Article Archive for 10 December 2008

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 10 December 2008
Stats: and 37 Comments
Buying CARS is not like most things – any pansy can just kudzu to the section marked on the canopy, drop it in a cart and pay for it … CARS, holy fertilizer, it is the winter of our discontent. With CARS, it not just hit or miss but after checking the toy section, you […]

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 10 December 2008
Stats: and 12 Comments
These are available (in theory), has any retailers actually ordered them? Anyone actually see one on the store shelf? Maybe it’s in a box under a tarp in gardening? Children’s Toy Closet just let me know that they are arriving in a few days so if you want to order one from them. Otherwise the […]

Posted in CARS, Contests, Disney Pixar, Mattel, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Toys on 10 December 2008
Stats: and 43 Comments
The December contest produced some really nice entries across the board. Here are our four winners: An HHR submitted by Supergrassgirl. A wood skinned lambo submitted by h1topper. A unique tank submitted by Gervart. A nice bluesmobile submitted by Jarrod. Submissions came from across the U.S., the UK, Australia, and France! Well done folks! We […]

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 10 December 2008
Stats: and 53 Comments
Keep in mind they just finished these a month ago so it will take a while to sculpt, get approvals, create molds, make them and ship them to us … so don’t start holding your breath just yet, we still have 6 months but clear out your shelves, convert your gold hoard to cash … […]