …
Here’s the first pricing analysis when $800 (or so) was the high benchmark.
After all this time, it would seem about 200-250 sets have been on the market (out of 1,000) – with some I’m sure changing hands a couple times …
Of course, not many diecast sets have an accompanying letter (and a hologram) that sells for anywhere from $49 to $200 dollars or a track that sells for between $75 (at first) to about $200 now … and that’s not including ANY CARS!
Of course, if you got the track and are just building it with racers as they are re-released … you should be about here …
(Contact Nathaniel B. for the most important Piston Cup racer of all 🙂 ).
(and yea, forgot to grab Tank Coat in the other room).
« Disney Pixar CARS: Candy & Kids with Cane Sticks Do Go Together | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Launchers Land International Runway First » |

Well Tim, you certainly did set the new benchmark for a legitimate sale, and had lots of bidders as well. Yours was a displayed set too, not a sealed set. Should make some people who still haven’t opened the box yet think twice. Maybe the low set number played a part?
Congrats on setting the new high mark!
by the way… my set was number 00015/1000.
I have to say that I TRUELY set the benchmark on EBAY for the Speedway of the South Set. I just shipped it to Finland – FINAL AUCTION PRICE… $2499.99 (after I banned a bidder – who had a $3000 bid in for it).
I fealt as though the time were right… TOO many speedway cars coming out these days… I did love looking at the set, but, a $2200. profit? I needed a new roof, and couldn’t afford it any other way.
(MET: Congrats! As long as Mr. Supply Meets Mr. Demand, it’s all good 🙂 ).
My prediction value for that set would be around $500.00 dls (high price to me) only because of said ICAR and DALE Jr.
With the great mayority of the racers already out and scheduled to be released soon, I do anticipate this set to be dropped in value as a whole. The only cars in the set that seem exclusive to me and that I expect to maintain their high value and would be worth collecting are of course the APPLE ICAR and the DALE JR with angry face/nitroade body.
The limited number of sets will save it. The 2006 factory set has no exclusive cars, just exclusive packaging, and they are so hard to come by now that they will always be highly valued by collectors. I agree with Britt, dont think they will ever get lower than 900$, and I think even more.
The consumer/collector will ultimately decide that down the road when ultimately all 36 racers are fully released. I for one would not pay over $500.00 as of right now regardless of my financial status and stability since I care about collecting all the individual cars and not the set as it is, even if it is limited. I can tell that Tim realized that with most racers coming out, now was the time to sell, and boy was he right! I don’t think he himself envisioned this thing happening. The winning bidder of course had to be a foreigner. A lot of U.S. ebayers rely heavily on foreing consumers with the national economy being what it is, and of course they don’t have access to stores like Wal Mart, Toys R US, and Target (the big 3) like we have so more than likely they are missing most of the racers available on the SOTS set.
So, congratulations Tim! You must feel like you won the lottery, both good and the bad feelings. The good, you won $2,500 dollars, the bad, with ebay and paypal fees (like lottery after taxes) much did you make really? Hope you are able to fix that roof of yours. In these times of financial crisis you sometimes gotta do what you gotta do to make ends meet. Even if it means that you have to get rid of your personal valuables. You have your priorities straight. Best of luck to ya!
My prediction.. Speedway of the South set will settle in the $800-$900 range in 5 years. Possibly lower if Apple car is ever re-released.
A member on Carsthetoys has reported that the set is back up for sale. They also said the $2500 buyer had Zero feedback so it was most likely bogus.
You don’t even have to “agree not to complete…” They can just file a claim of non-payment after 7 days of the auction completing. You can just create a fake ebay name and use it to “win” or bid on auctions. Then file against it and that account gets suspended (after 3 or so strikes). No loss to the actual seller because eBay will refund seller fees after 21 days (7 days for non-payment, then another 14 days to give buyer a last chance to pay before non-payment strike against them.) Now with the way eBay is now, if it were really a DIFFERENT ebayer that tried to buy it and decided they didnt want to after all, the seller couldn’t be able to leave negative feedback. They would have to leave positive, but leave a negative comment, and/or just get money back from ebay and hope they kick the buyer off. With all that put aside, I am sure this guy faked the sale to get all of this attention.
Here it is, Ebay item #310132062604
Looks like he pretended to sell it, then relisted it as another buy it now for 2500 again. Can he do that, and if so, why?
(Met: Looks like what they said was true – strange, don’t you have to pay big eBay fees for a $2,500 listing?)
lol .. didn’t see that one coming .. 😛
Yes, on the fees, unless “buyer and seller both agree not to complete the transaction” In this case I suspect buyer and seller are the same.
