Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Haulers Next at Target Online (UPDATE #2)
Thanks to “Mara,” the next haulers coming are listed on and since they do Target’s online fulfillment.
Some parts of this make perfect sense …
If you’re still looking for …
Amazon Links Links
You’ll notice it’s the same ASIN/product number as Amazon as Amazon does fulfillment for Target.
The next news sort of makes sense … Jerry Recycled is listed and “Sergio” says his order has a ship date of 4/23/2009 – while it does not exactly mesh with the production dates listed so far, Jerry Recycled might be ready to go since they made a batch for Walmart.
But the listing of the next ones after that – especially NO STALL HAULER? No Stall hauler’s photo mysteriously appeared last month but there is no case assortment assigned … so if Walmart got a special case of haulers, now they offered one to Target? But they seem to be offering a lot to Target?
The listing so far? (click on the links for direct Amazon ordering)
Plausible as it’s the next “new” one after JERRY RECYCLED.
Presumed it was coming later in 2009 but not on the listing through CASE G. “Early to ship” exclusive?
Another “early to ship” exclusive also?
Scheduled but not until early Autumn …
Scheduled but not until late Autumn …
Scheduled but not until late Autumn …
You know what they say about if something sounds too good to be true …
Order a dozen?
That’s our new Mattel Disney Pixar CARS saying.
Since we keep getting haulers, I have now decided to rank them based on the confirmation from Sergio that his order is coming 4/23/2009.
From the good to not so good spectrum for April-May 2009 π
90% Confidence Level
That Jerry Recycled is going to ship along with any order for Octane Gain, Leak Less (plus of course Mack, Dinoco & Chick Hicks hauler)
75% Confidence Level
That Trunk Fresh will ready to ship to Target – those above would comprise an early special Target shipment.
50% Confidence Level
That maybe No Stall or RPM is a special case set aside for Target much like WM got Jerry Recycled. RPM is relatively straightforward since they have already released the megasized so while mixing that plastic color for the Semi, might as well do the Hauler.
So, Jerry Recycled is a probable. Trunk Fresh (scheduled for the case after Jerry) is certainly very possible and No Stall or RPM hauler are very plausible if they moved up production or are making a special shipment for Target.
Beyond those, I would not be setting your clocks …
Gil, Nitroade & Shiny Wax are all scheduled for early to late Fall … so while Target could get them to push up the dates slightly, it’s not going to change by a lot – unless Matel suddenly has decided to do two new haulers a month – and haven’t told anyone π
Can I see Target getting a couple first to ship or even real exclusives such as RPM or No Stall – sure but first to ship to Target on the next 6 new ones and all in a month’s period or even 2 month time period … unlikely.
Might we see Gil, Nitroade and Shiny Wax earlier than the current schedule of early to late Fall? Sure. But will we see it before July? I doubt it very much. I would put the possibility of seeing these three before June at 2%, of July at 20% and even August – no more than 50%.
Of course, there’s no reason for you not to pre-order since your card isn’t charged and at Amazon, as long as your order is not being packed, you can cancel but do not be surprised when in April, you get an email saying part or all of your order will be delayed.
As with Target, since they use DPCI numbers, it’s hard for any info to leak out since unless they have access to the buyers DB, there’s no way to match up UPC’s with Target’s DPCI’s … so the bottom line is that the actual scenario is unknown.
Maybe don’t expect too much and you might be pleasantly surprised? π
And Team Hauler Leak Less is next (Hauler, Racer & Pitty Target box) so can we presume they will both arrive on the same ship in mid April after tax day? π
Humm ….
So, thanks “Mara” for the heads up and “Sergio” for your info.
Good luck!
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: In a Pitty Blaze of Speedway of the South Glory | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: San Diego Comic Con 4-Day Pass Sold Out » |

Yeah I finally was going to pull the trigger on these and no longer available online. Oops. Hopefully they will come back but I can’t believe I actually hesitated. Oh well live and learn.
Just tried ordering mine and they are currently unavailable! I really want to cry right now!
Wow – I wonder what this means! They were available yesterday because I looked – I was tempted to order more but didn’t.
I had them in my cart this morning and didn’t have time to finish the order because I had to get my son to school. Went to go finish my order and it said there were none available. None on Amazon either. Really feel like throwing up! My son is gonna be so upset if I can’t get them!
new $5 off $50 code:
Ok, I updated my order for the 3 new haulers. TGT does not have Shiny Wax Hauler, so I used Amazon for that one.
Any chance they will start offering the oversize? Or Case sales?
