Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Come For the Easter Egg CARS, Stay For the McQueen Surprise
The new Target Easter Egg CARS are here … the are pretty much exactly as the previews promised and no surprise, the case assortment of 6 is there are 3 McQueens and 1 of each of the others.
What is nice is that these are the first Target holiday CARS to feature “different” selections than common mainline singles releases … previous holiday eggs & other containers were CARS such as Radiator Springs McQueen or Doc so getting the Pit Crew Chiefs even though the were all previously released – they are definitely not common or easy to find – especially Chief Spare Mint … and not that people need an excuse to collect ERROR Chief “Spare O Mint.” 🙂
And since this is a one-shot 3-week release, I highly doubt anyone caught this error so it’s up to people with spare time to make fake “correct” nameplates and sell on eBay as “RARE!” 🙁
It’s a nice egg …
There’s a hidden tab that holds the top and bottom of the egg to the tray so it does not roll around …
And unlike the cheaper diecast releases with eggs, they didn’t just drop in the CAR, each one has its own little molded end and back caps to hold it in place. Classy.
And if you’re thinking, McQueen looks spiffed up … HE IS!
Of course, as noted earlier, the McQueen’s with the correct decal on his spoiler is replacing previous Lightning McQueen … he first appeared in the Target 4-pack and just got a single release in CASE F … but if you’re willing to pay a few bucks more and don’t want to wait for him in the next singles case, the red egg McQueen is a step up in quality and spiffed up a bit.
It looks like they finally retired the last mold and made a new one. His lines around the hood and his teeth are all sharper and more defined. But he’s also painted with more care …
There’s much less paint slop than the McQueen from the launcher … of course, like most, I have run across a lot of McQueen’s but I’ve only saved three – Thailand Desert Art McQueen … launcher McQueen and now “Corrected” McQueen …
From left to right – 2006 McQueen, launcher McQueen & “Correct” McQueen (2009).
His colors are brighter when you compare to launcher McQueen (from 2008) and you can also see the teeth are brighter and the “whites” of his eyes are not painted onto his “eyelids.”
There is also YET another variant difference between 2006 Desert Art card McQueen I never really spotted before. On the 2009 McQueen, you can see the NASCAR inspired roof plates that flap up when a CAR is sliding backwards, it prevents the race car from lifting off the track and flying (bad for race cars & race cars drivers) … it’s evident in the launcher 2008 McQueen (though hard to see in this photo) but in the 2006 Desert Art ones, it’s more like a vague line and definitely not a clear outlines as with presumably all subsequent releases …
There’s even less paint slop on the spoiler “snaps.” (2009 McQueen is in the middle here).
2009 McQueen on right – Rust-eze logo brighter.
So, while not perfect – not like MSOS McQueen or the forthcoming signature series McQueen … he is a nice upgrade and more correct anyway with the spoiler decal … he does look exactly the same as the new single card McQueen so no need to buy the egg one but just so you know, it’s time to upgrade.
Cardback not too exciting … did not get an extra Charlie Checker egg – anyone open theirs? Does he have yellow or red tail-lights?
It took me a couple Targets to find a complete set but Mike E. & CollectorMom report no troubles …
The DCPI is: 087071795.
Let us know about Charlie Checker!
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: First Look – Lights, Camera … Greatness … | Inkjet or Laser Print Your Own Decals … » |

I just read in Metro’s blog up there – is the Spare O Mint egg an error?
(MET: Well, the ticket reads Spare O Mint … He’s Spare Mint).
I didn’t even know these were out. I only happened to come across them in the Easter section at Target. Apparently my Target got 8, there were two each in the bin, I only bought the Spare O Mint ones because that is the only one out of the four my kids don’t have. Someone said these are a Target Exclusive. Is that true? They don’t say so on them. Also I think it is great that Mattel FINALLY put at least two cars that aren’t that available in the holiday specials instead of the old Lightning McQueens and Maters.
(MET: Yep, Target exclusive).
For those in the Orlando Fl area searching for these eggs, we have been hunting all over from Oviedo to Kissimmee and finally found them today at the following Targets:
3200 Rolling Oaks Blvd, Kissimmee, FL 34747 (new store and more of them)
4795 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy Kissimmee, FL 34746 (limited selection of eggs – less after we left)
All of the other stores we’ve been to have still been setting their easter displays and personnel unable to assist.
