Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: I Must Be in the Pit Rooowww!
The only way to keep track of what’s out is to build a 50-foot working display like “GotFrank” here …
And of course, town building rule #1 … never be further than 5 feet from a cold one 🙂
I believe the agreement is that 5 Dinoco Haulers are correct. Clearly a work in progress 🙂 … Show me … some Showgirls! 🙂
Do they sell tiny bags of asphalt to make our own authentic race track?
And the backup CARS … in case the CARScave elevator is not working.
Nice work, “GotFrank!”
P.S. by Tizmanian: If you are reaaalllly serious about creating a blacktop for your scale replica Radiator Springs, you actually have that option with QPR Quick Patch. Available at Lowe’s!

Nothin' like a lil old ashpalt in a bag!
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Launchers 2009 – 2010 COMPLETE | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Collectors Field Guide to the Singles – Race O Rama: Part 6 of 10 » |

I know this post is really old, but I just love this! Had to comment to say, I am very very impressed!
Let’s just hope that someday GotFrank will be able to TRULY complete this.
I would be in heaven here! lol
Did you know under the drive down ramps on the haulers there are things that can keep the ramp up.
Yup, I just forgot
to flip them down.
Nice work!
Now I’m in the mood to build something!
I am sure this was covered before, but what is under the War Wagons…what did you cover with the print outs to make them?
A piece of 1/4″ x 1/8″ balsa wood.
And the images are in the folding
pit box thread at CarsTheToys.
Maybe I am just showing my age, but was the title of this post a Bob Uecker reference?
(MET: Yep … um, is Ueck still alive?)
Ok, only cause you and your sisters are so cute. Got a weakness for Blondies;)
The prelim video I saw this morning is getting close and it’s going to be even better when finalized. Best light up package execution I’ve ever seen.
Let the cool final one come in and I’ll send out video & stills as well. Wouldn’t be surprised if a stolen one gets on e-bay before SDCC, that’s what happened last year with our SDCCLSMCQ before we arrested the HK Couple.
If it comes out, don’t buy it. Wait. We’re selling it for $30, who knows what they’ll ask for it.
MiaS, you’re also gonna love the sculpts we’re doing of the Senoritas from El Materdor. They come out in a two pack next year in March. One year from now, Aye Dios! 🙂
I hope you send her the very first one!
You are my hero Martin! The video will be supurb, I have no doubt. I will wait patiently for the authorized release of the dalmation twins. Unfortunately, I can’t make it to SDCC this year, but I hope to make it next year.
And I will take any Senorita extras wink wink 😉 ❗
Test ❓
you mean cool ❗
OMG, so jealous!
Nice enviornment/collection. Surprised you don’t have any aircraft doing fly bys, or I missed it. BTW, your gonna need a bigger table and more cases soon. All are new Character scuplts are on the way. Working on 2010 sculpts now, come on Sparkplug monster……..where’s Mater’s Tall Tales gonna go?
Also where are you gonna put this years SDCC Rescue Mater FireEngine w/ Mia & Tia Dalmations in diorama? If we get it right the diorama should be pretty cool. LED’s are behind some prinnted Mylar flames so it looks like the Gasoline & Match Factory are really burning. Sweet.
WOW!! I cannot wait to see the pics of the SDCC set!!
SPARK PLUG MONSTERS?!?!?!? OH YEAH, BABY!! Bring ’em on!!
I think we need video of the SDCC set. Can you hook us up when it is time Martin?
Holy shoot!
Sounds like some sweet stuff.
You keep ’em coming and I’ll
find a place to put them.
Simply Amazing! Great work. Hey Pirate Dad…could you give me a ride to his place? I’ll pay the gas and bring Cars cookies.
You got it Daniel ❗
Thanks everyone for your kind words!
I’ve had a lot of fun putting this
together. And it’s great to have a
group like this to share it with.
When it warms up I’ll get roads &
landscape painted. It should really
come together then! And thanx Met
for featuring my stuff!
(MET: Great work so far … but you do know another 200 CARS are coming? 🙂 You got room to map out the Speedway of the South 3,000 miles away from Radiator Springs? 🙂 ).
Oh yeah and these pics are
in the Flickr pool too.
Sweet set-up son!
Mattel, make this man some crew chiefs!!!
Can we get some plans on how to build those display cases? I would love to crank out a few for myself while I still have some spare time.
Mike Jackson
Hey Mike here’s the form letter version.
Also if you have an audio cassette case that
holds a 100 tapes. Gut it and your half-way
there. That’s what 3 out of the 4 cases are.
Hello & thanks for you interest.
As far as material requirements, the shelves
were made by cutting strips of laminate flooring.
Which is a high density fiber-board. So you need
a material that will remain rigid. To avoid sagging,
as the shelves are only attached at the ends. And
then comes to the hard part. I pre-drilled two holes
at each end of each self (through the sides of the frame &
into the ends of the shelf) . And then used finishing nails
to attach them. This requires lots of measuring & marking.
And careful attention to maintain right angles. The paint
was all spray paint. A flat white primer coat. Then I
cut a cardboard panel to cover the shelves. And used
flat black to paint the frame area. And finally masking
off the frame I paint the self area with Krylon Banner Red.
The over-all dimensions are:
24″x18 1/2″x3″
Top & bottom pieces:
24″x 2 7/8″x 1/2″
Side Pieces:
17 1/2″x2 7/8″x 1/2″
Shelf slats:
23″x2 3/4″x 1/4″
Rear panel:
24″x18 1/2″x 1/8″
I second that! Did you build from scratch or did you start with something premade? Are the shelves just flat or is there something to keep the cars rolling off? Im full of questions!!!
They’re just straight and level.
Unlike me! (rim shot)
AWESOME! I certainly wish I had the space for that kind of recreational area!! My kids would go nuts!!
Incredible work! I am still trying to figure out the war wagons. I definately want to do those for dad’s display.
Really nice work on the 3 playsets MATTEL NEEDS TO MAKE!!!!! ARE YOU LISTENING > > > HUH??
That is so FRIGGIN AWESOME~!!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!
Love the display cases!!
Did everyone notice the Cult of the Lightning Storm McQueen on the lower right side of the 1st photo?
I also like how Greta, Dustin, Hank, and Edwin are together at Fillmore’s Festival.
GotFrank, did you make Doc’s and Sally’s places?
Yes John,I made everything except the 4 released
play-sets. And since then I’ve added Mater’s
garage & Flo & Ramone’s house. Oh and “All hail
San Diego Comic Con Lightning Storm McQueen!
Those actors will start a religion around anything!!!
And across the street it’s a Freak Juice induced
time warp.
That is awesome work!
Very nice! Your kids must be very happy. …er uh, you DO have kids, right? 🙂
lol Yup,
a 7 year-old son.
And one on the way
just in time for
Cars 2!
I asked GotFrank for help building those shelves before… now I just need to figure out where I could put them!
Looks awesome GotFrank!
wow… is all i can say… wow!
very nice!!
That looks awesome! I wish I had space like that right now LOL 😀 Nice collection!
Dude! – That is absolutely awesome! My dream ofr a pool table in the basement is rapidly takin’ second place to Radiator Springs!!!!!
I am a Cars-o-holic and I want to come over and play!!!
I’ll be right over!!
I gotta check with my mom…
I promise we’;ll help you clean your room after!!
wow thats cool,
im guessing youll need to extend the table pretty soon,
and maybe empty out the Garage/ utility room/ basement/ bedroom to have displays for all the TallTales scenes!
curse my slow ‘just woke up’ typing!
Very impressive. Very impressive.