(MET: I heard they are direct importing the haulers just for the web – no store inventory).
Shinny Wax is back on Target. I see different people have their favorite between Amazon and Target (TGT). TGT I was able to correct and combine my order to save on shipping. Too easy. Also the stock is doing well.
I was able to order all 6 of the new haulers tonight.
Shipping estimate for these items: April 21, 2009
Estimated Delivery: April 24, 2009 – May 12, 2009
$90.91 with tax and shipping
The only thing that would have made it better, would have been if they had a store pickup. But for $7.81 I’ll let them bring them to me.
**Does anyone have the current Target Promo Code for $5 off over $50?
The last one expired Friday.
I just used the one listed above about an hour ago and it worked fine for me. Try it again – TCMVS7RD. Good luck!
The link that I posted (that was apparently removed)worked fine, but thanks for replying with that code….I must have looked right past that code in the later comments.
As I said in an earlier reply:
Letβs face it, Target has finally realized the market is there for CARS merchandise, so Iβm going to jump on board with their online offerings and see how things work out. Iβm still waiting for my hauler case from CTC with 2 Jerrys, Octane Gain, and LeakLess, and I ALREADY HAVE ALL OF THEM from Target and Walmart! Sometimes, the muscle of corporations has major benefits for us, the customers.
Yah – I gotta agree with you. I felt the same way.
By the way, I don’t care WHO fulfills the order, Amazon has treated me very well over the years and certainly saved me more than a few dollars at the same time.
I ordered Trunk Fresh,RPM and No Stall through the Target web site for a total w/ shipping $48.10
After reading the updated post I ordered Nitroaide,Shiny Wax and Gil for the same price.
I’m waiting on Jerry and Octain Gain from CTC.
This saves so much money in fuel and time running to the retailers looking for them.
As a side note, I noticed on the Amazon site when filling out the shipping info you could choose the country to ship to. Hopefully this helps some of our friends from the UK and other places.
This is absolutely insane. I just ordered six new haulers for a cheaper price than I paid for the CTC case that I ordered four months ago, which at the time only contained 3 haulers I did not have, one of which was a double. As has been mentioned above, we still don’t have that case yet either so this new order will be well worth the wait. I know that this will definitely affect the smaller wholesalers, but at least it will hopefully curb the price gauging on ebay, and be a way to get the product out to those of us who cannot find it anywhere.
This has got to be a slap in the face to Traver and the rest of the smaller wholesalers. Is this Target’s way of taking over the pre-order market.
(MET: Yea, that’s the way the ballgame is played, sometimes, a black cargo van will drive out on a field, a gorilla will come out and snap all the bats, set fire to the field and leaves … and sometimes they’re mean about it).
Mara… is this what you envisioned when you posted on the Area Shopping Report?? hahahaha!
Not really, I just thought people would be happy to get the newer haulers. Some of the Haulers they put up there are a surprise. But I also thought I would help out people who hadn’t found the first three either. By the way, Target now has Gil, Shiny Wax and the Nitroade Hauler. I cancelled my amazon order and ordered through Target because they list ship dates/delivery dates. Ship date between April 20th and May 4th, delivery between April 23rd and May 11th. I only ordered Gil because it is the only one that I want. Here is the Target website again.
(MET: Again, they will ALL be coming from Amazon anyway and as noted – the odds are most likely most of your order will be delayed until summer or Fall).
I bought the case from Traver and ordered the ones from Target as well. Now it will be a race as to which gets here first. This will save me a ton of fuel and frustration will be non existent. On the whole I am a happy camper.
me too. Even tho they say temporarily out of stock, they will let you order them. I ordered six of them, and the shipping was only $8. I would spend that on gas just looking for one of these.
i order the 3 new ones in the #2 update. i figure its worth the time now then hunting later. but of course the way things work for me, they wil be in stores soon.
I broke down and ordered all of them for the kids and I. If they don’t ship; oh well, least I tried getting in on them early.
So I ordered the ones from Target but I don’t know whether to do the ones through Amazon. At least with Target, they give an estimated delivery date of April 23rd – May 10th. What does everyone think????
(MET: They’re going to come from Amazon anyway … It’s just a guess on the date – will you get Jerry Recycled – sure … Trunk Fresh – maybe – the rest – don’t be surprised when you get a “new shipping date of May and on” on about April 16, 2009).
So were the ones on Amazon listed as “temporarily out of stock” when you guys ordered them or am I too late????
(MET: They are listing as TEMP OUT OF STOCK as “pre-order”).
