Mattel Disney Pixar CARS: DK Cars Character Encyclopedia + Metallic Lightning McQueen
Disney Pixar CARS: Character Encyclopedia publishing date has been updated – it is now coming out July 30, 2012 (and not 2013).
There is a cover photo on Amazon with a stand-in Lightning McQueen as the CAR included with this book – but here is the actual CAR you will get with the book.
It is a metallic version of Lightning McQueen that appears early in CARS 2.
You can see photos of the back cover in our previous post along with some answers to questions in the comments. If you missed the earlier post, I did make contributions to the editorial and to the CARS included so let’s make it the greatest selling CARS book of all time!

To me pre-ordering makes no sense. It seems to be wasting time and money
It is cheaper. I paid $14 for the book and the price to get it at Barnes and Noble or other bookstores is over $20.
So it’s not wasting time because I don’t have to drive all over to look for it, and I’m saving money because I bought it early on Amazon. Simple as that.
Actualy,I got it at Barnes and Nobel for only $12.
Nice got my pre-order in as well. Thanks for the heads up can’t wait to browse though this one with the kiddies.
Pre-ordered mine on Thursday, but for some reason forgot to say anything haha! Can’t wait to see it, the Metallic HHPC McQueen looks so cool!
Just placed and order for one, cant wait to get it. 🙂
I will be buying this, looks great!
Just ordered 2 and I was hoping it would be this car !!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! Very cool, can’t wait to get mine. Congrats Met! Will you be doing any stops in SD for a book signing, say in late July ish?
(MET: Hope to see you there! Would a giant spaceship landing and me materialzing out of thin air be too much? 🙂 ).
Just ordered mine, will be nice to receive some hot summer day!
Oh, that explains the appearance of this car on eBay and in some collectors’ collections. Cool car. With contributions by Met, I won’t be able to pass on this one. Of course, it could never replace the T5AD checklist magazines!
This looks so cool, can’t wait to see it!
I am so going to order this… great looking book… great looking Car…
And with contributions by Met, it’s got to be great!
I pre-ordered 2. Got this email the other day about expected delivery.
We have received new release date information related to the order you placed. The item(s) listed below will actually ship sooner than we originally expected based on the new release date:
DK Publishing “Disney Pixar Cars: Character Encyclopedia”
Previous estimated arrival date: August 05, 2013 – August 08, 2013
New estimated arrival date: August 06, 2012 – August 09, 2012
Looking forward to getting them 🙂