My Target had a few red mcqueen eggs and ONE blue Sparemint. We quickly grabbed up the blue one. As I’m loading the groceries into the trunk after paying, my son rips open the package and opens the egg only to find the egg is EMPTY–Chief Sparemint is M.I.A!! Only the plastic pieces that are supposed to hold him in place are inside. To make matters even worse, I go through all of my bags and my purse and can’t locate my receipt! AHHHH-it is a Monday. Upon further inspection, there is piece of tape over the plastic attached to the cardback that should have made me go Hmmm! Off to another Target to try again. =)
That is just awful! Why do people do that?! I hope you were able to find your receipt and return it.
If you paid with debit/credit card or check, they can find your receipt. SOL (Sorry, outta luck) if you paid cash.
I have went to 6 different Targets and only 1 had a red egg. The rest of them were completely dry. Well gess I will have to buy on ebay or trade.
Which ones are you looking for??
Uhhh..Was the easter egg cars in the easter aisle? Because I went into the cars aisle…:(
(MET; yea, Easter aisle).
My local Target has a beautiful selection of Easter. Rows and rows of toys. The bins for the Cars Eggs and Mini’s are void of content. Nada. Zilch. No ETA, No clue…
Just another great day in Crappy Valley. Kaaachow
Well my frustration knows no bounds. I checked the nearest store and of course they haven’t put up any of the Easter stuff up yet. So I check the next nearest store, I was told by the operator that they had 24 on hand. When I get there I checked again with the customer service desk and again I’m told that they have 24. I ask where in the store are they? Big surprise, they haven’t the foggiest idea where. I spent an hour searching around that store and even got a kid to look in back, nothing, zilch, nada, diddly-squat. This is beyond maddening!!!
You have to remember Target’s computers update overnight. If you weren’t there at exactly when they open, someone else could’ve and had bought them all.
Yeah I realize that but they couldn’t even tell where in the store they were located. Even if somebody bought them all it would still say that. Plus it happened in 3 different stores.
I had that happen when the TEAM Hauler sets first came out. Anything that shows no location means that is has not been “set” yet. Basicly they are on a pallet in the store, but not yet on the shelf because they had not set up that section yet.
I’m sure this has been pointed out already but today I found the 3-Car Gift Pack with Mater/CH Pitty’s and noticed that Bruiser has a different eye color than before. As a single his eyes were brown but with the set they’re blue. It’s nice that they set comes with the tool chest and tires now.
Yeah, this was posted a while back. I think the forks are different too. The Target HTB team pack Bruiser has blue eyes on the old ‘Walmart’ style body. So there are 3 different versions in all. But why change them when his eyes are brown in the first place?
I’m just waitin for someone to switch the eyes and post on eBay as ‘rare’.
what case is it that has:
WOC: Pit Crew Filmore, Chuki & Carlie Checker/Pace Car?
cus i realised today that uk shops have been getting this case since before october and its starting to get abit annoying!
also, what ‘new’ cars would come in the next few cases?
(MET: US CASES are HERE but int’l gets different case assortments. There is a post on the next cases – search for G, H, J & K. That’s all that’s been announced for the US so far).
Mine has a stamp of 3448 i wonder if that means anything, anyways Spare Mint looks in excellent condition.
It was made on the 344th day of 2008, my good bud.
I WANT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!
It will cost you!! HEHEHE
HA HA HA do you say??!!
Spare not me the “O”… I was first to arrive this morning when my Target opened their doors. As usual, no NEW cars in the regular area… So, off I rush to the Easter area… To my surprise were several pallet/carts loaded with all types of Easter candies. Oh and about 4 employees eager to help you, providing you didn’t touch anything or look at what they had “too hard”. But, I found the only two cases containing 6 eggs each. FIRST PICK WAS ALL MINE! There is an Easter Heaven after all… Grabbed both boxes and ran to a safe area, I retrieved two each of the Red and Blue Eggs, and one each of the Green and Yellow. Sadly the Yellow Egg produce Yellow Taillights. The Blue Egg produced a RUSHED UP JOB of a car… my car had a deep scratch/dent in the bumper… showing silver {even though it was new and protected}! The License Plate KYT49 was placed on very crooked as well.
