Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: D23 Expo Dinoco Box Convoy Brothers
What a shock, you guessed what’s in the Dinoco Extra Motor Oil Box … 🙂
Nope, not actual cans of oil, well, let’s knife this box open (not literally, just photos of the CARS so far) … Ta-da!
Looks decent enough. 🙂
Without rehashing every detail so far – just re-read the older posts (with prototype photos) or their availability/buying instructions this August at Disney’s D23 Expo in Anaheim, CA.
There are only low res photos available so far so this is about as large as the photos will go … but yes, like Barry Diesel – the top shell of each RV is diecast metal – no word on pricing but my guess is it’s no cheaper than $79 but more likely around $100.
In theory these will be available online at MattyCollector after the show but my guess is you will be rolling some very iffy dice that these will not sell out in the 72-hours window at the D23 Expo show.

Is there anyone going to this that can get me a set for my son, i would pay through PAYPAL Thanks
Yes, we are, read the comments right below here:
Email my helper directly… Josie..
TRied to use this e-mail but it kept failing mine e-mail is
email sent
got your email and sent response, how do i get you a deposit? Thank You
Reply via private email for one, and contact the person I sent you too.
I was wondering if you could help me out in getting this for my little ones birthday
Much appreciated
I can’t attend the Expo…but I would love to pick up a set of these.
Anyone know who I can contact to make arrangements?
Email my helper directly… Josie..
Will do.
Thank You!
My son will love these!
I love it!
who is able to help me with them??
I see a lot of space between these guys. If you were to place four Barry Diesels in their boxes side by side, they would measure roughly 20 inches wide. That would leave a couple inches between the actual RVs and an inch to the outer edge of the box. Not to mention that Barrys box is 8 inches deep. I believe they have scaled these guys down quite a bit if the are cramming them all into a box just 16 inches wide by 7 inches deep! I hope I’m wrong! 😕
So much money….
Sweet! The only question is how many to buy.
Many details are similar to these Cars RV models:
(MET: Keep in mind that the auction were for one of a kind prototypes which are made of resin/plastic and hand painted).
Does anybody know what day of the Expo are this going to be available?
As posted above: this wording has a link:
their availability/buying instructions this August at Disney’s D23 Expo in Anaheim, CA.
or go here
also as posted above:
“””In theory these will be available online at MattyCollector after the show but my guess is you will be rolling some very iffy dice that these will not sell out in the 72-hours window at the D23 Expo show.”””
Starts on August 9th, that Friday and until they are sold out. I’ll be there Thursday night, haha.
Ha Ha?
used to suggest the sound of laughter, in expressing variously humor, joy, derision, etc.
unfortunately haha has been replaced by lol and lolz…
We are looking forward to the Expo and picking these up.
If anyone is still looking for them send me a message. We would be happy to get a few of them for cost to collectors.
I stopped taking requests…
if you drop me an email I can send you two people
Zen Master Pitty: you will need to post an email address for others to contact you
Hi, I don’t know if your offer to pick up one of these nice box sets for any old member, but I would love to have one ! My name is Kent and you can drop me a e-mail at Hel* I will give you 20 just for your time. I live in Nebraska and wish i could be in California to have so much fun ! Thanks thebreezz
Hi Zen Master Pitty,
If you can, I’d love if you could pick me up one.
You and I were going back and forth on the Australia Poster contest. LOL Hopefully, we’ll both win!
Thanks again,
Nicely done! Nicely done!
I am a little worried about the V shape getting crushed in the box when they stack these. Also, it would have been nice to get real cans instead of cut-outs. The RV’s look awesome though.
The overall design reminds me of the Race O Rama backgrounds. Maybe they were originally supposed to be released during that era.
I agree. I think from the views we have…. it looks as if they might box this on its BASE…. /\facing up?
The dimensions 16 x 7 x 7 do not look right.
16 across …yes
one of the 7 inch dimensions, okay front to back…
Barry Diesel in the white box 8 x 5 x 5-1/4
Met or Tiz: Have you had a chance to double check the dimensions on this?
I might need to bring my trailer to load these up! woohoo!
damn it’s real
mattel may have finally done something right
Greatest D23/SDCC Cars item ever?!?
Better than all the rest COMBINED!
Tokyo mater is up there…
My fear is these are not the correct scale…they look small to me 🙁
It looks incredible! I sure hope I can get one…
Looks amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing to me!! Cannot wait!! Wish I could be there! all of you that are going PLEASE take lots of pictures and enjoy the fun!
NEAT times four!!
My kid is going to lose his mind when I give him these guys, he has a big thing for the king and Dinoco stuff. We redid his room all cars and my wife said what color do you want your room honey?……. The answer without hesitation was “Dinoco blue” lol , this may just be his number one Xmas present 🙂
Smart kid ya got there!
hmm looks smaller
So far the best we can tell the box measures 16 x 7 x 7. Thats probably JUST the set inside the box. with the V shape at the center of the display, I am not sure how it comes up or is already up. Met?
So everything is in one box?