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Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Launchers 2009 – 2010 COMPLETE

There seems to be confusion out there on what’s coming on the launchers & wheelers so here is the recap of 2009 and “2010” – though remember 2010 really means October 2009 to December 2009.


Of course, already out …















The last word is that launchers will be an exclusive or Matty only while Lightyear launchers will be the new “launcher” series … when will all this happen? Unsure and no, launchers are not on any regular schedule. They just seem to randomly appear in the warehouse so all we know is that the “regular” launchers and the new Lightyear launchers are scheduled from now to December 2009.


(and yes, that Vitoline pic with mustache grill is a prototype and non of the release versions have the mustache grill).


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  • Marcus' mom says:

    thanks for that! I was new to this site a few weeks ago… I’ll have to keep that in mind!

  • Tom says:

    does anyone know if there is a Case A? or why there is no case A?

  • jfagan24 says:

    I just picked up the launchers for Vitoline and Shifty Drug. Are these cars going to be released single carded anytime soon. This economy is killing me and I don’t want to waste my cash. Anyone have a list of single carded race cars? I need an Octane Gain for my Hauler!

  • chuchi1028 says:

    This is from the Philippines. I went to 3 toy stores today and found the Case C launchers all over the place, Mood Springs, Fiber Fuel and Easy Idle. This is a first time and hopefully not the last.

  • Fishmug says:

    I found both Shifty Drug and Vitoline at WM and when I got home noticed that Vitoline has no eyes or mustache. I enjoy finding the defects so the other day I bought another Vitoline. This time there were eyes but no mustache. Has anyone else noticed this?

  • PirateDad says:

    Does anyone bother to be completist with the Launchers?? I mean do you have Chick on WOC and then buy it again on ROR??

  • PirateDad says:

    I am glad that the N20 is not scheduled until 2010…approx a year from the TRU promo, ike the memo said..makes it sort of “exclusive”

    Now, I know I will not be popular for saying this, but I am glad the TRU promo was cancelled, postponed or put on hold…WHY should we have to buy 5 cars to get a little plastic case? Just release the damn Gask-its on a launcher or as a single and save us all $25…after all the pegs wood not need cleaning up if the case assortment was simply better suited to the NEW cars!! Frick mattel, get you head in the game!!

  • Ryansdad says:

    what, no Apple launcher?

    haha had to ask

  • Ryan says:

    Hey MET, is it true that the Piston Cup Racers at the two Kmart days this year will have faux rubber tires???? And there are 2 Kmart days, right???

    (MET: That’s the rumor and yes, if Kmart holds onto before closing doors in 2009, there are two ‘scheduled’ but like the TRU promo, until it’s may 2009 … let’s not get too psyched just yet 🙁 ).

  • acuransx says:


    I have to fight for every on everything we design every day. Doing that exact thing right now on a new playset.

    Any rubber band will work even if you have to double it up. Or, you can cut one and tie it together to get the right length.

    We were gonna go with a spring but it was decided to keep the cost down. Same old same here.

    • MiaSenorita says:

      Haha, no problem. We replaced it with one of the other included rubber bands.. but it just doesn’t give the same ka-chow! So now poor little Trunk Fresh always loses. We will find a better replacement.

      Are the new lightyear launchers different? or just different packaging/name? Are they going to be on a circular base?

      (MET: The Lightyear Launchers are apparently round – a large tire design where the CARS will shoot out of … the current launchers are hefty and have a lot of design elements so I’m sure some bean counter decided they could save money by making it cheaper and simpler but the current launchers are supposed to continue to be released – just not in the Big 3 … but I don’t think anything is changing for a while …).

      • Lorri says:

        go to the mattel site and look under replacement parts. I think they are like 50cents plus shipping of course. We have broken quite a few, if the kids hit the launchers too hard for some reason it breaks the band easily.

  • Daniel says:

    If anyone from Mattel is out there….we do NOT need repeats of the old Launchers, and even less a threepeat of Chick Hicks. He’s warming the pegs (from the first ROR Launcher case).

  • DaddyO says:

    I have just started to find Case B but only in a couple of stores (2 WMs and 1 Target) but I have only found Vitoline and Shifty Drug – even in the 2 stores where there were two of both Vitoline and Shifty Drug. So the hunt is still on for Tank Coat…

  • Rippers says:

    Awesome! I want them all now!

  • Jinzo says:

    I have yet to see new launchers. I’ve been to every store and yet nothing… 🙁

  • Monica says:

    I am still hoping they don’t eliminate the lanuchers entirely, that would seriously harsh my pit row mojo.

  • Flik'sFriend says:

    Bring ’em on!!!!!

  • GotFrank says:

    OH, I gots the Tank Coat-itis!!
    It may be terminal.

  • MiaSenorita says:

    I love the launchers. Any pics of the lightyear launchers yet? Will they be the same style launcher as the old ones, or new style?

  • megaheat2008 says:

    Telekinesis SAYS,I’m being summoned to Buy,to Hunt,to “GO CARS” !

  • jestrjef says:

    OH put them out already . . . we will BUY THEM!!!!!!

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