Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: New Walmart Cube That We Don’t Need
There’s a new quasi-CARS Cube that doesn’t really sound necessary …
John from MO reports in …
“On one side there is nothing but the new Tractor Tipping game. Going clockwise, the next side is half Night Vision McQueen (probably 4 dozen of them) and the other half a Hot Wheels playset. The next side is all Hot Wheels playsets (SharkBite Bay). The fourth side is half Hot Wheels playsets, and the other half probably 4 dozen MORE Night Vision McQueen’s.”
Since John didn’t have a camera with him, I arted up an old Cube photo …
« Disney Pixar CARS: Display Light – In Good Taste, Outside the Law | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: CARS Photo Roundup … » |

my walmart has cleared all the big aisles that usually hold the pallets so looks like some sort or restock is happening store wide. i thought NVMcQueen was going to be rare and hard to find when it was first mentioned here. isnt that funny. looking forward to the 2-6 weeks target says on new haulers. can’t find any new singles. tuesdays have been lucky in the past but not today.
My WM still has one Dudley and one small version of Al Oft. They sold one Dudley since Christmas but these two are still hanging on. They look so lonely. And I’m so frustrated!!!!
You dropped the twins from your name?
I saw this cube at Walmart this morning and got super super excited, until I saw what the case held, then I was disappointed! I’m thinking NVLM will be a clearance or rolled back price soon to help move him along now that the stores have sooo many!
My Wamlarts are also full of Night Vision Mcqueens. The singles have dried up at my local Walmart stores. Most of the Walmarts in my area only stock the older singles. (One even has WOC singles still)
The funny thing to me is… why didn’t they come out with this in November?? Or whenever it was that they put these out. Then tons would have been sold over Christmas time… but now 5 months later.. .everyone has already gotten one on eBay!
In Mattel’s defense, I wonder how they could ever win with a good case assortment given the number of cars released(granted a few less versions of Lightning would be nice.. but). How do you keep them all in rotation and get the new ones out in numbers, etc? Yikes! But I think they could definitely improve.
I am impressed with the amount of new cars they are putting out through cases though. Seems like they are repeating the new ones in at least 2 cases or more which gives everyone a chance to get one. I think the case assortment is slowing improving. But they could still mix it up a little! Glad to see Mater coming back out!
My Proposed solution is oferring several different cases. One case of the new stuff, one cases of townies, one case of racers etc. Then stores could order whatever they want/need. Would that be so diffcult?
Not a bad idea!
I recently traveled to Albuquerque, NM and Flagstaff, AZ-we hit just about every Target and WM that we could see from the interstate. All the WM had tons of NVLM and about just as many Al Ofts! I did find the mini Ramone with trailer at a couple WM. I hit the jackpot in a Target in Albuquerque and Flagstaff. Found a total of 7 Case F’s-but only 3 Impound Wingo’s. Will have all my extras up on trading post soon.
I went back to Wal-Mart this morning and counted the NVLMcQ’s in the cube — there were “only” 54. I overestimated the number yesterday. The pegs had maybe another 36 or so that have been there for several weeks.
I still think that all of those Night Vision McQueens are screwing up the Walmart computer system’s ability to realize that most of their stores are low or out of stock on the regular CARS line…….system shows store “A” has 40 CARS in stock, no need to replenish……..that’s my bet. Our nearest WM has virtually 0 CARS on the pegs, but close to 40 Night Visions.
Yes, most WM’s still have either like 30 NVMcQ’s or like 50 WOC’s, so they don’t get any new ones in. Manager: “Well, they’re not selling; why would I order more?” Other manager: “This line doesn’t seem to sell very well….” Yeah, go take a look at the Cars section and you’ll soon figure out why.
I saw this cube over the weekend at a suburban Walmart.
It’s really been a looong time since Walmart was the place where I ‘found cars, and lived better.’ The closest Walmart is better at having the latest Transformers on the shelves than CARS.
3 of my local Walmarts have these too. Maybe if they were the price of the regular cars, they would sell. I mean you are paying $2.97 for the car, so that means you are paying MORE for the little booklet. These would have made a perfect ‘limited edition’ . Oh well, guess i will buy one when they are $2.
Also noticed several Walmart had Cars 2009 wall calendars on clearance for 50 cents.
The same holds true for Movie Moments — why on earth would you want to pay $8.79 (or more) when a single is $3.47? I’m talking about Target of course, but the last time I checked, $3.47 x 2 is $6.94. I guess they figure they can a charge a premium for such characters as Red, Mrs. the King, etc., but still!
All the multiples and box sets are like that. Revolting 4-pack is $15 – $3.75 each, etc. Minis cost the same as their diecast counterparts.
oh wait, the Target team sets are equal price to their single counterparts. Maybe that is why they are my favorite. 🙂
WM sucks!
Maybe not, but that holds true around here…. I haven’t scored 1:55’s that I didn’t already have at my local one since Dec. ’07, but I’ve said that so many times…… 🙄
Mattel SUCKS!!
I am SICK of not getting any singles…it has been 7 months minimum since we got a NEW case of SINGLES in Canada!! WTFudge????
I took some pics of this with my phone but they didn’t turn out so great. It’s really nothing too exciting to see – I was greatly disappointed to say the least 🙁
Since NV McQueen came in his own case I guess this is to be expected. Now if they would only put Todd, the Pizza Planet Truck in his own case. somehow I don’t think he would become a pegwarmer even if.
Ahhh…remember the days – prior to and on Black Friday – of searching high and low for Night Vision McQueen and having no luck!?!?! How times have changed…
I actually saw eleventy billion California Speedway Sets in Walmart in NH today. They were giving them away as a promo – buy a bag of bird seed and some sandpaper, get one free.
Hey’s where’s Smurfette???
Right here!!!
Eleventy Billion is a great number! I believe the Treasury Department is actually going to use that figure for the next Stimulus Package!
If you guys dont want it, we’ll have it over here in the UK!
When these go on ultra-double clearance, I can get you a pretty good deal!
Sounds like the WMs around here…Maybe I’ll check it out tomorrow…
Sadly, I can easily picture that situation without an actual photo.
Cool avatar! 8)
The walmarts in NH had about eleventy billion night vision mcqueens…
And to think I thought only the El Paso WM’s had eleventy billion night vision mcqueen’s
same in las vegas
yup. way too many here in Vegas. I am waiting for these to go on sale. I need one since we “misplaced” the book. My chances of seeing these on sale are getting better now with this new cube having about 100. Simply ridiculous Mattel!! Most wasted space of a cube ever. What’s next? A cube with 100 lightning mcqueens!
Same here — if I had had more time, I would have taken all the pegwarming NVLMcQ’s and moved them over to the pallet full of soon-to-be pegwarming NVLMcQ’s.