As stated in the second post on this page, I found both of the Spare Mints from the two cases they’d just put out on Friday….haven’t opened one yet.
Now you’re making me wonder what they’ll look like when I do open them!
I opened one Spare “o” Mint as soon as I got home. 3558EA was the stamp on bottom, and it is perfect. No rubs or paint splotches. The paint is that great blue green color that is so distinctive for Spare Mint. Now need the pitty to go along with the car and crew chief.
Wonder if these were all made on different days, if some are better than others?
Ebay alert! Did everyone see the final selling price on the Todd The Pizza Planet pickup truck???
How’s $101.00 sound?
I don’t care for his white cap being so dirty, hopefully the production models will stick to the photos we’ve seen.
Thanks for the update iamspeed.
Yikes, that is exactly what Met guessed it would go for, when I posted the link. Good guessing Met.
Remember the $13.77 Wally Hauler that went for, what, $232.00 the first week they were out?
That is quite crazy, demand outstripped supply again. Wonder if these people who are paying those outrageous prices are kicking themselves, or bragging that they have the most expensive set of diecast Cars ever? 😆
Hamm is a boy!!
John Ratzenberger voices him at the end of the movie, so he is as much of a boy as Mack, PT Flea, and Yeti.
Chuki is a girl by the way, maybe that is your daughter’s confusion about Hamm?
I think it’s the fact that both characters are PINK that’s confusing the girl! Also, Hamm has a money slot in his back.
(MET: Remember BUGS LIFE. “Just because I’m a Lady Bug doesn’t make me a Lady” – POWWWW).
My favorite line from Toy Story II is when Buzz Lightyear calls Hamm “Slotted Pig”…it makes me laff EVERy time!!
Off topic but a pressing concern this morning is an argument between my daughter and son. Is Hamm a boy or a girl? I thought boy but not sure. Daughter says girl and they are counting on an answer from you guys!
I guess Hamm kind of goes with eggs anyway right?
(MET: Hamm sounds like a dude and voice by a dude so presume he’s a dude but no guarantee 🙂 … Well, the CARS Hamm might taste a little metallic unless you like a lot of metal in your diet 🙂 ).
Oops, see my reply below — I keep on forgetting to put my replies in the “Reply” section…
Nothing again at my Target this morning. The entire Easter section is stocked but this and something else. I’ll be at another in a few hours, so I’m hoping for a little Carsma!!
Dang – I knew I should have driven up there yesterday… I’m heading out tom (Stupid wedding today!) and I’m pretty darn sure they’ll be gone. I did manage to snag the Leakless Hauler @ Wally-World though.
I sure hope YOU’RE not the groom! 😆
Been looking at Target the past few days in hope of finding these. The Target close to me still hasn’t stocked the easter section. But finally I went to the newer Target that is further away and found them. Picked up 2 of each of the crew chiefs. Also finally found Octane Gain Hauler at Walmart, woohoo!
Thanks to chuki_mama for finding me a couple of these eggs….sending you good carsma to help you find us the rest!! Whoop Whoop!!
i just woke up and remember cars was in my dream!
not like the film cars, but the die casts,
i went to a woolworths and they had purple ramones and fararii and luigi 2 packs, but they were uber european and had looooads of diferent languages on the packaging, so i asked if they had more and she went to look, they didnt, thats normal,
and later i saw loads of new cars, i can olny remember Dj, but he had an external engine thingy on his binnet (like snot rodds) and a big white boster thing on the back of him :S
odd, T5AD subliminal messaging?
Same old tricks… ONE of the odd per case… I hope the Easter Bunny gives ROTTON EGS to PIXAR/DISNEY/MATTEL
Yeah, that’s what I found at 3 Tgts. All the Blue and Green gone, one yellow and plenty of red. Oh, and I’m sorry, but $5.99 ea. I get it Met, it’s a pretty nice Egg. But if all this cost goes into designing and molding and blah, blah, blah on the “greatest die-cast line ever” as per Martin, and they sell for $3.49, then there’s NO WAY you can convince me that an egg, with a molded tray or not is worth an additional $2.50. I’m sorry, but this is just a BLATANT rip-off.
