Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: And in this Corner, 1:24 Scale Ramone
And in this corner – weighing in at 4 lbs (ish) – 1:24 Ramone in the purple body & who will jack you up!
And from our earlier post, 1:55 scale Ramone High ‘N Low megasized … weighing in at a few ounces … who will beat you with his purple deliciousness …
As I said in the first post on the 1:24 series Lightning McQueen … when the 1:55 is the greatest of all time, how are you gonna top the champ? It ain’t a fair fight … 🙂
1:55 CARS: “Cause we are the champions … of the wooorrlllldddddddddddddd.”
In other words, suck it giant CAR 🙂
Um, if diecast CARS could talk, of course.
But of course, collect them all!
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Jeff and John, why oh why did you have to comment on this old post? I was almost over my disappointment. This was my most favorite wish-car. Now it is a fresh wound again. Sad now. We will never have him!!!!! (Sobbing sounds)
I’m so sorry Lorri! I was just replying to the other John’s question. 🙁
(MET: Never made it into production).
Not yet available.
we NEED this one too 🙁 …. but I am partial 😉
Where can I get this car??
Yes, this 1:24 Ramon has articulated hydralics at each front wheel and the entire read end can be raised or lowered as well. As you can see we VUM’ed the entire chassis and hydralics and rims. Tires will be real rubber like and treaded.
His VUM’ed Radidator Spings plaque will be slighty visible through the rear windshield.
Nascar, we will be checking paint finishes, just remember that we only prodcue about 300 thousand of these………….nobody’s perfect.
Why me Acuransx? You mean Ramone,…. I wont own a lowerider but looks good anyway.
These are mass produced and no one can catch everything
So, does the 1:24 Ramone really have movable “hydraulics” or does Met just have pictures of different prototypes? That would be sweet if you could change poses. I think I need one of these!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, I think my son needs one!!!!!!!!!:oops:
Acura, we are the same generation.
Thanks for sharing.
Interesting, never would have thought you were a girl 🙂
Damn, wish I coulda grown up in Monterey my ownself……I’ve done some Plein Air Painting up there, it’s beautiful.
Yeah, I also remember that the guys that painted their cars candy apple or metalflake regretted it because the sun UV ray’s faded the finish whihin a year 🙁
That was High School days, graduated in ’70, I didn’t have a car, had the footmobile 🙁
Oh well……….. guess I’ve made up for it with the NSX, Corvette, and the SUV in my garage right now. Just took about 39 years. Guess life is worth the wait?
Yes, BlueR was a Ransburg finish.
Just imagine that you have a shiny chrome like finish and you apply a transparent tint over it. It’s not an opaque finish, it is candy colored tint. Back in the day there were candy apple paint jobs. You can get different effects by what the base undercoat is, either silver or gold………….gold undercoat usually for greens, silver for blues…….you can experiment. Then there’s Pearls which I won’t get into right now.
Lowriders and Hot Rodders used them alot. JL grew up in Whittier, two towns from me in Montebello. We were low riders, they were hot rodders. Think of American Grafitti when you think of JL 🙂
Sorry for the shop talk, just want to clarify for those who care.
Grew up in Monterey myself, Fort Ord, Leguna Seca Race Track, my Dad was in charge of it for the Army. So know exactly what you are talking about, California was where it was at for the hot rods on the streets. Those were cruisin’ times. Those candy apple paints were also so fine at the car shows.
I remember a Rolls Royce from the 60’s that a friend had gotten in trade for a Corvette he had, it had that deep pearl white paint that looked like nail polish. I’m a female 🙂
Thanks for passing on the info for Blu Ray, thought so, its good to hear from the source 😆
nothin’ but drool…
Yeah, I sent Met another image og him lowered in the front, raised on the back but he didn’t post it. No surprise as I know he’s not a fan of these.
Hey, we know it’s a stretch $ wise but it’s an agreement we made with Lasseter. These we done very quickly kinda lowball when they first came out, it wasn’t my Line then, and he asked me to do them better and we have. End of story. When you promise something to JL he does NOT FORGET.
Deco, labor, zinc, has ALL gone UP in China and when we did the math these are the numbers we came up with. I think the pricing on our 1:55 is very resonable especially when I see what others ask for them, like CTC and FleaBay. No knock on them mind you as I think it’s called capitalism 🙂
We here are doing are best to make the best ever version of the 1:55 in the cases as well. I keep seeing those Ransburg finishes in my minds eye.
Can’t wait to get Hong Kong doinging some explorations…….
Acura, off topic, but was Blu Ray McQueen a Ransburg finish?
I have always liked the color change on this car, in different lighting conditions.
One of these days acuransx your other buddy has the info I keep hearing a rumor about a ransburg SotSS, bet you can clarify that