Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Mini Cases Next …
The Mini’s are only getting better and better …
(don’t worry, No Stall only looks orange).
And Mini haulers …
Both of these CASES seem to be shipping … CollectorMom has already spotted CASE F (or in actuality, the remnants of CASE F …)
Yes, there is a rumor the Mini’s are going exclusive but even if it is, it’s going to take a while to happen …
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Case F 2009
Here’s the info about the Case E Minis.. (Met you may want to change it over here)No no Stall in this case!:
(MET: Thanks! Hopefully CASE F is accurate).
Or on ebay,
i love the minis just as much as the regular line. i just wish they were easier to remmebr which ones i have already. i wish they came as singles because i have a lot of duplicates too. any idea where they might go to as an exclusive? that would make my searching easier. i hate having to go into all these different stores to find nothing new.
What a cool story! may have to forward that alomg to other Mini beievers here. There is a contingent of us.
Mega $179.99 and I have a sale? Let me do the math on that.
TJH-AZ, yeah, did the math om Mini’s till the tractors came home. We had to pay for the wieght inside them as well and labor is going up in China. Also went around and round with the deco as well. It was complicated. I don’t discount what these little guys bring in dollar wise tho. Just as much or better than some other brands within our division which I won’t mention. Not too bad for a little line extension π
I’m not ashamed of them.
i’m back and awake…….lol,well I quoted a fair marketable price,indeed @ $179.99 plus the display,etc…..the market is here for a set of mini racers who can resist? but if mattel would throw in a free collector poster…….hmmmmm i may just have to hang it to display-or a wear it cars pin? <——- bring it on to the next meeting Acuransx “GO CARS”
They are awesome! My daughter has all of them, and she plays with them every day. Load up Trev, up the stairs, unload, back downstairs, load up Trev, back upstairs…….And she likes to match them up with their “mommies” the 1:55s.
Thats the joys right there, and worth it “GO-CARS” !
Hey Martin, don’t get me wrong, I love the mini’s. You should NOT be ashamed of them. Your team does a great job on your end. I love all the crazy paint schemes and now the Monster tires, awesome. But I do have 2 issues.
1: They’re overpriced. I mean, it’s great when Tgt clearences the holiday mini’s out for $1.50 so the price is 75 cents per car, that’s a steal, but that’s not the norm. $6.99 current price @ Tgt for the mini’s is TOO high. I think the price is driving the line to end up exclusive somewhere because I can’t believe it’s competitive with anything. There are just too many diecasts you can buy for around $3.50 so penny for penny, I don’t see that many people out there being interested. I think sales prove that to be the case as well.
2: Expand the line horizontally, not vertically. I mean, it’s o.k. to have some of the cars present in each grouping such as Sarge’s Boot Camp, but not all of them. I would rather see more different cars represented than 8 or more versions of Lizzie and/or Fillmore.
That being said, keep up the great work you and your team does. You guys rock.
My son had his 100th day of school a couple of weeks ago, and the kids were to bring in any collection of anything they had 100 of. Kids brought 100 rocks, 100 jelly beans, etc. My son was the hit of his class when he brought in 100 of his minis! (We had quite a few left at home –we probably have at least 120!) All of his classmates got to play with them, and the teacher had them all count to 100 to put them all back in the box.
Watch out Mattel–you now have 26 more kids that are big fans of the minis!
(MET: That’s a cute story … wow, there are 100 Mini’s out already? I’ve got mine on a shelf but never stopped to count …)
Ladies and Gentlecars,
I’ll pitch that MiniSOS concept here at the salt mine. My Design team talked about it we didn’t push that hard. Let me explore what it would take D&D wise to make this happen.
Have to do a rendering to show the concept now. All the Mini Racers, packed out just like we did the Original set, available world wide on Matty.
Gotta come up with a price point as it could be a pretty decent sized box……what’s a decent SRP?
martin sell it off @ $179.99 and I am sold and i’m awake running out to valve a gas line be back around 130ish
Me too!
Link to minis thread a few months ago ..
If you take a look at BOX BB (shipping – February):
See picture Boot Camp Doc & (Sheriff Military) .. Did someone have seen this Sheriff somewhere? (Mine doesn’ have a star on the hood)
BTW : Fire Dept Lizzie and Sally does anyone knows in which case those came in?????
