Meet the Traver & CTC at the Rollatorium
I have never heard of a rollatorium before …
Is it a sanatorium you can also roller skate in?
I guess a roller rink is too rinky dinky so rollatorium sounds more lively? … and is that really the best place to hold an collectible show?
But hey, if you’re in Jackson, Michigan on November 1, 2008 – if you’re not too hangovery after ingesting 3 lbs of candy, 2 bottles of candy flavored schnapps and bags of bloody corn syrup, why not go to a Toy Show?
Stop by and say hi to Traver and pick up some holiday goodies like the 24 days of Green Ramone advent calendar (for you know, the annoying kid next door) 🙂 … I kid, of course. He’ll have CARS stuff and he’ll re-tell the famous story of how 72 roller skaters just followed each other off a loose railing in the great roller disco rollatorium tragedy of 1978 …
Toy Show starts on October 31. 2008 but Traver & CTC will only be there Saturday.
November 1st
Jackson Fairgrounds
Fair Event Center/Rollatorium
200 W. Granson St
Jackson, MI
Apparently it’s a pretty big show – not just diecast items.

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