Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Haulers Massed on US-Canadian Border Pictorial
What, you mean you can’t just randomly walk into a WM and pick up all 7 Haulers?
Who will be the Dinoco driver the year after?
Like Chick could get out a contract signed with an outfit called Hostile Takeover Bank 🙂
I guess it’s legal to boost your octane if you say it upfront?
Nice – missing wheeled Tongue but not Tongue McQueen named Finish Line McQueen …
WooHoo! The Rust-eze is here, drink up boys!
It’s making Fred all giantism again!
Whudda mean, “Not to be taken internally?”
And Jerry comes with the correct GRAY faceplate plus the 5 O’Clock shadow …
Thanks for the pics, SlicePie … he was able to get the Haulers early thanks to the great NIAGARA FALLS FREEZE …
Where he could just clamber aboard the ship and help himself … 🙂
Okay, this photo was from 1948 … “The flow of water over Niagara Falls was stopped completely over both falls on March 29th 1848 due to an ice jam in the upper river for 30 – 40 hours. The Falls did not actually freeze over, but the flow was stopped to the point where people where able to walk the dry riverbed and find muskets, arrowheads and tomahawks from the War of 1812.”
I’d hate to the last guy off a “supposed” frozen river bed – famous last words, “NOT FROZEN NO MOOOOOORRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Thanks a lot Global Warming … now, I’ll never get to fall off off a giant ice sheet of frozen waterfall …
Thanks for the pics SlicePie …
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In the film when mcqueen meet the recicled batteries’s truck :
mcqueen says:mack!mack!but you isn’t mack!
truck says:mack?I’m a peterbilt,damn!