Mattel Pixar Diecast CARS: The Dee-Troit Report From Shanon
From the Detroit HW Collector’s Club event … where our friend, Traver from Children’s Toy Closet attended, here’s the report from Shanon …
“I went to the sad little Hot Wheel Collectors was held at a flea market but there were 20 vendors. Traver was the only one selling CARS, and he was selling tons of Hot Wheel cuz he was giving them away at .25 each, while most people were at least $2…just wanted to get rid of them.“
“One is the display of your book with colour flyers … I DEFINITELY need to get that book!!! He was promoting it quite a bit in the hour I was there…”
Thanks, Traver!
“And the other one is his give away … Blu Ray … BS MQ … and a Batman car … Traver is a great guy and I really enjoyed talking to him …”
“P.S. … It was really funny introducing myself…when I said Shanon, his eyes looked confused but when I said PirateDad they lit up with recognition!! IT was hilarious!”
Where-ever Traver goes, you know it’s a happening but then add PirateDad to the mix … 🙂
This is pretty typical of about 90% of the toy shows around the country. If you’re lucky, your town or nearby town will have one of the bigger ones – basically you can tell by size how many ‘tables” or “dealers” are there – 20 isn’t large obviously but it’s not bad though of course, as PirateDad points out, a HW show tends to have just HW dealers … usually you can also tell by the hall they hold it in but of course, they could use one of the smaller corners … the dealer/table count is your best gauge … 50 gives you lots of selection and pricing competition … 75 tables will give you a solid 5 hours of shopping.
There are about 12-15 major comic cons across the country and the larger ones have lots of dealers (sometimes a couple hundred) selling things – obviously, comic cons tend to sell more comic related items but with a few hundred tables, there will always be 3-6 dealers (or more) selling something as hot as CARS.
If you live in large metro area, during the holidays, there should be a more toy selling show (versus just a comic con), if you check it out, be sure and send us pics.
Thanks PirateDad and Traver!
Hope you didn’t have to eat any of the Hot Dogs they sell from the cubbyhole in the back of the show … you might be better off gnawing on the Hot Wheels Oscar Meyer Weinermobile.
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