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TakeFiveADay – My Trip to Our FLIKR Pool

A few weeks ago, we finally opened our FLIKR pool and I haven’t had a chance to go back and look … but I took a look and hey it’s a cool place filled with CARS & cute kids 😉 … thanks to all the fun and cool reader photos … in reverse order of joining our pool …


Nice to see all the box ‘boys all together in one family reunion pic …

barbarawilson2 (BMW)

Great detailing on Marco … plus what everyone’s collection should look like (well, at least the backups still on card 🙂 … and of course, a backup for the backup). 🙂


Kickin’ it in my CARS jammies, at my CARS Ethan Allen, watching CARS, eating CARS pancakes … hey, dad can you turn on that sprinkler that rains CARS on me … ah to be really, really young in PJ where your feet are never cold 🙂 …


If you love model trains and legos, be sure and check out his 1,000 photos … great pics of the Pixar CARS also but they all seem to be trapped inside their plastic prisons … can’t breath 🙂


Great Batman stuff photos – the monster truck McQueen is great plus some hard to find obscure stiff – all nicely photographed.


You can see a real artist in action here, it seems easy to stick an action figure or a car in front of a backdrop and snap some pictures but you can see the difference here – everything just oozes with personality – great stuff!


A letter from Brad Bird … his letterhead seems nicer than mine for some reason, I just can’t quite put my finger on it …


Via JackDaddy … For some reason, I feel like having some fudge.


Some great photos of CARS in packaging and out – especially nice is his sister’s collection photos … be sure to check out the full wall … though I don’t know, pretty tempting for guests to walk off with some 🙂


Humm, am I the only one who just randomly scatters my CARS? Humm ,,, though I spot a few empty spaces … don’t understand that … 🙂 … Plus, Carsmama reunion pics are up … apparently her school only allowed attractive people to attend 🙂 Or maybe she only hangs with attractive toys and friends 🙂


Great collection for being in Sweden, I’m sure Crusin’ McQueen is just showing up in stores … says he had to resort to eBay … maybe we might be able to find a few people to help you … 🙂


Yet another organized mom … some more fun pics of lots of different CARS things including secret pics of toys her son hasn’t seen yet so shhh!!! 🙂 …


This is from a guy who hates Mattel – imagine what his collection would look like if he liked Mattel 🙂


Yea, my collection storage looks just like this … well, sure, other than the fact I have multi-sized boxes, no labels, no database and the squirrels eat through the side of the boxes to take inventory (on the account they can’t really read) … again, organized!


I guess one really, really baby equals 100 CARS pics 🙂 … I have my PhD thesis … “Everyone who collects CARS has really, really cute babies.”


Nice pictures of the set as it spirals around the room – metaphorically pointing out, ’round and round’ she goes – nobody knows where this line will stop … so be sure you have 18 foot high walls 🙂

Mr. T (ferrari fan)

Lots more fun pictures of the CARS collection but this is extra nice! Love the fact the speakers are his tires and roll out and cool lamp …

John in Missouri (jurgostuff)

John has a secret map of how many days it will take him to cover X number of stores 🙂 … I guess southern Florida requires him to run the gauntlet of other shoppers – slowing down his store sweeper vehicle … 🙂


Does everyone see me like this or just PDAS00? 😀  😕

Or have you been talking to an ex? 🙂


The Pitty’s look great all lined up together …


Now I see why there are no CARS left on the shelf – when PDiddy brigs her the store, who’s NOT going to go in the back and bring out stuff for her. How can I compete against cute?


I guess you counter PDiddy cute with TWO cute little boys and a CARS Suburban that can hold like 8,000 CARS … that is the perfect picture – as the boys look like they are talking to the “Suburby.” 🙂


Great photos but we could use more CARS photos 🙂


More great organized photos – but how can you resist the penguin & horse from Toy Story …


Great series of photos from the close perspective – nice!


This is his daughter’s collection … this appears to be about 1/3 of their collection … great looking display case and PirateDad, your daughter is right, CARS should be dsplayed at an angle to show off the front and side 🙂


Be sure and check out jadafiend’s/ricky’s great and fun photos of not just CARS available around the world but all the fun toys he collects … and of course, gotta close out with yet another cute CARS collector … though dad, aren’t you standing awfully close as she’s about to launch the Mini’s? Awwww, my eye! My eye! 🙂

Thanks for all the fun photos from all over … thanks for joining our pool and letting us take a look – put up more photos! Looking forward to seeing more!

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