Article Archive for 29 October 2008

Posted in Advertising, CARS, collecting, diecast, Film, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 29 October 2008
Stats: and 29 Comments
While the TakeFive squirrels and Santa’s elves are negoiating the TakeFiveADay Lightning Ramone production run, PirateDad figures he can save the postage to the North Pole by slipping his letter to Santa during our meetings … “For Christmas this year, and I have been a very good Pirate, I can explain about the sugar in […]

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 29 October 2008
Stats: and 2 Comments
What is a variant? (and of course, specifically to toys & toys collecting) There are really four criterias: A variant is simply a variation that is also available that is different from the “correct” design, different from the first-release design or different from the current release and more importantly, REPLACES it. It is a “variation” […]

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 29 October 2008
Stats: and 16 Comments
There was a short feature in the latest Newsweek, mostly based on the lead nugget that Mattel now had a larger stock market capitalization than GM, the “real” car manufacturer. Good for Mattel, not so good for GM. You can read the entire story here. Of course, there’s not any mention of the Pixar CARS […]