Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Target Storytellers Next
The first go-around of the Storytellers series was a big hit …
Make that a surprise hit. Well, maybe not to us 🙂
Hence, the giant gap between Release 1.0 & Release 2.0 but then again, Target doesn’t seem to mind taking down displays only to put them up again later.
The new lineup is this …
Of the 5 original 3-packs, 2 are returning exactly as they were … (there are rumors that this package design may change but no real proof just yet).
And two are being re-arranged in a slightly more logical 3-pack though not exactly 100% logical …
BN Mater is subbed in for Flo who moves to a new re-packed 3-pack below …
So basically, Flo & BN Mater switch places in these two three-packs.
It does make more sense that Wedding Day Ramone & Flo are in one 3-pack versus before … though of course, Tractor while nice to have him available is not exactly the first character you think of when you think of Flo & Ramone’s wedding day.
The ONE Storyteller 3-pack NOT returning in any form is Red & Luigi & Guido.
The original Storytellers 3-packs are all shown here in this post.
What’s new for the three-packs?
The “names of the packs” are slightly vague but “Hoodwinked Mater Cousins” presumably means a three pack of his three cousins.
Buford, cousin – Buford.
Cousin Cletus.
Cousin Jud.
And the “Showstoppers” segment which is about Flo and her three auto-show friends traveling the country, there are three other girls …
Rhonda and …
Though this might be a lot of metal in one 3-pack so they might sub in Ramone but hopefully, not. (There are a few other CARS in Showstoppers but they are all minor characters requiring new molds).
There is another three pack listed as “Hoodwinked,” presumably that one will have Bubba.
Bubba, Mater’s nemesis.
As you can see from the unpainted proto, HUGE!
So, presumbly this will be only a two pack or maybe they will include Statue Stanley (other than Red, the only other “townie” in Hookwinked).
(More Bubba proto pics in this post).
And some will be available as singles … some repeats, some returning Storytellers and some back for the 11th time 🙂
When? That’s the difficult question since it’s Target. They like to surprise even themselves 🙂 but it should be early Spring so maybe after Easter for the Spring reset?
Though going by thievery as CARS spotting … we have not seen any of these available for early auction in the land across the Pacific so we might be at least two-months away unless the factory has tightened up security again.
Who will be the first in the US to spot them?
So, 7 NEW Storytellers CARS, 7 3-packs and 14 Storyteller singles total.
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The Storytellers book was the best $15 I ever spent on Cars merchandise and a thoroughly enjoyable read. Obvious effort and passion were put into writing the stories and as a result the book does not come across as a vehicle (pardon the pun) for selling more diecasts. If anything, the diecasts are a logical follow-up to the book.
That’s nice to know that diecasts of Mater’s three cousins will be available. They have made appearances in both Cars videogames, and I’m still holding out hope that the other three demolition derby cars (Zeke, Lewis and Mater’s cousin Tommy Joe) might be made as diecasts.
I would happily buy any Storytellers sequels and there are definitely a lot more stories that could be told in future volumes: how Lizzie met Stanley and helped him build Radiator Springs, Sally’s arrival in town and her efforts to restore the Cozy Cone and Wheel Well, who Big Al was (Ramone mentions him briefly in the movie) and how Mater courted and presumably failed to impress Doreen. Maybe Doreen chose Bubba over Mater?
Or maybe Big Al and Doreen ran off 15 years ago together!!
oh baby!!!!!!! I can’t wait for these!!!!!!! I love Mater’s cousins, they just make me laugh out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆
I know it is off topic, but any more news on the shipment of case D 3pks? I am waiting for my case from CTC and ordered case F Mega sized with it. If it is going to be a lot longer, then I am going to see if I can get them shipped separately because I can only go so long without seeing Elvis live.
These are going to be incredible to see in person!! I hope that I can afford them by the time they hit the shelf!!
Met, any ideas on a potential price point change?? The first batch seemed pretty high priced, not that the price stopped many people!! 🙂
(MET: I think it will be about the same – they seem to have sold pretty well (aka: immediately) and there was room for a nice sale while Target could still make money so my guess is no price change).
Price stopped me…I only got the new diecast and skipped all the rest… just too much money for cars we already had!
Second that, PirateDad! Wedding Day Ramone, Smell Swell McQueen, Retro Ramone…….that was it for me. Honestly, I thought the packaging was a little over done, with pretty lame graphics.
Oh, and Sponsorless McQueen.
yeah I didn’t get them until they were on clearance for $3.78 for the 3 packs
Honestly, I wood have bought them ALL, if I lived near a Target when they were on clearance, but alas, I do knot!!
I wood like to thank those who helped me get the new ones tho, esp Mary! You’re a doll, hon!
Let’s hope the single packaging has been re-worked!!
Are they ever planning on releasing them here in the UK??????
Anyone know at all?????
Nope, they successfully Revolted from GB’s rule, so now they are getting you back for the Stamp Act, and Canada’s is being punished for being one of your colonies!!
they are just releasing new ones and I am only now just receiving the old ones through a trade with a board member. arrg! it never ends.
dude sweet i love your initials! lol
No point me getting excited Mattel doesn’t view us UK customer’s good enough to hand over our cash, so we don’t see them over here! And i am getting very very bored of paying ebay prices even for singles after case J of WOC.
Have you tried the Trading Forum? What are you in need of?
**Answer me this, oh great and powerful MET, why did I just pick up two Storytellers “World of Cars” AND one “Meet the Cars” books on CLEARANCE last week at Target?
I picked up 2 WOC and 1 MTC, so if somebody needs one, let me know.
(MET: You got the um, CARS signal … Jan of Australia wants 3 …
Can’t wait!
Look it’s me!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bubba, you be NICE to Mater now, ya hear!
I know, I have been waiting for these Forever……..
I would dearly love to also see Ms Victoria, and MIIIIIITTTTTCCCCHHHH!