Hey everybody,
I'm new to posting however long time reader,
I thought I'd share with you all my latest creation.
It all started when I had misplaced my old flash drive in work (and not for the first time) and it was my last one, so time to trawl the web for a reasonably priced one.
Sticking with my usual I went with Kingston, whilst I was purchasing the drive I noticed my daughter had made her way into my collection boxes (singles die-cast only) for fear of her opening the box and getting into my unopened singles collection I went to grab her and *bing* it hit me.
If only I could have a Disney Pixar Cars Die-cast USB Flash drive, i'd never misplace it again, my cars are like my pride and joy!!!
So after hard work and a giant mess here is the outcome :
I then thought of how to display at home and decided i could get a USB extender lead and have my new McQueen Car Drive sit beside my PC flash away with that smile on his face.
and below are close ups of the read/write led and ontop of my dusty Xbox:
So there we have it my first (of many) USB Pixar Car's Flash Drive 🙂
Please let me know what you think,
Happy collecting all!!!