Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: The Scale of Fred
Ah Fred, who knew you could create such problems …
It seems, based on this scene, we got original Fred … but we knew he wasn’t quite right …
It’s been suggested that Fred is a Studebaker Lark though he looks more in line with several Fiats* or its European/Russian knockoffs like the Riva or he’s really a combo of everything … In Wikipedia, Fred is listed as a 1962 AMC Rambler but I don’t see it.
* The Yugo was based on this Fiat.
The problem is that if Fred was really a 1962 AMC Rambler, he would be almost exactly the same length as a Dodge Dart which Rust-Eze is but in this screensnap, he clearly bulkier and more square than streamlined … he’s more like a combo Fiat & the Nash Metropolitan and from the scene above, he’s a short but tall sedan …
But here is talking to Marco & Mario Andretti … he is much more Fiat/Nash like …
Since Marco the Ford Expedition SUV is not out, Dexter Hoover (Ford 150 is about the same size) so new re-scaled Fred is about right – maybe a smidgen small but close enough.
Original Fred’s hoodline was clearly too tall and the rest of him too big.
Re-scaled Fred & McQueen, just about spot on.
Original Fred, clearly too honking big.
The rusting car on the far right is more like a K-car and since Chuck Manifold isn’t out yet, Axel Accelerator is about the same front profile …
Again, re-scaled Fred is just about right sized.
Original Fred – ridiculously large … “Sir, this is not a class one commercial license as you are clearly a giant truck …”
I think this pretty much clinches that re-scaled Fred is scaled just about right. (this is the new ‘oversized’ Mack).
Original Fred … um – some 1:40 scale car? Or maybe Fred was drinking the Rust-Eze as some sort of steroids for cars …
Rescaled Fred & original large XL plastic Mack.
Aye, carumba!
So, I think the evidence is now pretty clear that while we still don’t quite know what kind of car Fred is, clearly he is much closer to the original intended size when we see him next to the other character CARS.
And now, original Fred versus re-scaled Fred …
Still Life – Fred at Rest.
Traffic is getting worse in Radiator Springs …
I hate it when the time-continuum timeline gets messed up and future me & present steroid me arrive at the same time …
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Fifth photo from the top, the green car preceding Fred into the Pit Pass area is none other than Costanzo Della Corsa (who is preceded himself by Antonio Veloce!).
Thank you very much for taking the time
to make this pictorial! Good job!