If there is an “Add to Cart Button” on the item page then you can still order them.
they look great however i will stick to my guns and not start to buy any haulers, crew chiefs or pitties, only the piston cup racers, UNLESS I WIN THE LOTTERY, still waiting on those winning numbers met–lol
So what happens if you preorder all of these? Do they all ship only once they are all in stock? or shipped as they come in stock???
(MET: You can choose or you can buy them separately – which does increase the shipping costs).
Hopefully it works like the books we’ve ordered. Usually they ship it to you as it comes in and only charge you at that time… BUT who knows…CARS could work differently…. π
Hmmm, so do you not get combined shipping? and have to pay shipping for each one???
(MET: I have to give away every secret? π On Amazon, when you click “regular shipping,” cheaper shipping/ship all at once – gets you the lowest price on shipping … however, in 98% of cases, Amazon hates to have it sitting around their warehouse and will break up the shipment anyway … especially when the next item is a month/months away such as I suspect this is).
It’s true. The do not adjust the pricing even though they ship the items as it comes in. Pre-ordered a bunch of books on a great shipping and they shipped each item as it was released…
Through, It does give you the option of either shipping all in one deliver (cheapest and the way I had them shipped), or you can have them deliver each hauler as soon as they become available. It was going to add about $50 to my shipping costs when I selected that option. My expected shipping as stated in Mets post is April 17. That would be for all 6 haulers on pre-order.
Gil, Nitroade and Shiny Wax were only on Amazon, I thought. Did it say you would get those 3 by April 17th???
(MET: You can place an order but more like October is my guess).
my order was through I purchased Jerry, Leakless, Ocaine Gain, No Stall, Rpm, and Trunk Fresh. I did not order the other 3 from Amazon. It may have been someone else?
So tempting.
My rule was ‘no haulers, storytellers, or Mater’s Tall Tales’ diecasts, to curb my collecting habit. The same goes for the cab-only OS (except for Mack OS). Now, I’ll probably break my rule and get Jerry. My reasoning is he’s on that Cars movie poster in the far rear right corner.
I’m going to the suburbs tomorrow and plan to keep an eye out for him. I hope the Walmart I visit has him.
YEAH!! I know, I know, don’t get my hopes up but YEAH!! I ordered the RPM, No Stall, and Trunk Fresh directly through, and Gil, Nitroaide and Shiny Wax through We will see, but it never hurts to try.
i want gil the most now
next is jerry
I have only been able to find Mack, Gray, Chick and Wally haulers. So buying the other 6 haulers online was a no brainer. I do hope that Target is true to their shipping date. My son has been asking for Jerry just about every day. π
Where is FPG Caitlin; it seems like its been ages since we heard from her
True… Hope she is just too busy for us π Maybe they hired her for Cars 2!!
I am glad everyone is finding what they need. I didn’t order any because I am not collecting all of the racing Haulers, just the different ones like JRB, Gil, Mack etc. I am collecting the Cabs though because they are cheaper and smaller. I wish Gil was up there though. Also TRU has the cabs through Gray online, Marco, and Dustin Mellows today. I have been checking WM online for the Wally Hauler, but they have had nothing.
(MET: Thanks, Gil UPDATED – Amazon link above or HERE).
I check the websites daily and noticed that Target had gone from 61 cars items to 76, so I new they added stuff. I was surprised to see the new haulers.
(MET: No slipping anything by Mara π ).
sorry, I “knew” they added stuff. I usually don’t go through the whole listing unless I notice something like that.
Oooh, thanks! I just pre-ordered it. Amazon doesn’t give an estimated ship date. It just says that they will email you when the ship date is available. I am glad I won’t have to be looking everywhere for it. I will post whenever they do let me know about a ship date.
I got Octaine gain last night and my son wanted to take to school today. I ordered mine from target. have $5 off if you spend $50. says Shipping estimate for these items: April 20, 2009
Estimated Delivery: April 23, 2009 – May 11, 2009
still waiting for my case from ctc with Jerry. Anyone have an estimate when that is suppose to come, I know he said April.
And if you go on the website and look further for Cars, they have Shiney Wax, Gil, and Nitroade as well. Very interesting….I wish I could have these now.
which website?
CollecctorMom – below is a link fof Gil on Amazon – did not see Nitroade or Shiny Wax
(MET: Thanks, Gil UPDATED – Amazon link above or HERE).
Thanks, I was checking the Target site; forgot to check Amazon
oops – here’s shiny wax – just can’t find Nitroade!
