Disney Pixar CARS: Candy & Kids with Cane Sticks Do Go Together
Is it just me or does it seem wrong to beat McQueen like a Repo Man until he gives you candy?
I could see beating on this dude’s masked head … Dude, you had a chance to kill Jar Jar – instead of you take out Biggs … that’s a pinata beating!
This also seems wrong somehow …
“HI! I’m El …. ahhhh ….. we don’t do this on Sesame Street – did I take a wrong turn? Just because I’m red – that is not a gang sign … Ahhhhhhh …. El-mo not rented mule .. stop hitting me …”
Okay, now this, I would beat for candy …
Fun with sticks!
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Those pull string pinatas never work – and they are made of cardboard so you cant break them, they just cave in. You need to make your own, with flour and water and newspaper. Those kind break good and candy explodes all over!!!! two years ago we did a Cars party, and I made one that was just a star shape, with the lightning bolt and 95 logo in the middle. It was a big “hit”
That is a really good idea! A simple shape that still fits in with the theme.
Where did Villanova find that Duke Pinata last night? 😀 I do like the idea of a Matty Pinata.
We did a pull string pinata for son’s 1st bday since he was too young to swing a stick. Well that one backfired on us big time! We let him pull first since he was the birthday boy and then the 2nd kid pulled the “special” string. Well, the rest of the 15 kids that were standing in line just stopped and stared in disbelief for a moment. Then I guess the shock wore off of how they got robbed and dove for the candy and toys. Haven’t done a pinata since-he just turned 4.
We use pull pinatas with great success. Get each kid to hold one string and altogether pull at once! No one even knows who pulled the special string!
PS make sure the string hold it up is strong eneought to carry the weight of 15 or so kids, or else it is just as dangerous as the old stick, or a coconut to the head 🙂
(MET: Ahhh, now I understand why there are 25 strings, I thought it was decorative purposes and good thinking on the main rope, never would’ve thought of that … after all, kids are always careful 🙂 ).
I may have found the missing link to who Big Al is!
In the movie when the Cars enter the courtroom and Lizzie mentions Big Al, there are several shots of some paintings behind Doc. One of these shows a crane/car that appears to be holding what can be best described as an old-fashioned scale set. The car/crane looks big enough to pull Bessie and ‘old’ enough.
There is also a picture at the back of the courtroom of a car that looks like Stanley only with differences. It is the little things like this I notice when watching the film now (into the 1000th time). I just love the detail that has been included.
Of course this is only a half-baked theory and I could well be wrong! Just wanted to put it out there!
I thought the same thing
Maybe Matty should get off his fatty-@ssy and get Pixar to put out catalogue listing all the characters they created and/or implied in that movie…
Who am I kiddin’!!!
Dude-Met-Dude? Could you call Pixar for us?
Which is why I always wonder HOW the Academy Award didn’t go to Cars. How could it have gone to that dumb movie about penguins, Happy Feet, which I cannot watch all the way through for the life of me. Was it just because Robin Williams did the voice? I guess Robin Vs. Owen and we know who won. My wife talks about it every time she sees Cars. All the details, like the ceiling fan shadows in the courtroom, and all sorts of small little things that make a great animated film, amazing, yet the Academy in all the wisdom gives the award to dancing penguins. Hmmmm, wonder how much money got moved around that day…
(MET: My theory – professional jealousy … that was the year that Pixar was bought by Disney so it was like, “They’re rich AND we’re gonna give them an Oscar? I have a feeling that’s why Wall-E lost the Animators Annie awards this year – animators at the other companies were thinking – man, these guys win everything and Wall-E will win the Oscar – I hate them so I’ll vote for anything else.”)
Happy Feet is sooo horrible. It makes no sense, the penguin is searching for his “song” mate and the little penguin inspires them to dance as well as sing, then all of a sudden it turns into an environmental awareness movie? What????
On principle alone, I will never own Happy Feet.
rock n roll…
LMQ above appears to be a “pull string” pinata. They are the new politically correct and non-maiming version where each kid pulls a string and one of the strings opens the trap door in the bottom of the pinata.
Being latina, I kinda have a philosophical objection to them, but they are kinder and gentler.
One of my little cousins had a princess pinata one year and we all joked that it looked like a hate crime.
I have gone with inanimate object pinatas for the boys, a space shuttle one year and the Mach 5 last year.
This year, we will probably have a Ben 10 party too Collectormom! I was thinking an omnitrix pinata.
I would love to give that Mach 5 a beatin’ if there is anything left to beat…
Or did you just throw it out like all the other Mach 5 toys…???
We have used pinatas several times at Bday parties, and they always end up hanging them in their rooms afterwards…PirateSon’s last Bday party was Transformers with an Optimus Prime Pinata, but along with the candy, I put 6 Sputter Stops in it for the kids!!
(MET: Ouch?)
So THAT’s how you got rid of those!
wheres the Matty pinata when ya need it. 🙂
Yeah!!! A Matty pinata!!!!
I would buy shares!!!
why not just rent a mule…. JUST ASKING!
Dude… A mule?
Seriously Dude-Crazycarsguy-Dude… I was gonna make a political stand by screwin’ with my own avatar… But I neither have the time or the patience for it.
I can’t stand your avatar.
If that is YOU in the picture… Good for you – And good luck with it. And my bad for even bringin’ this up, but…
I have a gut feelin’ that it isn’t you and just so you know, my kid will be four in a few months and I am sure this web page will become one of his faves.
So please… if only for me Dude-Crazy-Dude-CarCrazy_Man_Dude-Thang… And not all the other millions of KIDS out there on this site…
Again… Only if this is NOT YOUR REAL LIKENESS…
P L E A S E C H A N G E Y O U R A V A T A R ! ! ! ! ! !
Â¥ – Peace
I am with you dude.
personally i think it is quite funny! that said, I hope that isn’t really you either 🙂
but while we are debating this, what exactly is your new avatar a pic of Mr Blowouts? Is it a member of Kiss?
Yeah – Me the mornin’ after, maybe
lol! I know the feeling
PS CrazyCarsDude…
Sorry about the freak-out session there above…
I don’t let very many things get to me, but for some reason…
That picture makes me cringe.
I rather sleep with Matty than look at that pic…
I’d like to take a whack at that Elmo!
Me too!
Today is my son Jack’s 4th birthday and Saturday we’re having his party. It’s a Ben 10 party and we’re having our first ever pinata; a cute little Ben 10 guy. I’m afraid my son is going to freak out when he sees kids whacking it and pass out when it finally busts open!
(MET: Let us know if any adults get clipped …).
Do you have a spare? You might want to show it to him beforehand in case he cries when the other one is whacked. 🙂
My son survived the party but sadly our Ben 10 pinata did not; as soon as he hit the ground my son was in there with the rest of them grabbing up the candy. He was cheering them on to hit it hard! No worries for him he just wanted the candy. I thought my husband was going to get a good crack in the head but he ducked just in time.
My Purdue Boilermakers lost tonight, but I am FIRST!!
Time for a new Avatar by the way!
Ahem, new Avatar NOW???
not a fan of Mizzou John?
They are taking it to Memphis at the half
I’m not typically a fan of theirs, but the LOOOOOONG 3-pointer to end the half made me WHOOOOOOP!!
I am originally from Chicago and went to Purdue.
ok, that makes sense….
Mizzou is really just dominating this game right now.
Nova is my home town team thats left, hopefully they can hold their lead vs Duke.
I picked Memphis to win this game, and Duke to win your game. Memphis slowly catching up, but I think Nova has their game locked up.
I had Memphis as well but I did have Nova going to the Eight.