Fire Dept Lizzie/Sally was in 2008 case H
are you sure that is correct? I just checked Ebay and the case e they had was not this one. was this an earlier case?
(MET: This was from Mattel’s list but of course, they also say in their contract – CONTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE).
the case that’s on eBay is a 2008 case E not 2009 case E. I haven’t seen the 2009 case E listed on eBay yet.
My only problem with the Mini series is that if we look at bank for the buck, we get a nice, detailed hauler like Jerry for $13 or $14, and now stores like TRU are getting $6.99 for the Minis…….they’re very cool, but I may have to weigh each one for it’s value to my collection.
The ONLY bright light right now is one our midwest store chains that’s had the Minis priced at $2.99 through the first week of March. The problem is, they haven’t even received Case D yet, so the special pricing will end before they get any of the new stuff.
I wish I could say “they havenβt even received Case D (2009)” .. down here depending on which store you go to .. the last Mini case we got in is the first version last year case D.. and 95% of our stores are stuck with the first version Case A and B from last year!!…
I see that all over FLA . . .not that I collect the mini’s, but I do try to hunt them for my fellow collectors!!
Oh come on, I bet you have a few stashed away………
i think if i saw the piston cup racer minis on the shelf i would probibly have to buy them…they look cute, plus would take up less space
mini boost is adorable
Where did you see Mini Boost?
Mini Boost is available in a 2-pack with Mini Snot Rod. I have extras if you are in need.
Oh yeah –
Mini Boost is my FAVORITE right now…more than the 4×4 ones…PirateSon calls him Baby Boost!
That is really cute. I will forevermore think of mini Boost as baby Boost. My son calls Chuck Manifold, “I am not Chuck Manifold.” It cracks me up every time!
Quite literally LOL over that one!!
That is hilarious!!
I like the minis a lot. We have the mini Luigi/Mack set and Luigi is so tiny. Very cute! My son really doesn’t play with the minis though, so I may just have to collect them for myself.
Nothing wrong with that!
I have loved the mini’s since the first time I saw them!!! π
That’s cuz they are like Flik…adorable!!
hey PD….. sick in bed today with the flu….nice thing about laptops, you can still lay in bed and keep up with todays news…
Feel better…watch Cars….recharge your batteries!!
I have pretty much slept all day!!!! I wake up for a little while, then I fall right back to sleep….AND, I had to make my own chicken soup….
hi flik sounds like you nedd dr.jumper cable… get well
I need something…..not quite sure what I need….I just need something….
When are we going to see Flik and Flea mini and new small fred mini??.. those will be really really small !!!
believe me, I would be first in line for flik and flea minis!!!!!!
GOOD MORNING FLIKSTER HOPE YOUR FEELING WELL….”when they come out with mini flea and flik i’ll be sure to keep those lil’ guys attached to my ears (will take pictures of it too)……lol
nope, still feel like somebody beat me up and then Mack ran me over….
(MET: Sounds like a real flu … hope you’re feeling better soon …).
Hey FLIK!! I have been trying to email you and others, but HOTMAIL is experiencing some issues!! I hope they get cleared up ASAP!
emailed ya back!!
I am still not able to reply to emails!!!!
I miss all you guys . . . sniffle, sniffle . . . oh well I guess I will just have to post on here until email is fixed!!
your hotmail does suck, mine is working just fine!!!!
thanks guys!!!!!
HAte to get off subject? Maybe they already stated it already but does anyone know when the launcher case c i slated to be released? Too anxious?
Sorry Cancelled!! Okay delayed…all right I have no idea!!
What about green Ramone … ???
Not sure what you mean; Green Ramone comes with Radiator Springs LMQ in what I think is a new motiff called Radiator Springs. He looks awesome!
Sorry didn’t see it at first .. it’s the last one at the bottom Case F!..
I didn’t see it listed there either! I picked up the set at WM on Friday
These have been close to my drawing pad since we started them. Super high expectations against the die cast was unrealistic here. This line was just suppossed to be a flanker brand, new news, look how cute…
We even put wieght in them so they would feel nice and hefty, and roll properly per our promise to JL.
OK, granted the decos got a little crazy but we were having fun cause the sacred die cast characters had to be canon to the film.
