Texas Tea Hummer #3 Has Landed!
Of course, I got my Texas Tea a few weeks back – it was beautiful, funny, hilarious and great …
And everyone who worked on bringing it life got their names tossed into an electronic hat (iPhone Random Number Generator 🙂 ) for a drawing of another Texas Tea …
“Started by PistonDad, it took a committee to bring this off – headed up by NascarBronco, PistonDad, PirateDad, Mary & SlicePie … and the rest – FuturePixarGoddess, acuransx, collectormom, mia tia and njm, Flik’s Friend, AScreaminWhat?, BMW, Bucklands-Blowout, crazyforcarsakaJim, daddyO, Daniel, dealornodealcars, Edge, Fiddleheads, Heinz57, Jeaks, jestrjef, John in Missouri, King of Cars, L8rM8r, Lenin, Lorri, Micky, Monica, Pdiddy, racerguy, Samuel, samurai60, senor Ruiz, tuch, juicepirate, TJH-AZ, DisneycarsFanatic, Red67, Glenn Bronsdon, Bill Long & MEGAHEAT.”
And the deserving winner of the bunch was JESTRJEF!
And he sent along some unboxing photos!
Is that some sort of ninja weapon?
It’s official!
AND all the free newspaper we can toss all over and roll around in!
Look, I know I’m technically vermin but look, I have a bushy tail, I’m cute so don’t fumigate me! I’ve had my shots, let me out!
Whoops, the laptop is not made for the vacuum pressure differential.
Daddy, why is the squirrel on top of the car? Why isn’t he wearing a seat belt? Why did you get 100 pounds of packing material?
That’s an easy Windows fix. I’ll just reboot and re-glue …
Life is a highway and I wanna ride it all night long …
Daddy, why is Calvin ………………….
NEWSPAPERS! Something tells me JestrWife is not home right now 🙂
Only one thing more fun that packing newspaper … PACKING BOX! WooHoo!
What? I wasn’t touching … You thought I was touching it? Nu-uh … I was just …
Thanks ALL for MY Texas Tea and thanks for the unboxing pics JestrJef of your Texas Tea – squirrel missing yet? 🙂
Did you kick all the newspapers under the couch? 😆
SCRAPBOOK POST coming right up!