Mattel Disney Pixar CARS: Kmart CARS Day #10 Mail In Offer – Muggsy & Lassetire!
While we knew the October offer would include the “Green Epilogue” John Lessetire Pickup truck, it was a mystery about Muggsy Liftsome – especially since they mailed one out by accident. One of a kind until October 30th, then 1 of 5,000 or so.
The offer is different this time.
Buy 5 singles AND get Muggsy Liftsome AND (Green) John Lassetire.
The offer is also different in that you need to mail in 5 blisters And your Kmart receipt AND $3.50 (for each 5 for 2 offer).
So, figuring it costs about $2 in postage, plus the $3.50 in handling fees, essentially, for about $25.50, you get Muggsy Liftsome & Green John Lassetire (presuming around $4 with tax for each single) + @$2 in postage + $3.50 in handling fees.
You may redeem this offer 5 times per address.
Or ultimately for @$25.50, you wind up with 5 singles and 2 Deluxe.
NOTE: Unlike last time where anything CARS/PLANES from Mattel was eligible, this time, it looks like only 3 product codes are eligible and they are all singles:
V2796 which are the CARS 2 Porto Corsa carded singles (2011-2012)
Y0471 which are the CARS Themes 2013 cards (the current series)
The P7001 is not a current product number, “P” stuff is pretty old – it can’t be lenticulars, can it?
So, the current Deluxe CARS are NOT on the list (Y0539) so it looks like ONLY SINGLES are eligible.
I hope your Kmart gets in singles – at least there should be some on the 19th but afterwards? Guess there will be a lot of Francesco’s finally stripped off the shelves.
Good luck! It looks like they will begin shipping on October 30, 2013.
Thanks for the heads up, “ToyFountain” that the Mattel KM #10 Day page is up & running though of course, receipts are only eligible after October 19, 2013.
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I went to the KMart Cars day yesterday. Luckily it was one of the few stores that did not put them out in advance. There were some very unhappy collectors. Unfortunately the store did not have a form for the mail in cars. Where can I get one online? or have one emailed?
Good point Mariela… does it have to match the UPC?
I guess it don’t, because with Hot Wheels promo we sent last time, some match and some don’t, so as long as you buy they don’t care, ha!
It’s a great way to get rid off the peg warmers uh!!
So if I buy 25 cars in 1 receipt it’s ok to mail that, and does it have to match the UPC? I could use some old series to open up and send those, right?
It’s gonna be an expensive shipping and handling…
Well, this news doesn’t float my boat. I am an opener, but I LOVE the Cards! I keep the cards of every one I open and double stick tape the name plate to it. They are so awesome … grrrr ……
Nowhere in the actual ad does it refer to K-Mart….only when you click on “continue” and get to checkout.
Does this include the new doubles/quadruples? (Uncle Topolino’s band, etc.)
(MET: It does NOT appear so).
Hit 3 Kmarts today. All had Carsday cars out.
Too bad receipts have to be dated 10/19-11/16
Looks like I’ll be buying peg-warmers on the 19th.
Do you mean the actual cases? With the so-called first-to-markets and the metallics? Aren’t the cases supposed to be embargoed until the 19th? If not, this “event” is a total non-event. If the case contents are being set on the pegs as they arrive, there’s no point in me driving 350 miles to go to Kmart… for Cars 2 Francescos. No promo in the world is worth putting up with that kind of Kmart malarky. My fear all along was that Day 10 was going to stink as badly as it did in June. Gosh, this is making me cranky.
Psst: Is Rip gold or silver?
(MET: I’ll do a follow up post in a couple days).
There is going to be a lot of upset people on the 19th if they show up and there are no special cars.
Exactly. If the case contents are sent to the pegs as soon as they arrive, there won’t be anything left in ten days. It could hardly be called an event. Something isn’t making sense here. Kmart has reassured us there will be a Collector Day 10, right? That has to mean something other than “come buy what’s left of the pegwarmers so you can open them up to send back to us for two free cars starting today”. Doesn’t it? I’m totally bummed by this.
