Disney Pixar CARS 2: Movie Trailer #3 + More CARS Pt. 1
The third movie trailer for CARS 2 is up.
You can also find the video linked along with all the CARS 2 YouTube videos at our TakeFive YouTube channel.
The 2-minute trailer #3 repeats some images from the TV spot but there are some nice clarifications, high res additions and 2,000 more CARS …
First, it looks like they are going to crank up the graphics rendering to 11 …
Or is that 1,100 JHz?
It’s going to look pretty freakin’ amazing in 3D …
AND Imax …
Just a little bit of action …
And heart tuggin’…
And racing …
That’s Carla in the middle but we don’t know the two other racers yet …
That’s Jeff Gorvette on the left and Lewis Hamilton (F1) in the middle.
And of course, you need your Pit Crew.
As do the other racers …
Hard to tell but Francesco Bernoulli’s Pit Crew to the right of McQueen’s Pit?
And Miguel … something’s … crew?
And the announcers, a closer look now – we can see it’s Darrell Cartrip, Brent Mustangberger and the unknown as of now Jaguar (?)
Well, that’s about half the trailer … more tomorrow!

The part when they are watching the sumo wrestling reminds me of the part in Austin powers when Austin and foxy are watching sumo wrestling in Japan
and I think that in cars one of the sumo wrestlers is a guy undercover like fat bastard in Austin powers.
The World Grand Prix racers are, in the order at the starting line :
-Raoul ΓaRoule, #6 French
-Miguel Camino, #3 Spanish (its effectively his pit crew)
-Max Schnell, #4 German
-Jeff Gorvette, #24 American
-Nigel Gearsley, #9 British
-Lewis H(amilton ?), #2 British/Grenadian (according to this image : http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110312204138/pixar/images/2/27/Lewis_h_back_zoom.png)
The name Lewis H- can be seen in one of the trailers, on a pit stop
-Rip C(lutchgoneski), #10 New Rearendian – The name Rip C- can be seen in one of the trailers (http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110310011158/pixar/images/d/d8/Rip_C_name_zoom.png);
now the character has been reaveled
-Shu Todoroki, #7 Japanese
-Carla Veloso, #8 Brazilian
-Lightning McQueen, #95 American (this one you know well)
-Francesco Bernouilli, #1 Italian
Somebody at Pixar is obviously a fan of Sig Hansen on “Deadliest Catch;” that ship that brings Finn to the oil wells bears a more-than-passing resemblance to the FV Northwestern, right down to the “SH” logo on the bow!
Are the waste gas burning oil drilling platforms a tribute to Los Angeles in “Bladerunner”?
it’s fun to see all 5 language versions. Each country has a different poster. Would be nice to collect… them all of course! There is our second chance to have the crane to be done as a diecast this time. There is a plastic version in a tokyo play set) And I really hope the lavatory service truck will become metal reality… I love it! So many awesome cars are coming… This line 2 will be very exciting to do π
Wow! Can’t wait for Cars 2!
Have for trade
Carla velosa
Jeff gorvette (small paint flaw)
Finn mcmissile
All loose
Need franks
Uk. Derekirvine@btinternet.com
Kabuto, Good Bye Kar, and Yokoza, 1:50.
BYE BYE Kar is not in that scene, just Yokoza, Kabuto, and Yokoza’s “Schoolgirls”.
During the Sumo scene I suppose “Kabuki Mater” will be a hot item…
This is going to be an AMAZING trip! Cannot wait for it to start … its next week, right???? π
Exactly that..amazing and can not wait!!
Kabuto, Yokoza with 4 Kyandee type cars. There was a quick scene with the 3 Geisha girl cars. So we will see a continuance of Tokyo Mater cars, and Sumo wrestler cars in that one scene.
I am going to guess that the Jaguar announcer is based on Jackie Stewart – the open wheel racer. Since several of the Cars are open wheels.
I agree Brian, that was my guess too
I will go out on a limb and guess his name is “Sir Silver Mossy”. π
As in Sterling Moss? Isn’t he dead?
I think Lightning has the advantage on that dirt-track curve. Looks like he’s doing Doc’s legacy well.
The car behind Carla looks like Max Schnell and the one in the middle of Jeff and LMQ is Lewis Hamilton.
Yep, gap tooth and all! (I was looking for guesses on this a few comments below).
Miguel Camino is the Car MET was talking about in the Crew Chief scene. Miguel is yellow and from Spain. Max Schnell is dark violet and sports German colors. Lewis H. is Black and where is he from?? And does anyone know the name of the yellow-orange Formula-1 Racer that looks just like Francesco with some tweaks that got crashed?
i can see Finn in the third picture behind that ship
Yep there are going to a really high number of releases and variants from this movie. They are going big.
Just watched the German language trailer. It has quite a few scenes not in the USA version.
I saw that last week — just wish I knew German!
They also have it in English.
There goes the wallet!!!
Movie will be awesome!
The racer next to Jeff Gorvette is gap-toothed. Any race fans care to guess who that is? π
Wow… I am so looking forward to this…
Getting water done in cg correctly is such a hard task. Those screen shots and mini clip are simply awesome. Once again, Pixar has outdone itself.
Yay!!!! How’s about an early release?!?!?! Eh pixar!?!?!?!?!
Seein’ all these cars is scarin’ me!!! No room in the house for any more cars!!!
can they not come up with a 1:100 scale please!?!?!?!?
Surely you jest… You don’t want a resurrection of the minis do you? π
I feel your pain. Looks like my house finally gets to start at the ground floor with this movie (we didn’t start collecting Cars 1 until the ROR series as my kids are young). Bad for space and the wallet… Looks like even better Cars this time around!
I agree Eric, these Cars look more detailed and you can actually tell who they are! So far, I know of 27 characters in this movie with names released.