Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Wally Hauler to Apple Hauler – Aroldo Instructions
The Wally hauler is just begging to be converted to an Apple hauler …
All you need is some sandpaper, some white paint and a high res gray Apple logo …
It’s like open heart surgery.
Get knife, some medical sponges and clamps … go. Oh, and some stitches …
And hey, the Wally hauler won’t bleed so it’s practically done … 81% of the surface is already the correct color … 🙂
Hey, if Aroldo Pongetti can do it in a few hours, it shouldn’t take you much more time … 🙂
I’ll time you. GO! … Um, hey, the hauler is glued to your forehead, do you want me to start over?
Here are Aroldo’s instructions …
“I removed the Walmart logos on the hat and on the sides with fine sand paper, then masked the parts and repainted first with a white primer coat and second with can glossy white coat. The next step are the decals on the cab and stickers on the trailer.”
Easy. And I’ll throw in the open heart surgery for free!
Apple hauler – done … I’m ready for eBaying … RARE, DELICIOUS & CRISPY!
See, wasn’t that easy.
Thanks for the great pis Aroldo and great customs!
And of course, the Apple Pit Crew Update – NEXT POST …

Sheer Beauty
Cio e una mela dolce!
Hi all and thanks very much for your appreciation in my customs!!!
This is my first Apple hauler custom, I planned to do a second hauler with a full repainted and decaled trailer, but if you want an easy Apple hauler to do you can print stickers for the trailer and for the cab also, so it isn’t necessary to remove the factory decals but you only cover them with the new stickers.
A good work to all!
I guess the name of the cab is Mack-intosh? Sorry………
Thank you! Thank you very much! Oops, that’s Elvis the RV, isn’t it?
Great Conversion! I love the chrome look over the rear trailer wheels and the Apple mud flaps. Wally never looked so good. 😉
I’m always amazed at this guys imagination. Great work again!
**How about this addition?
With today’s tough times, how about pittys with the facial & physical characteristics of Steve Jobs and Steven Wozniak(Apple Computer founders), making a little money on the side.
This is one that I might even be able to handle. I guess I should swing by WM and pick one of thoes WM haulers that were sitting there this AM.
I love the interior of the trailer! nice touch Aroldo!!
An Apple Hauler in a day means one more hauler in my case!!!