Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Mini’s Next Cases + Some at Aldi’s …
As I said, the Mini’s are getting better and better …
And even better, if you live near an Aldi Store, Mini 2-packs are sale this weekend at $4.99 – thanks, “John of MO.”
Though they are jumping a gun a little on what’s pictured there. While Mini Bob Cutlass is out, I don’t believe Mini Cactus McQueen, Mini FHH and Mini Dinoco Helicopter will be out by Sunday. They are coming but probably not for a month or so.
Shipping next week, CASE F …
(don’t worry, No Stall only looks orange).
After that, here’s what’s coming but case assortments are hard to come by – but this list should be in mostly chronological order … within each grouping – of course, some are already out or coming in CASE F so you can presume 1 of each group will be included in the next upcoming cases … as soon as more precise info is know, it will be posted.
Happy collecting!
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Well the Aldi’s “Event” was a bust!! They had lots of Mini’s, but they were one of the cases that came out BEFORE the Mini Mack Hauler. After they featured Mainline Singles Case C a couple of weeks ago, I kind of figured these would be ancient!
Went to Aldi this . The promo doesn’t start until Thur. April 2 here in FL. Don’t know if I’ll bother going back since you say it’s all old stuff.
that would be this morning.
What old ones did they have?
Stuff like:
Doc & Sheriff from Sarge’s Boot Camp
Luigi & Guido from Fillmore’s Festival
Lizzie & Red from Radiator Springs (where Red is painted blue)
???? & Red from the Fire Department
The King & Dinoco McQueen
and I think Lizzie & Sally from Lightning McQueen’s Team
Yep, that’s what hit my ALDI too. I was so disappointed. But I did snag a Lizzie and Red since Tyler didn’t have Mini Lizzie yet.
The mini Radiator springs mcqueen/Green Ramone are already out. And originally I thought the mcqueen was the same one as the mini playset “Flo’s cafe” but it is NOT! So it is totally new. I cant wait for all these, they are sooooo cute!!!!!
I just got the mini Green Ramone and Radiator Springs McQueen today. That was the only thing worth getting at my WM today. Think I misssed Case G since I saw a ROR Lightning Ramone there-he is in Case G right??
That is correct.
I knew it! There must be a big time ebaylien on that side of town. There were 4 Chick ROR Launchers there-all the others gone.
The more canon minis are super!! I love them! I only wish they could make them even more mini!
The minis aren’t for everyone, understandable. They weren’t for me 6 months ago.. but since then I have gotten almost completely caught up because we LOVE them!
Traver – make us a mini display case! or maybe the 1:55 would work, but it would be nicer to get a few more in one case with smaller shelves or something.
Mini Helicopter? Are you kidding me??? How would you not want Big Pappa Heli (OS Dinoco Heli), Mamma Heli (regular size Heli) and baby Heli (mini Heli). Mini Jerry – I may have to buy 5 of those! I alreay have two of each of the other mini haulers because they are just so darn fun and cute. HUUUUUGE Bravo to Martin & Teams on these creations.
Like I said before, a mini MSOS set would be a dream come true, especially since I missed out on the 1:55 size 🙁
They are priced a little high though considering they are plastic and much smaller than their equally price 1:55 generation.
Don’t forget Grandpa Heli! (Lights ‘n’ Sounds)
i loooooove the minis they are so cute and just too much fun to pass up. they are so fun to play with my son with. it you make them i will buy them.
Its funny , I am not a completist on the mainline, but I think I have just about every mini so far, and will probably end up getting the rest of these. They are cute lil guys and don’t take up as much space. Al Oft in a 2 pack? Shouldnt he be by himself? Bring on the mini Rv’s and Mater’s Tales! 🙂
wouldnt the first release of Al Oft be better for the scale of the minis? you kow, the non MS/OS one…
My son and I love the minis! Can’t wait for all of the new ones! WE WILL GET THEM ALL!
Let’s not speculate what the Aldi stores may or may not have on Sunday……we all fell for the idea that we’d never see Jerry on store shelves and look how that turned out.
(MET: As for Jerry, yea, if you don’t read all that carefully and jump to conclusions).
John in Missouri the Optimist: I can’t wait to see the selection of new Mini’s at Aldi’s starting this Sunday!
John in Missouri the Pessimist: Wait a second, Aldi had Case C Mainline singles last week, so their Mini’s selection might be 2 months old as well.
wait…there are aldi’s in america?
thought it was only here in the uk,
should i not get my hopes up about seeing them over here too?
checked earlier, couldnt see anything cars or even toys related in store and no cars in the magazine of things to come…
Well, I will be adding more than a few to the product line that I said I would never buy… The 20 I currently have need company… I’m sticking with the racers, the haulers, and the ones that look like they do in the movie, such as the Tunerz, Bob Cutlass, and Darrell Cartrip. Resistance is futile! I must have my Cars!
i say put more effort into the 1:55 line!
I second – third – and forth that comment!
Fourth – fifth – sixth – and seventh!!!! How bout worrying about putting less McQ’s in the incoming cases and finish the 1:55 line?!?!
Put more effort into the 1:55? There will be MORE NEW releases this year than over any time in the past. And yes, while there will ALWAYS be a flood of MQ’s out there, a lot of new releases are also floating around. Finish the line? What? There are so many new characters coming out that “finishing” the line is A LONG WAY off. Really the one disappointment is that Sarge hasn’t been re-released. That has been a mistake on Mattels part. If the lead issue has been fixed, then move on. Re-release Sarge instead of one of the new characters. I mean, Chuck Manifold is becomming the new Green Ramone, so ease up on those and bring Sarge back. But all in all, things really have been looking pretty good in my opinion.
Have looked but never touched. But that Tank Coat mini, as Met photographed it sure looks cute.
Hello all my wife is a manager at aldi. If you need something let me know. i would love to trade
oh snap!!!!!!!!! I guess I officially need to get a 2nd job (or a REAL Sugardaddy!!! hahahaha!)
hey little girl… you goin my way?
I defy you to resist my smile!!!
I want a house with a pool, along with a Cars addition…. a real “Sally” car… a plane so I can go see my granddaughter whenever I wanted, a maid, a chef, a personal trainer…. can you deliver???
is there a checklist out for the Mini’s?
There is NO way you can resist a Mini Jerry Recycled Batteries Hauler! I dare you!
I defy you to pass on Mia/Tia waitresses too!
I cannot resist! I already owe Martin a NY Style Pizza at SDCC for the last time I tries to resist.
you and me both…i haven’t bought one mini since they came out and I don’t know if i can do it this time, to many good minis coming out.
A grouchy, mini, dang Peterbilt, impossible to resist. Even that Dinoco helicopter! Make anything a mini and it’s cuteness instantly skyrockets.
I GUARANTEE I will resist on the little pieces of junk…….and we complain about pirates. These are no better, just small little knock-offs to get more of your money. Oh well, if you got it to blow…
BigMO you seem like you need a hug; PirateDad give BigMO a hug!
Hey, the minis are great!!!!!!!!!!
And Barney Stormin’? That should be the cutest thing ever!