Mattel Pixar Diecast CARS: Kmart CARS Collector Day is HERE & Now
Well, it after midnight on the East Coast …
Since I’m out on the West Coast, those who hit the 11:00 AM mark on the East Coast as I wake from my slumber, be sure to drop us a line.
If you have internet access with your phone, sign up for TWITTER and keep us up to date with everything going on – email us with your twitter to be added to our sidebar. So far, it’s me & NascarBroncoFan (see right sidebar) – email me to join us!
Or feel free to comment below.
Be sure and answer some of the following questions in your comments 🙂
What was your expectation going in?
What time did you arrive?
Was it easy to figure out where it was in Kmart?
Or disaster? No CARS? No event?
How many people were there when you showed?
How many were there ultimately?
Did it start on time?
Go smoothly? Okay? Poorly?
What did you get?
What didn’t you get? On purpose?
How long did it take?
Um, looking forward to the next one?
Let us know …
And if you need a little faith, only $14.99 a few aisles over – might also be useful as a weapon 🙂
And here’s hoping your Kmart looks like this one …
On the other hand, maybe you should go to the store right now … what’s that at the bottom of the pallet?
Thanks for the “mysterious” email and photo 🙂
Good luck, y’all – remember, it’s the adventure and the journey …
Or it’s the name-calling and the rioting … either way, it’s all fun!
And if you take pictures, email us at metroxing (at) or upload to FLIKR and link to our TAKE FIVE FLICKR POOL.
Oh and thanks Dazzling04 for the the link – here’s a coupon (PDF).
« Mattel Pixar CARS: At Costco Holiday 2008 & Random Retail | Mattel Pixar Diecast CARS: Kmart CARS Collector Days Recap » |