Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: The Return & News of Sarge
Returning in mid summer …
Chase Salutin’ Sarge will be returning first … I know there are a couple hundred reasons this is not logical as ‘chase’ generally implies something that might be as less desirable so you want to goose sales a little with variants and ‘chase’ variants but then, why ask why did it take a year to find lead free green paint?
So Salutin’ Sarge, I salute you and see ya in Quintilis.
Then a few weeks later, REGULAR SARGE will be back in a regular case … uh, hope they pack him more than 1 to the case … by then it should be a case of 24 … so may I suggest at least 8-10 Sarge’s in CASE M or N (or whatever the dash code is then in the new shorter cards Race O Rama).
Sarge will the same size as before – no scale decommission or reconsideration (yet).
Further news … now that TJ is megasized … no more Sarge & TJ Movie Moment …
Is that all meatwad?
Other than the good luck required in finding Sarge on regular recon …

Seems the new Sarge Green is too vibrant and less Military Green.
Or is that just the picture here?
They needed to apply 18 layers of lacquer finish so as to not set off the lead detectors at the Port of Los Angeles.
Sarge just got out of the shower!!
I’m excited that Sarge is going to return.
About darned time! Yaaaaaay!
Do you have any news of new Movie Moments? It seems you don’t really have them in uSA anymore, but we get them here in the UK. I spotted Chick / Bruiser Bukowski last week and was wondering if anyone else knows what might be coming next?
I say be done with them and stick with the singles. They were more expensive anyways.
I keep seeing the same olds showing up at Target, Mr./Mrs. the King, Rusty/Dusty et al.
let’s keep him free of lead this time.
I definitely called the Movie Moment being cancelled. 😉
Welcome back Sarge!
As for the chase. They need to give him a ‘shadow’ to match my avatar.
Glossy or Flat??
good question. I think it would look dumb for Sarge to be shiny. I hope thats just a prototype picture.
Glossy just doesn’t cut it! And the color does not look like any shade of olive drab I’ve seen on Army vehicles of WWII or Korean War vintage.
Glossy paint wrong
Color wrong.
Bring back the real Sarge.
Another note: If you compare the original Sarge to SuperCharged Sarge the paint color difference is obvious. Supercharged leaded Sarge’s roof and door panel is more green, DB Sarge is more brown.
The door tampo is sharper and clearer on SuperCharged, and muddier looking on the Desert Back version.
I brought that up awhile back in a post. The color differences are also apparent on the printed card stock. Appears some want to call it a production variation and not something more? One of the properties of ‘leaded’ paint is more vibrant colors. Another is quicker drying. Unlike model makers I sure none of the Chinese paint suppliers rely on published federal color standards. There are definite differences in colors based on time periods.
Why did it take a year to find lead free green paint?
…I think you mean more like 19 months!!!! It was August 13, 2007 that they announced the recall (576 days ago), so I wonder if they will accidentally mark that anniversary by re-releasing “regular” Sarge THIS August 13?
Do you realize how hard it is to UNlead have to feed it to geese and wait for it to come back out unleaded…takes awhile though!
Love the saluting sarge can’t wait to add him to our collection. Now we just need the trucks that go along with TJ for the boot camp.
Anyone know if the one sold by the Disney store is the same size as the leaded version?
(ME: short answer, no).
No, it is much bigger than the regular Sarge. Quite nice actually…
Sarge, in the Disney Store version, is about 3/8 of an inch longer than CARS Sarge. All of the Disney Store CARS vehicles are substantially larger in scale, take the Tractor for example: 3 1/2 inches long for the Disney Tractor vs 2 1/2 for the CARS version. He is very nicely detailed.
As if some chases were not hard enough to come by…yet another brilliant marketing scheme, brought to you by you-know-who.
woo hoo errrrr. hoo rah?
If Sarge is Army then its Hoooaaah
The Marines are Hoorah
Don’t know about Air Force; Yippee maybe 😉
Are you sure it’s knot…Boogedy boogedy boogedy??
Better than “Pull those belts tight ONE MORE TIME!”…..
Let’s go racin boys!!!!
Excellent, he’s still too far out, but we’re looking forward to finally adding Sarge to our collections.
I know right? Met you’re a funny guy 🙂
Well I’m excited!! Looks like we won’t be moving to Germany; instead we’re heading back to NY my beloved home state (Go Giants!). We may be on the road for KM Cars day but I don’t care! I’m going to map out every KM along the way from El Paso to NY. And Sarge will be easier to find here than Germany I suppose. Yippee!
(MET: Welcome, er back? Be sure to get a big trailer, please pick up 200 racers for us 🙂 ).