Booooooooooooo Mattel. Stuff like this makes me want to sell every share of Mattel stock I own, and stop collecting Cars. If I assume Mattel makes a 100% profit (probably more) on the regular line, than how much more profit are they making with the addition of this stupid plastic egg? Probably another $2.00 at least as I doubt the egg and packaging cost them anything more than 50 cents. Nice. Why is it that Mattel continues to screw over the people who support it? We wave flags and cheer loudly when we read about all the great releases, Elvis comes to mind and the haulers, but then they pull this crap. C’mon, Mattel, throw us a bone once in awhile. Sure the egg is cool. But $3.99 would have been WAY MORE justifiable. I think I need to look up the number for my broker.
(MET: Do I wish CARS were cheaper, sure but ultimately, you decide what it’s worth (and of course, you’re certainly entitled to your thoughts) … I have no real problem with pricing on individual CARS, you can buy it or not buy it – it’s just another choice since all the CARS are out in other formats, it’s a chance for some people to get a CAR they’d pay the same on eBay after shipping (Charlie Checker) plus two harder to find CARS. If they had re-released yet again Crusin’ McQ or Doc in an egg for $5.99, I’d have bigger quibbles … or when they package one new CAR with two “common” re-releases … there is a big difference in the finish line McQueen 3-pack, or the red rimmed Doc Hudson 3-pack versus the Mater & two Chick Hicks Pitties …).
Yo, Met, sorry for the confusion. It’s not the price of the cars, it’s the price of the packaging that irks me. I think that was proven with the Storytellers line as well. There have been plenty of “new” mainline releases with regular blister packs. So, when Mattel issues a “new” release with different packaging, i.e. storytellers or a plastic egg, and charges $2.50 more, it’s a ripoff. There is just no way to justify charging $2.50 more for packaging, whether it’s the storytellers box or a plastic egg. Chief Shiny Wax was relased in a 3 pack where his price was right in line with the mainline blisterpack price. Add a plastic egg to him and charge $2.50 more? NOT. And same with Chief Spare O Mint. So, he’s not out yet, but he will be eventually. And he’ll be $2.50 less than he is with the egg. And eventually Wedding Day Ramone will be out as a single too, as will Tractor.
As far as re-releasing Doc in an egg, why bother? He was re-released as a storyteller for $5.99. And right next to him on another peg was Doc, in the regular blister, for $3.49. Hmm, wonder which one sold. Only completists and a few uninformed bought the Storyteller Doc at full price. Didn’t you have issue with that?
And the whole 3 pack thing. I guess it comes down to whether or not you and/or Mattel still think new buyers are jumping onto this bandwagon. 3 Packs or multi packs of any number are a great way for newcomers to get 3 or more units in one package. (think of team haulers) Of course, if there are NO newcomers and just us oldtimers still buying Cars, then it’s insulting that Mattel wants us to buy up 2 “common Re-releases” just so we can have Finish Line MQ or spend $2.50 more for packaging that contains Chief Spare O Mint or Wedding Day Ramone. (both of which will more than likely be available as a single some time in the future).
Specialty packaging is one thing. But the packaging needs to contain something “special”. Something that makes the additional cost justifiable, such as the Chase Cars. Mattel didn’t have a problem producing a limited release Chase Car and then charging the same price for it as the regular blistered cars, yet it can charge $2.50 more for a box w/ velcro or an egg with a car inside that’s NOT special, or limited? Sorry, but that’s whacked.
Couldn’t agree more!
I know had to say it. I have always loved the Easter Egg concept, and I am glad that the only repeat from two years ago is McQueen, and as MET has pointed out, he is not really a repeat. However, with these, you will really notice the problems with the “decreased” use of cardboard, as many of the cards on the shelf are bent, and not in particularly good shape. Many Targets are getting these in sporadically, and only one in my area has gotten the shipment.
I wondered about Charlie’s tail lights, but I only picked up 2 of the Chief Spare Mint eggs….thought I’d wait to hear what someone else found.
By the way, our Target was JUST putting out the Easter merchandise on Friday morning.
I’m eggstatic to see these finally