Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Mini Motorized Trailers Next Cases
No case assortment yet but coming next as mini’s – with motorized trailers …
It looks like the first release of Mini Chick Hicks in GREEN is finally coming.
Unknown if McQueen’s current red trailer will simply be painted blue? Or will Fire Department Mater simply be with same trailer RED came with? Presumably, King & Chick Hicks will have a rounded trailer backs – though, color matched …
Though most likely, they will be like Ramone’s is now … still the same outside shape as McQueen’s but with added/changed elements.
Ramone has a different spoiler, a tire on the back door and an air compressor versus McQueen’s version which has tools inside (non removeable) – and obviously different colors but otherwise, the same trailer body mold.
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Mini’s Next Cases + Some at Aldi’s … | Mattel Disney Pixar CARS: The Games & Stickers » |

I refuse to let my kids have any more of these until Mattel makes the cars actually *FIT* onto the trailer hitches. Too bad too, they’re really neat looking. Other than this issue, the Minis line is really starting to pick up.
I don’t love the mini trailers, but the newer more canon minis are so cute I want to pinch them!
the trailers chase cats well. they seem to be quick enough to keep up with a cat running at full tilt on linoleum. that alone makes them great in my sons book.
That totally ROCKS!!!! I guess there is a reason to buy these things 🙂
Whoa, all these minis?? Tooo tooooo cute! Perfect for Easter baskets 🙂
I agree that I am a little disappointed with the trailers, but they look really good and if nothing else make a great display. I will be buying the next ones coming out! Fire Mater? hmmmm, will probably be the mini Fire Dept Mater… hopefully the trailer is different or else I probably won’t buy that one since I already have a red trailer AND a fire dept Mater.
What are the next mainline singles cases coming up???
(MET: G is shipping. See post from a few days ago).
I mean after G. What’s coming up?
(MET: Smarta** answer, H … No, the reason I have not posted H is that there are two CHASE CARS listed so I know it’s not correct but so far, can’t find any other answers …).
Oh, ok. It seems like you usually know the next 2-3 cases coming down the road ahead of time.
(MET: Actually all the cases were posted last year sometime, can’t remember what post but I’ll do an H update and J tomorrow).
I love these even though they are not canon they are Cute.
What is the ‘Becoming Celebrity’ link above? some form of advertisement?
Anyways, I love the minis, but very much dislike the trailers. I was hoping the clogged shelves of these would finish em off. Of course it seems more likely we will see a pallet drop of these beside the NV McQueen/ Tractor Tippin pallet at Walmarts. $5.97 for two cars seems much better deal than $8.47 for car and trailer.
Chick should sell well if its his regular green self. Fire department Mater will only do well if he looks like the Mater Tales version. The rest? Look for a Sept clearance bin.
Purple Ramones with trailer have invaded Walmarts all around my area. I figured they would be everywhere. I know the cheapest one on eBay right now is $12.28 shipped BuyitNow. Cheaper than I could ship it at exact costs.
The becoming celebrity thing is a “track back” thing where if someone else links to this post, it shows up here. If you go to that post, there should be an article or blog post that mentions this one.
oh ok cool. I am always wary of clicking on strange links.
Thank you 🙂
oops. missed this. I must remember to keep reading before opening my big mouth!
I know not the post………
Why is it that impound Snot Rod has the boot on the passenger front and the other three have it on the driver side – is that the way it was in the movie?
(I know…. shame…….shame…..)
Mr. T, I Easy Idle Pitty you. Sigh…
I believe so.
I’m just wondering what is up with the post above this? Are we getting some spam advertising here Met?
i have yet to find a Ramone 🙁
Do you want one? My Wal-Mart has had 2 as pegwarmers for weeks now.
They are $8.47 + Sales Tax + Shipping + PayPal Fee + a PirateDad Kickback Fee (long story)
Email: JohnJurgovan AT
I had the first three from Walmart, they went back after I realized the money I’d spent on something that really doesn’t have any connection to the movie at all. I can buy 3 CARS for what these things go for in stores. No thanks.
Yeah, but when there are singles to buy on the pegs…
AND, they are really cute.
Cute………I will give them that……….
I have the first three, but am gonna have to stop trying to get all of them…I do want all the Piston Cup Racers tho!!
these look kinda cute…
but doe sanyone else think they would be better if you could fit the cars inside?
so its like a caravan for tos elong journeys, and for snobby cars that dont want to sleep under the stars…