Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: CSI Pit Row, The Load-Out and Crew Chief Box Customs!
First, Aroldo was kind enough to scan us a higher resolution and larger size of the pages (just below) from the Italian CARS magazine so the ZSHARE LINK is here – free download to enjoy and use. Also feel free to add to the discussion if you unearth anything new …
Original post and comments HERE.
And for the curious about “the Load-Out” scene …
Aroldo has also down the work for us in ID-ing the ones in the row … from front to back …
1 Trunk Fresh trailer (not sceen in this grab)
2 Tank Coat trailer with Pitty
3 a little corner of Spare Mint trailer (note on the aerial view the identical advanced position)
4 Bumper Save trailer
5 A little corner of N20 trailer
6 Shiny Wax trailer
7 Rev-n-go trailer (not visible, in advanced position or just gone after the race)
8 Tow Cap trailer
9 Octane Gain trailer
10 Mood Spring trailer (not visible, in advanced position or just gone after the race)
11 Apple trailer
12 Sputter Stop
13 Vitolini Green trailer
14 Gask-its blue trailer
Here, it’s much easier to explain away any discrepanicies in the trailer positions and where McQueen turns right and then left to meet up with Mack and then to the Dinoco tent. Since, the race results dispute pretty much involved McQueen, King & Chick, the rest of the teams could start their load-out as soon as the checkered flag dropped so smaller teams with one truck could’ve driven off or pulled around to the other side so everyone could begin the load out to leave.
But thanks for more detailed look at the load-out, Aroldo …
AND in a fitting related post, some amazing customs NOT from Aroldo but in musicnywu’s collection …

A great Crew Chief Pit Box custom … (of course, will have to make due since Chick Hicks Crew Chief is not out yet …)
FOUR Pit Crew Setups … Not impressed yet?

NOW, you can go GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY! Be sure and look at the art on each one, these were not just slapped together, these are beautifully done on a technical and on an artistic level … just too amazing!

They ALL look amazing and perfect. Too, too nice!
And of course, it looks like musicnywu has the room to build the Speedway of the South to scale 🙂 … plus Radiator Springs, of course …

Yep, just when you think you’ve seen it all … SURPRISE! Great looking customs and setups! musicnywu – thanks for sharing and letting us have a look. I know this will light a fire under Matty and we’ll be getting a chance to buy 36 Crew Chief Pit boxes, right Matty?
Thanks for the larger scan, Aroldo and thanks musicnywu for letting us get a peek at your great Crew Chief Pit Box collection … wow!
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