Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: CSI: Piston Cup Racers Pit Row Clues
As if Aroldo P. of Italy hasn’t already done enough for us, he discovered a great screenshot of Pit Row that appeared in the CARS Magazine – Italian version.
It is obviously shrunk down to fit our pages here but you can see it’s a puzzle for kids (cut out squares on the right) to put it together but much more importantly, this is also the first OFFICIAL shot of Pit Row from top down view.
If we just zoom in on the Pit Row area …
And with all the squares of the “puzzle” filled in …
Aroldo says that from RIGHT to LEFT …
1 Dinoco
3 Nitroade
4 Easy Idle
5 View Zeen
6 Shiny Wax
7 Gask-its
8 Vitoline
9 Sputter Stop
10 Apple
11 Mood Springs
12 Octane Gain
13 Tow Cap
14 Rev-n-go
15 Shiny Wax (2nd trailer)
16 N2O
17 Bumper Save
18 Spare Mint
19 Tank Coat
20 Trunk Fresh
21 Vinyl Toupee
22 RPM
23 Rust-eze (empty)
24 Leak Less
25 Clutch Aid
26 Shifty Drug
27 Transberry Juice
28 Sidewall Shine (I suppose)
29 Dale Jr (I suppose)
30 Lil Torquey
31 No Stall
32 Gasprin
33 Fiber Fuel (I suppose)
34 Faux Wheel drive
35 Retread
36 empty
Sounds about right … any quibbles?
And the Haulers parked in the top row – presumption being that the biggest sponsors have more than one Hauler to bring it all …
Or from the right, a closer look …
And the lefts side …
Aroldo fills in his guesses …
The 2nd lane of trailers from top left:
2 Spare Mint
3 N2O
4 Tank Coat
5 Gask-its
6 Rust-eze (why the Mack trailer is here?)
7 N2O
8 Dinoco
10 Gask-its
11 Transberry Juice
12 Nitroade
13 HTB
14 RPM
15 Gasprin
16 Octane Gain
17 Vitoline
So, here’s a possible explanation for the 2 #84’s … as spot #36 above seems reserved for Re-Volting (only one missing) … maybe they sold #84 to Apple but didn’t have time to repaint so they’re back in the paint shop/”shell shop?” But ultimately, had to rush out and got an okay to still race with #84?
As for the missing 7 racers (the clue there are 43 racers is the first line in the film where McQueen says something about 1 Winner and 42 Losers – I eat losers for breakfast … and NASCAR also runs with 43 cars) … the simplest explanation is they got suspended or kicked out for this race and McQueen doesn’t know or care about details so in this race, there were only 36 racers … however, you could also argue that there are only 36 painted slots for the Haulers – you could shift everyone over and probably squeeze in another 7 racers but not as convincing of an argument since there are not 7 additional empty slots painted on the ground.
But, I could also argue that they spray painted in McQueen’s name & number in that middle empty slot – that perhaps in the Piston Cup circuit, they would go to the trouble of repainting the lines for every race … of course, you also point that Re-Volting’s name is not painted in slot #36 🙂 (Davey Apex).
So, as we call John Lasseter a genius for all the things he does right, we’ll assign him the blame here 🙂
Yea, what’s up with that? You owe us … like 7 more Haulers and 43 Pit stands!
So …
Butte Oil was suspended for having a name no one could say without snickering …
Texas Tea’s Squirrel shadow logo looked too much like Dinoco’s.
Matty fell asleep during qualifying.
Loose Lug Nuts – fun for kids but not so good for racing at 186 MPH.
Backfire Track Droppings – Not really appreciated by the competitors.
Exploding Fuel Additive – (worked too well).
Microsoft – (Driven by I.M. PC) (Please make up your own jokes) 🙂
Also, Pit Row is not 35 or 36 CARS (from this screenshot and the count above) …
BTW, all their names?
In alphabetical order by sponsor:
Bumper Save (#90) – Ponchy Wipeout
Clutch Aid (#121) – Kevin Shiftright
Creme Filled Gask-its (#80) – Sage Vanderspin
Dale Jr. (#8) – Dale Earnhardt Jr.
Dinoco (#43) – Strip “The King” Weathers
Easy Idle (#51) – Ruby “Easy” Oakes
Faux Wheel Drive (#54) – Johnny Blamer
Fiber Fuel (#56) – Brush Curber
Gasprin (#70) – Floyn Mulvihill
Hostile Takeover Bank (HTB) (#86) – Chick Hicks
Leak Less (#52) – Claude Scruggs
Lil Torque Pistons (#117) – Ralph Carlow
Mac iCar (#84) – Axxelo Fission
Mood Springs (#33) – Chuck Armstrong
N20 (#68) – Manny Flywheel
Nitroade (#28) – Aiken Axler
No Stall (#123) – Todd “The Shockster” Marcus
Octane Gain (#58) – Billy Oilchanger
Re-Volting (#84) – Davey Apex
Retread (#79) – Paul Inngas
Rev-N-Go (#73) – Misti Motorkrass
RPM (#64) – Winford Bradford Rutherford
Rust-Eze (#95) – Lightning McQueen
Shifty Drug (#35) – Kevin Racingtire
Shiny Wax (#82) – Darren Leadfoot
Sidewall Shine (#74) – Slider Petrolski
Spare Mint (#93) – Earnie Gearson
Sputter Stop (#92) – Murray Clutchburn
Tach-O-Mint (#101) – Greg Candyman
Tank Coat (#36) – Eugene Carbureski
Tow Cap (#4) – Rusty Cornfuel
Transberry Juice (#63) – Lee Reukins
Trunk Fresh (#34) – Dirk D’Argostino
View-Zeen (#39) – Ryan Shields
Vinyl Toupee (#76) – Crusty Rotor
Vitoline (#61) – James Cleanair
Thanks Aroldo for showing us how the MSOS interior Pit Lane & setup should be … now, we need some Pit Chief stands, a few hundred RV’s, some tents and another 50 Haulers … can someone calculate how big to scale this setup should be now we know the Haulers are about 2.5″ wide? 🙂
Math & engineering whizs? Go do the voodoo you do so well …
Thanks again, Aroldo!
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I had the pitrow boxes from GOTFrank and can reload them on my dropbox account for you Met
“GotFrank” was not only nice enough to send us some amazing shots of the other side of the Motor Speedway of the South set (the Pit Row) but he was also gracious enough to offer the ready to print out and use Pit Row boxes for each racer! In High Res and beautifully crafted – thanks, GotFrank. They have been uploaded to:
Thats cool my son went nuts when he saw the set up. Does anyone know if you can purchase the pit crew stands for the crew chiefs.
(MET: Someone made a template for most but I cannot find the post … maybe time to reload them?
Thanks! But in the future if anyone finds how to buy them let me know.
Thanks again!