Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Back to 2008? Walmart Rollback to $2.97?
SlicePie reports that his Walmart’s have single CARS on “rollback” to $2.97.
This pic is from LAST June (2008) but what say you?
If you’re in your WM, take a look and report in … and whether they actually got new stock in or is this a clearing of “red CARS?”
Thanks for the heads up, SlicePie … Though if it’s really $2.97, I’m sure this will set off our normally calm Canadian friends …
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Collectors Field Guide to the Singles – Race O Rama: Part 6 of 10 | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Darth Mater Custom – 1/64th the Evil » |

Went to one of the local Walmarts and found two case f’s marked $2.97.
I got 4 Chuck’s 4 Nitroade pitty’s and 2 Impound Wingo’s.
Didn’t even notice the price drop, I was too excited when I saw all the new ones, I didn’t even care what the price was. I did list them in the trading forum if anyone is interested.
Would you possibly sell 1 of each for my daughter?
We can not find them still.
My local WM has them priced at 0.00 because they’re no longer in the computer and there’s no stock expected ever.
HUH????? WTH. . . interesting . . .
It’s only because slicepie goes to Wal-Mart like 6 times a day, that he would notice that the price dropped by 50 cents!!! 😆
You mean he used to go 6 times a day….before the incident…
what incident??
He has you in denial too? How much did he pay you for your silence?
must be the rose colored glasses that he sent me…..
What colour is the BIG SKY now???
And the Mountains??
the snowy tops are pink and the rest are just all crazy!!!! 😉
Tie Dyed Mountains?? Sweet!
I have been trying to figure it out all day, but I just can’t remember 🙁
Anyone else care to guess what incident might have got slicepie kicked out of WM???
Ok, per PirateDad — new contest!
The first person to correctly guess “The Incident” will receive a nice Grab Bag ‘O Stuff courtesy of Pit Stop Toy Shop.
well I heard a little rumor about something that happend in the bathroom, is that it, PD?
This is a G rated contest!! Bad FLik!!
graffiti, hello………. This is a G rated contest!!!! Bad Pirate!!!!!! You know, he is from New York, you know…..
Exactly what are you trying to say there missy?
well, you know……
No, no, no — that was the “Target Incident”!
well what happened there, you never told me about THAT one????????? 😆
Let me just say that the records have been officially sealed and the only evidence is on microfilm which is hidden in the front left leg of the 3rd pew in the middle row of the St. Andrew’s Cathedral in…
so you did jail time for this???
In accordance with the terms set forth within the records that have been sealed and placed in a time capsule not to be opened until the year 3258 – I can neither confirm nor deny that statement.
(MET: Or when the 3258th CAR gets released).
3258 huh…….. this planet will be dust by then…. how exactly are we supposed to read the records then, Mr. Smarty Pants?????????
Well I’m pretty sure that was the point. But you never know, it could become one of the next civilization’s Dead Sea Scrolls.
dont you mean something that SHOULD have happened in the bathroom?
I would like to publicly thank Flik’s Friend for tipping me off on the DJ Variant.
…and besides:
– 1) it’s not my fault they call me and tell me there are Cars items on the truck manifest.
– 2) it’s only 3 minutes from my house.
well, I knew that he looked different…..
I guess it’s easy to “Roll Back” prices when there is nothing on the pegs to sell. 😉 But much to my surprise I found two Octane Gain Haulers at Kmart today. 😀
Just double checked, no rollback at our WM. And they had 4 Stacys sitting on the pegs and no other singles.
K-Mart next door had the Octane Gain Hauler though, huzzah!
They were $2.97 in my area of deep south texas. And one of the walmarts even had chuck manifold, nitroade pitty and impound wingo. Hope the price sticks around for awhile.
if you need Cactus McQ or Blimp then i can get them for you!! I haven’t seen anything new for a few weeks when I lucked up and went one late night and picked up Case F!!
I like the one sign: “$5.98: Was $2.97. Smile! You’re saving even more!” Something Walmart would do…
Yup changed here in VA in atleast 2 stores. One has about 234 blimps and a ramone, talked to an employee who insisted they were getting new stock this week, the other had about 40 WOC cars yesterday and today they were gone so the sale must be working, or the mattel rep came by took them and put a Case F out. When I got there only a single Chuck was left with the fixed LMQ and the rest of the case that no one wants. When I left only the pegwarmers were left. So it now looks great 15 pegs 10 cars. Still waiting on Wally and Co. to show up at 2 of my 3 WMs where are they!!!!
