Article Archive for 27 December 2008

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 27 December 2008
Stats: and 24 Comments
Don’t forget the LAST DAY of purchase is 12/31/2008. You have another two weeks after that (1/15/2009) to get it in an envelope and they must receive it by 1/31/209. Also note – if they have any problems with your order, they will send an email and follow up with you – for instance, if […]

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Internet, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 27 December 2008
Stats: and 17 Comments
For anyone who wants to introduce themselves, step right up and answer these questions three (or more) (or make up your own- we’re not picky other than answering the FIRST one so we know who you are) 🙂 SIGNIN NAME? BIO? WHEN DID YOU START? WHAT WAS THE FIRST CAR YOU GOT? HOW LONG BEFORE […]

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 27 December 2008
Stats: and 24 Comments
Target customers are pretty amazing. I went today and the Christmas candy & trinket section was pretty much wiped out … I hope that Starbucks mug & coffee candy set holds until 2009 🙂 At one Target, they had this setup in toys … maybe an employee made off with the pegs or they realize […]

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Internet, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 27 December 2008
Stats: and 9 Comments
For anyone who wants to introduce themselves, step right up and answer these questions three (or more) (or make up your own- we’re not picky other than answering the FIRST one so we know who you are) 🙂 SIGNIN NAME? BIO? WHEN DID YOU START? WHAT WAS THE FIRST CAR YOU GOT? HOW LONG BEFORE […]

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Internet, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 27 December 2008
Stats: and 23 Comments
For anyone who wants to introduce themselves, step right up and answer these questions three (or more) (or make up your own- we’re not picky other than answering the FIRST one so we know who you are) 🙂 SIGNIN NAME? BIO? WHEN DID YOU START? WHAT WAS THE FIRST CAR YOU GOT? HOW LONG BEFORE […]

Posted in Uncategorized on 27 December 2008
Stats: and 10 Comments
For anyone who wants to introduce themselves, step right up and answer these questions three (or more) (or make up your own- we’re not picky other than answering the FIRST one so we know who you are) 🙂 SIGNIN NAME? BIO? WHEN DID YOU START? WHAT WAS THE FIRST CAR YOU GOT? HOW LONG BEFORE […]