Here is the link to Nitroade Hauler π
I saw gil but did not see nitroade or shiny wax – can you please post link?
(MET: Nitroade and Shiny Wax not due until late summer-early Fall).
Let’s face it, Target has finally realized the market is there for CARS merchandise, so I’m going to jump on board with their online offerings and see how things work out. I’m still waiting for my hauler case from CTC with 2 Jerrys, Octane Gain, and LeakLess, and I ALREADY HAVE ALL OF THEM from Target and Walmart! Sometimes, the muscle of corporations has major benefits for us, the customers.
I think that they are spelling problems.
Nitoaide? that is how it is listed on
Gil does not have Disney name in title and Octane gain is called Octane Gail
(MET: That’s now they are listed on the “sheet.”)
Same thing..anyone can you help me?
I can help you Luca. Just send me an email at . I do a similar thing for another guy in UK. Just charge cost. Let me know!
I would have thought that, if these were gonna ad available within 6 weeks, our friend in Hong Kong who works in the factory would have them on ebay by now!
If these are real, is there anyone out there who would be willing to help out a UK brother, by ordering them for me and shipping them?
I can help you! Just send me an email at . I do a similar thing for another guy in UK. Just charge cost. Let me know!
I’m going to get so spoiled with this. SO much better than going through ebay or some other website.
Awesome, just added them all to my(I mean the kids’) Amazon wishlist.
Ordering from Target.Com, I like this route!!! I am now up to date. And my 4yo does enjoy these alot. But, still dreams of the day he can have Frank.
there’s me hoping that ordering from amazon i would be able to get them in the UK (still waiting for the first batch (case A)to arrive in stores) but no US only.
For those who order anything through, you can save an additional 4% through
You create an account at and then go to from the ebates web-site. Ebates will send you 4% cash back on your purchase from They also have many other great participating retailers (for which the savings vary – for example I think WalMart is only 1%), I have been using it since 2001 and have received over $1,500 in cash back since then. I think they send you a check for amounts you have accumulated every quarter or something like that. It’s basically free money if you are going to make purchases from these retailers anyway.
Good luck!
Thanks DaddyO….Great tip!!!
Running out of room to store and display? I wish there were display cases big enough to display all the Cars and Haulers. Most I have searched for are designed for Hot Wheels not Cars. I would like to find a display that would hold the entire line that has been released, but so far, it seems only way to get that is to have one custom made.
If all of the haulers are released in time, this is going to be a challenge to display them all.
CTC’s got a nice case for the Haulers. It fits 18 and I believe it is $100 shipped.
(MET: Waiting for one to put in haulers for better pic – hold on loosely).
Met I’m not sure you know what hold on loosely means but in this case I get it π
the UK
I’m still not sure whether to buy all of these.. I have some for my boy but I think overall they look much the samish. Perhaps I’m just not that diehard a collector
I am having the same problem… my son hardly plays with them, and they are more or less the same truck over and over, plus semi’s…aarrrgghhhhh too much space and too much money…yeah I’l prolly get them!
I agree, they do take up a lot of space. So far I’m only buying one instead of one to open and one to save. I have run out of display area and forget about storage space. That’s about gone too. I do want Nitroade Hauler but I’ll have to think about the rest. I will probably give in once I see them on the shelf. It will be very hard to pass them up.
This is funny because I am the exact opposite. I love the haulers (maybe it is the red neck Montanan in me…) and so does my boy so I have two of each, one opened and one to save π However, I don’t do that with the cars for the most part – just one to open! Funny how we all see things differently.
The haulers just seem harder to come by to me and they can’t stock all 20 different versions on the shelf at the same time like they can the singles. I almost ordered these from Target yesterday, but I too can’t decide.
I have to agree. The haulers are my favorite too. I just prefer the Target Team sets to the single haulers. What the heck. I will probably order these, even though I havent had any issues finding any Cars yet (fingers crossed). I will have to check, but I think I even get free shipping through my corporate account. π
I concur, it must be because you’re a red neck!! KA-CHOW!!!
oh, it is because we’re rednecks…. I love the haulers, too…. ordered mine up last night!!!!
I did not see WM/TGT or TRU having these on the shelves anytime soon, so I ordered mine from Children’s Toy Closet.
And would you know it, I have seen them all at WM. I really hate WM, you never know what they are going to have and not have.
I’m thinking about ordering some of these. What do to, what to do…
Don’t forget to use the code TCMVS7RD for a $5 discount off of $50.
thanks chuki_mama for the code. It worked for me and saved $5 from my order.
Happy to help.. π