Walmart here in SD has them priced down to $2.97 as well but the selection is poor – on a brighter note, they did finally stock 2 cases of the new haulers today so I scored some extra Jerry Recycled Batteries, Leakless, and Wally haulers!
Even though I haven’t seen new singles in WM since Thanksgiving, have gotten other things there…I did find a Wall Hauler today too! But the Leakless and Jerry were already gone…
Oops, meant Wally.
And I scored the Tank Coat, Vitoline and Shifty Drug launchers last week!
I have extra Leak Less and Jerrys, if you need them. It sounds like it might be a one shot deal with the Wally cases.
How many your store gets is totally random. My closest WM has had 3 cases, all at different times, but out of 3 other WM’s nearby I have only seen 1 case total.
It just depends on how often they order and what the warehouse sends them. They’re not able to pick and choose.
Wow, with those other ones you mentioned that I need from the other post, you have quite a bit that I need. I wish I had stores like yours! You have everything! I’ll have to email you soon about all of these. 🙂
Maybe I should just send you my whole list!
Do that!
$3.47, but only a single green Ramone left. Nothing new since Thanksgiving. 🙁
It’s $2.97 here too…ALL the tags were changed from $3.47 to $2.97.
No singles at walmart, no singles at k-mart. All the pegs in town are empty.
The singles are $2.97 at my local Super WM. The pegs were pretty well cleaned out of the older Cars.
Wow! Can you find anything to buy? Fred Meyer has buy two bedding plants and get one free! No limit! At least you can find the plants! Anybody for “cheep” Wal*Mart birdseed?
It’s about time .. they might clear all the peg warmers until case H with 8 MCQUEEN! Hope the price will remain this way for new cases to come !At least for a month or two!
Just to put things in perspective, the prices here in the Netherlands:
singles : $ 8,80
3-packs : $ 25,00
haulers : $ 31,50
Ouch!! Of course, it wood knot bother NCC-2000…
$2.97 or $3.47, doesn’t make much difference when they have about 8 cars on 9 pegs, 2 of which are Petrol Pulaskis! Other than the Wally and Jerry haulers and lucking out finding 1 Nitroade Pitty 2 weeks ago, Walmart pretty much blows right now.
Hey! Here in Texas yesterday I picked up 2 Chuck Manifolds at $2.97! We were surprised at the checkout but it was correct!
where are you in Texas?
Webster Texas just South of Houston
I’m a mom of a 6 and 2 year old who loves cars in NW Houston almost Cypress up 290
Normally calm? We’re always calm lol. We’ve gotten used to the price differences across the border (at least I have) so it doesn’t bother me in the slightest anymore.
I was just in a PA store this AM. Rollback was in effect and they had case F out! Finally got Greta and Hank…
So you were able to get Chuck Manifold, Impound Wingo, and Nitroade Pitty? Those are the big ones from Case F.
case F I’m still looking for the rest of case C haven’t even seen case D
Email for all of your Case C needs!
hay Met!
you seen Aroldo’s new customs? he got pics on cars drive in,
not sure what else is new bt he has now done an apple hauler using one of the non mac cabs, just thought id give ya a heads up…
I love the Luigi’s mom custom. Very cool.
well- only one of my Wally’s is listing at 2.97, so far, but Im sure the other 2 will follow suit as they too have nothing NOTHING but Cactus McQueens….
Not sure of the current price, but our local WM hasn’t had any singles in over a week.
$2.97 in Old Bridge, NJ…
One dozen beautifully printed… hung perfectly straight and true…
Not 1 single solitary item on the pegs to buy… and, if you want to believe the employees… NONE in the back!
Uncle Skip
I was at Target in Hillside Il yesterday and they have cars singles for $2.99
Interesting. I did not notice that when I went in this morning . . . maybe I should go back?!?! 🙂
3.47 in 2 Walmarts here in north Texas.
Now why wood this bother Canadians? Since our cars are $4.97? Or is it becuz US pegwarmers have NEVER reached Canadain soil? Or perhaps you think I might be upset that they let slicepie BACK into Wm after the incident that shall remain secret?
That must be a really well kept secret because even I don;t know what you’re talking about? And I was supposedly there!
Good idea slice…play innocent, it makes you more believable!!
I’m sire you’re referring to something valid, I just don’t have a clue what it is. Wish I did, send me an email reminder…
Valid? Like the California Speedway Set?
Mine too!
Murfreesboro Tennessee.
One WM here in Des Moines has them at $3.
I was first and didn’t even notice! FINALLY my 1st first!!