Mattel Pixar Diecast CARS: Kmart CARS Collector Days Recap
It seems for 95-98% of CARS buyers who were able to get to a Kmart, it was rated as acceptable to good to ‘no one else is here?!’ great 🙂
In my case, there was the long waiting since they would only allow one box open at a time and I was nearly last but there were still plenty of CARS even during the free-for-all period (well, not actually free but to outsiders, it seems like it) 🙂
Sounds like it was handled differently in different places. At the store I went to, they got 24 CASES of 9998. If your number was drawn, you were handed a box that was opened right there – you got 5 minutes to go through and pick out 5. The rest of that box was put behind her. If you were the 25th person, you had to go through an opened box but since unlike HW’s, there are dupes of most of the CARS everyone wants, it worked out and of course, not everyone wants the same thing – kid in front of me wanted the Dinoco McQueen 🙂
And it was actually kind of nice knowing the new CARS were actually in front of you and they were going to open them right there and then – instead of the WM endcap fiasco where it supposed to be up on October 1st or maybe the 10th or maybe the 12th of never … so unless no stock showed up, most nearly everyone got a chance to get 5 and after the raffle portion, I think most people got complete what they wanted.
I believe it was BMW who pointed out that actually has a teaser listing for “CARS Collector Bundles“
If you click on LEARN MORE, all it does it download the PDF of today’s flyer so nothing definite as of yet.
So, be sure and check your other Kmart’s if you want to pick up extras or just to clear the shelf 🙂
BTW, if anyone saw or bought all the “exclusive” Mini’s, drop us a line via email or the comments just what they were, the store I was at received none and it’s hard to tell from this store above just what they got.
The obvious question is whether they will do it again – I would say it’s a big success. Kmart probably managed to sell some 15,000+ CARS in a couple hours time and bring a lot of people into Kmart’s (a guy in front of me also bought some paint) so I’m sure Kmart is willing to do it again – now it’ll be up to Mattel & DisneyPixar …
ADMIN NOTE – sorry about the comments glitch – should be fixed. I did accidentally erase one comments post – my pointer strayed from APPROVE to DELETE and once it’s gone, it’s gone – so sorry about erasing someone’s comments. But thanks for all the updates and glad for 98% of you, it all went smooth … I sense the trades board is lighting up with requests and lists … and just to note … you are free to list any CARS for whatever price you want. This is a free market system. If you think it’s over-priced, just skip them and if they offend you, send them a direct email but everyone here is free to list for whatever they want to or think the market will bear, if you think it’s not worth your while, just move on. Thanks.
Enjoy the spoils of your day – relax.
Storytellers won’t arrive until tomorrow and the November WM pallet drop is probably 12 days away … or 12 hours but you had 5 minutes to rest, now get back on the CARS bandwagon …
Of course, it is about the kids … Carsmom went with her son Asa & friend Madison …
WooHoo, just CARS and glad mom didn’t buy any clothes! 🙂 …
Don’t forget, Asa, crazy grownups in a far-off land called eBay will pay you for the empty cardboard box since it reads M1054-9998 on the side 🙂
And see, CARS collectors and honest and forthright (or maybe we can’t see too good, just kidding! 🙂 ) … can you name another diecast line where you could place boxes with exclusives, chases and treasure hunts on a handcart and not be forced to chase it down? 🙂
Or as Mike E email subject … “More boxes than People …”
NICE place to shop!
Pics from Mike E were cropped since we didn’t want to indict someone who told their spouse they were building habitats for humanity …
Thanks for the pics!
BTW, COMMENTS are now threaded … though I’m still standing by the DELETE key 😉
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