Thanks God I’m not in MA. 😛
You may have been fooled by the remain of case Q which has several cars in common with the KMart day case…. same thing overhere… As today there is still no Cars Day Event sign at the entrance… Hello KMaaaart we are only 10 days away !!!… sigh… same old same.
Where are your Kmarts?
What’s now about the collectors day and the Kmart case which was supposed to be released October 19th!?
any news here?
(MET; There’s a post coming tomorrow with more photos but it essentially matches this).
Thanks for the answer. So with other words there is a Kmart case coming Oct. 19 and this offer send 5 blister and get to deluxe… So where is the problem”:-) as long as Kmart has enough cars I will find something to buy.
And cancel the vacations end of October because of no money.
I can’t see how this is $25 for a two deluxe, since there will be like seven new cars in the case if your local area hasn’t got case Q. If you go to the event for the new cars, you’ll get the two deluxes for just the cost of shipping…
I can feel for the Carded collector though. That’s a bummer…
(MET: Basically, you have to buy 5 CARS & open them + @$5.50 – if you are essentially the only person there – minimally, there are only 4 new CARS there and technically only 2 new CARS – unlike every other KM CARS Day where there were always at least 5 new CARS – compound that with the fact KM’s are not getting many cases, if a store gets 4 cases and you not called in the first 5 numbers, you’re most likely going to have to buy repeats and open them all up … and also knowing KM’s stocking situation, what will the day after look like? That’s why I’m saying for the vast majority of people, it’s $25.50 for 2 deluxes, I’m not saying it’s not worth it – I’m just pointing it out. With this BUY 5 scenario, Mattel should have simply packed this case with 5 singles – Metallic Gold Rip, Metallic Silver Rip, Metallic LM, Ruka and Mark Wheelsen – but hey, what do I know? 🙂 ).
Finally, something good comes along, but just after the “Store Closing” signs went up on the only KMart in town, which has been here for decades. I’m not sure if the timing is just coincidence, but a new Dollar Tree store opened right next door just a few weeks ago.
There will be no Cars Collector’s day #10 here.
By requiring the actual packaging, Kmart isn’t going to fall for the “buy a bunch of Cars, send in receipt to get free Ivans and return Cars to store with e-receipt” scam again.
I think someone posted during the Ivan promo that this was going to happen, well it did.
Not a great deal if you collect on-card…
Two cool Cars for 5 Singles. What à great deal!
We in Germany only got a boring metallic McQueen for 4 Singles. 🙁
I’m embarrassed to ask – what’s the blister? I call the two parts the card and the bubble. Is the blister the cardback? I’m guessing so since they need the upc…
(MET: Yea, they want the whole cardback this time – that’s why I’m guessing mailing the cards in is about $2).
Smart move by Mattel, I just hope it’s advertised in store so they can finally clear out old stock. If not, I may have to print out the offer and leave it on the shelf!
Even for openers, two deluxe would cost about $17, so an extra $8 is probably cheaper than what you’d have to pay on ebay. I don’t see super chases going for less than $12.50.
I’m fine with this since I’m an opener. I just opened a whole bunch of Cars last week and haven’t thrown away the cardbacks yet. So the ones I buy on the 19th can still be for trade.
Met — would those eligible codes include previous Kmart Cars (rubber tires and metallic finish)?
(MET: I did not dig back to the CARS 2 RT ones but the Silver Metallic ones technically do NOT seem to qualify as they are listed as product group W7057 but the big question is the KM receipt – does it simply say CARS Character (singles) – if so, you should be okay – anyone have a KM receipt around from buying singles – email me a copy – thanks!)
Huh. Well, this seems kind of like a slap in the face to people who might collect Cars on card. What if I don’t plan to open what I buy? I can hardly mail back blisters. This is a promo for kids. Kids don’t have money to spend on five singles at a time; their collector parents do. This offer stinks. Unless the point is to sell and give away way fewer Cars.
Even kids know that pegwarming duplicates are a marketing ploy.
I’d probably get kicked in the shins if I tried to give my kids or my nephews an already-opened Race Team Mater.