Great way to get some buzz on your auctions. And maybe artificially increase the value of the set at the same time.
The item has been relisted! HA!!
He also says he CANNOT ship this to Australia due to the size. Sorry Aussie friends! 😉
What a pile of horse crap this knob is. He says he CANNOT ship this to Australia due to the size. Well thank god UPS didn’t know this when they sent mine over. I used a US address (as redline did not send overseas) to buy and that person then on-sent to me.
Yep if the lister is telling lies here then the lister must also sell inflatable knobs that attach to peoples foreheads for anybody that believes hs is genuine.
Auction says “U.S.P.S.” not UPS. USPS is the U.S. Postal Service. Perhaps UPS would ship it, but perhaps USPS would not.
Hey I would gladly part with mine, including letter w/hologram for $2500!!!!!! Any takers?
I admit, it was me…I thought the auction was in Canadian Dollars, so $2,500 wood be $1,000 US…MY BAD!!
and you were sending it to me, right!?!?! 😉
ANYTHING for you, my little bug!
right back atcha!!!
Hell, I got into collecting CARS long after these were already coveted “woulda coulda shoulda” pieces… but I go through this every time I decide to get something expensive, and most times, it only goes up in value if I don’t get it… with my luck, if I had bought this, Mattel would have released all of the racers within a year and no one would want it. Oh well, no apple car for me! At this point I do have every racer in the shot except Sidewall Shine, as well as the Tank Coat and Spare Mint others have noticed are missing. Just trying to acquire Faux Wheel Drive and Sidewall, though I doubt either will ever be reasonable.
I love the way a MSOS looks displayed, but there is no way I could keep my son’s hands off of it, so it just isn’t worth the investment to me. We will just keep steadily putting together our own little speedway.
I let my boys play with ours. Husband thinks I am crazy.
I think if I had bought mine way back when I would have let Liam play with it too, but to pay this price…it would be a tough decision.
I think I’d better hide my two MSOS from the wife. 😉
I can total BS on this price, as someone who has purchased Several of these sets since last November I can tell you the average price is about $1200, which is less than half of $2500.
The guy selling for $2500 buys his own auctions in an attempt to convince people this is what it is worth, hoping that when he relists at $1800 it seems like a bargain…I think it is bad to make people think this is a value of a SOTS…
I was thinking the same thing as soon as I saw this post!
I could have made a sizeable dent in my college loan payback with that.
Btw, that photo showing all the released Piston Cup racers is missing Tank Coat.
I wish I had one of these darn sets… But then if you purchase this for $2500, how dare you open the box?? I am not sure I could do it after spending that much. And then of course what is the point of saving it closed where you can’t see the cars?? Other than a college tuition savigns plan of course 🙂
You’d have to at least open it to make sure everything was there, right? But then once it was open, how could you resist taking them out and setting it all up, just to see, you know? From there it’s a short way to playing with them and then inevitably someone’ll lick one and it’s all over.
hahaha… that is just about right!
Like PT always said, “there’s a sucker born every minute”!
I thought his motto was ‘Flaming Death!!’
(just kidding 😛 )
I am still very skeptical of the whole auction. New bidder with 0 feedback. I guess I will wait and see if #799 comes up for auction anywhere else in the future.
The seller also has a #&$#&% feedback score!
You forgot Sparemint as well.
So place your bets on which one might be held back. I vote for Gaspirin.
With that many sets parted out, the hologram sticker/letter sold separately, as well as the track display box, intact sets should continue to increase. I do hope at least one will remain exclusive to the set as Mattel advertised.
I’m just not sure what to make of this… you could buy a real car for that price… or oyu could buy the MSOS…hmmmmm.. i’m still not sure.
you… darn it
A MSOS Dale Jr. sold on ebay recently for $101.25 and there is one up right now, latest bid $71.05 with 2 days to go. I don’t have a set but I sure would like to have a MSOS Dale Jr. for my collection. At these prices, that is not a possibility 🙁
Not to worry, I’m sure someone will come up with some cheap knockoffs and claim they’re 1 of 150 produced later.
You’re forgetting about the counterfeit MSOS sets that were being produced overseas last year! They were caught before they hit the market. Made with molds apparently stolen by people working at the plant producing CARS for Mattel. Officials said the quality of the cars and the packaging was so good, even experts had trouble finding errors!
Were the counterfeit Speedway Sets actually produced? Or stopped before production. I remember there were 28 sets for sale on ebay.
meant to say for presale on ebay
As I remember the story, none of the sets made it to the market place.
Did I ever tell you all about the time I almost bought 2 of these??? Oh well. Sure would have helped me out in my current situation!
Me too Jeff, me too. But I am grateful to have bought at least one 🙂