I still like these little guys and I will never forget the look on Lasseter’s face when I first showed him these.
LUCY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is funny! I love these little guys. I started out with Fillmore’s Festival then expanded to the police line then when the Tunerz and Race Rods came out, I could not resist!
Love the playsets, very fun. I still need to buy Trev.
Totally Monica!! Trev has been played with here alot. I didnt expect how big a hit he would be. My 5 year old carried it around with her for about two weeks straight. Now it comes out at least every other day. I saw a bunch of them at TRU they are the same price at CTC.
these are one of my favorite parts of collecting. i think the minis are great. my son adores them. the crazier the better for him. and they really can take quite a beating and still look great. keep these coming and we will buy them.
If the mini line stuck close to the 1;55 mainline designs especially the racers, They would have sold by the bucketload, and more of the mainline collectors would have got these too. I was put off because of the crazy paint and cars that we did not see in the film, Can you imagine how popular a s.o.s miniline would sell? Then as with the mainline you could have haulers and pitty’s. Too late now i think.$$$$$’s down the drain??
I disagree. If the mini’s were canon to the film and stuck close to the mainline diecast, why buy them? I don’t think they present the same value as the diecast. It seems to me the price of the mini’s has always mirrored the price of the diecasts, maybe 10 or 20 cents less per car and they’re made of plastic. Putting them up against each other penny for penny, plastic vs. metal, I think most buyers would have and still do buy the diecast. I think from the get-go the mini’s were marketed wrong and priced wrong. Regardless of the colors or paint schemes, if they had been priced better (less) from the start and were priced today at $4.99 for 2 instead of $6.99, I believe sales would have been and would continue to be much greater. Producing them in crazy colors and with monster truck tires only sets them apart from the mainline diecasts enough that maybe they draw a different type of buyer. From what I’ve encountered, the entire mini line is like purple ramone; they sit on the pegs a long time. Hopefully all the new offerings will help the line move, but only time will tell (even though I still think the price is too high). The closest Sears to me just blew out all the mini’s they had for $1.47 per pack. I buy one pack of the mini’s only. I agree with MiaSeniorita above that they fit great in the Jammer boxes which we take with us to restaurants or on road trips. And PD is correct, they don’t chip and our 3 year old loves to bash up his cars and these little guys are tough. For me and I think a lot of collectors/buyers it comes down to price. Considering acuransx talks about the costs involved with the diecasts a lot, I just don’t see the justification for charging what they do for the mini line. They’re little molded plastic cars made in China. So differentiate them enough, with crazy paint schemes, trailers, etc.., regardless of how canon they are to the film and maybe, just maybe they’ll create some interests and get them to sell. And I think if they COULD get this line to sell, Mattel would make much more profit per car than they do with the diecast line(at the current price). And for Mattel, isn’t that what it’s all about?
Are you sure these are correct listings though? Because I got green ramone and radiator springs mcqueeen minis, but there was no luigi & mack(police) or chick and mcqueen(4×4 buddies)but they had just about everyone from case e other than tank coat & no stall and mater & lightning(lightning’s team), and usally they have new ones o the back when they don’t have tank coat & no stall.
(MET: That’s the list I have. I got CASE D which was accurate but since i have not seen a CASE E or F … I cannot say for certain … just listing what was told to me).
I didn’t see the Tank Coat/No Stall set either and it looked as if they had just stocked several cases; the pegs were full and there were several of the CH hauler and Bob/Darrell. And I found the Radiator Springs set w/ Green Ramone/RS LMQ. Maybe that was a WM only case? I’ve been checking eBay as well to see a picture of the contents of case E but nothing has shown up yet.
I checked ebay met, and this is what they say is case e…
Bring on Tank Coat and No Stall! Oh and Dinoco Hauler.. I think we may have the rest already. So fun!! Plus, these fit great in the Jammers π
Finally, I’ve been searching everywhere for the listings.
I have seen remnants of Case F here in San Diego too. I am happy to see a lot more diversity in the Minis cases now.
are the mini’s diecast or plastic?
Plastic, which if you have kids is GREAT!! They do not chip and scratch like the diecast do…these are to be played with!!
They are plastic.
Now there’s an idea for MattyCollector — diecast Mini’s!
These look great! 8)