Kmart CARS Event Day “From the Vaults” Contest! (Int’l Update)
Our sponsor and friend of CARS, Kmart was kind enough to open up their vaults and is offering FOUR CASES or Kmart CARS Day 2 CARS – that’s right – the very RARE & COMPLETE Kmart CARS 2 Day CASES!
The cases are not sealed but they are complete – 18 CARS Mint on CARDS. This is a sampling of one of the four cases. Your winning case might vary slightly but it will look substantially like this. I did not pull everything to look but I can see one Todd, one Mini and Vitoline Pitty definitely in each case. These are the rubber tire racers from Kmart Day 2 – not many complete cases left …
There will be four winners – three domestic and one international … note, you can be an international winner of one of the US ones as long as it’s going to a US address – you can have them re-route it to you – does that make sense? In other words, we will mail 3 to US addresses and one to an international – so you might still win if you live outside the US but you just need a US address.
The contest entry is different this time.
Unlike other contests where the entry is below.
The only way to enter this contest is via TWITTER.
Twitter is more than just taking twitpics of your lunch. In just 140 characters, you too can be on the cutting edge of the social media cognoscenti.
Don’t worry if you are not currently on twitter, we will show you how!
First, you need to navigate over to
Second, you will need to pick a twitter name or ‘handle’ for yourself. Like ours for Take5 is: takefiveaday Here is a snapshot of our home page on twitter once we sign in:
Third, you will need to post up to one tweet a day using what is called a hashtag. Hashtags are just a convenient way to track social media activity and we have a special one all picked out for our Take5 and Kmart friends.
Here is the hashtag: #KmartT5
You need to use the ‘#’ [pound symbol] in front of the phrase “KmartT5” for it to qualify you for an entry into the contest for the case giveaway. Try something like:
“Gotta love Kmart and T5’s new giveaway contest of exclusive Cars! #KmartT5”
… or something like that.
DO NOT WORRY about us finding your entry as long as you have the “hashtag.” #KmartT5
It’s the interwebs, we will find you as long as you leave us your calling card entry. Of course, if you are on twitter already, just – hashtag, baby!
or #KmartT5i (for international entries)
UPDATED for international entries! International readers can also enter at #KmartT5 but only winning US addresses will be accepted. So there will be two ongoing entry points.
(to enter if you have a US address (doesn’t have to be your address) as long as it’s in the US)
(to enter if you have a non-US address)
And no, you do not need a smartphone – simply log onto to on your computer.
You may enter once every 24-hours with each hashtag code group.
The contest will run from May, 24, 2010 – June 4, 2010 (11:59:59 PM PT to be precise). Entries will be listed in chronological order. 3 winners will be selected randomly from the @KmartT5 group and 1 winner from the @KmartT5i group. Good luck!
Thanks Kmart!
Separately – you can choose to “follow” HERE at our TWITTER address where you get a ping everytime we add a post. (Click on FOLLOW after you are signed in).
Or Kmart Deals at:
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Piston Cup Racer Checklist May 2006- May 2010 | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Mmmmmm Lenticular M » |

signed upto twitter and started to tweet – UKSeeker is here…
if theres any International people that need a USA address for their entry, just ask. I will be glad to help
Rainman was WRONG, Kmart does not suck, but they are Tweets!!!
woo hooo i did it LOL my first reply tweet LOL … i only have twitter to watch really hahaha
this would be nice, given that my 3-year old son somehow lost his Tourqey Pistons, Retread, and Clutch Aid
I’m in! Good thing I signed up for an account a couple of months ago.
I have my first entry logged in. If I win I will sell my case and donate 100% proceeds to Cars Cares.
P.S. – Everyone can follow Pit Stop Toy Shop on Twitter too!
Rare? Wow, I can’t even sell all the extras from the second event that I have laying around.
I’d be happy to help you with those extras, if it’s an extra Easy Idle or Mini that’s cluttering up your home. – Mike in Evanston,IL mchlhff AT hotmail
“Oh how do I love Thee #KmartT5” I use twitpic too, I can snap a photo of my fav car(s) and submit them both same time thru my phone. It’s not a smart phone, but it is pretty bright.
“I may not have a smart phone, Jenny, but I know what hashtags are.”
— Forrest Gump
Thanks Tiz (T5aD) for the post and Thanks Kmart for the contest.
My wife and I have lots of kids/grand-kids, their all maniacal CARS fans like me, not a bad thing, (of course I started this). Funny thing about the kids playing with their CARS though, the axles bend and the paint chips easily. My plan would be (if I win), to replace some of those don’t roll ones and almost un-recognizable ones and hand out the rest to the kids that don’t have these ones. The smiles – priceless!
I also haven’t been a Twitter participant, time to change that!
I just hope these cases go to people who actually need them because they missed them the first time around, or will pass them onto others who do, and not to those who will just throw them on Ebay to make a buck.
I am in !!! I have my sets from then,
If I win, I will pass it onto a Overseas Runner Up.
Awesome guys! Welcome to the wild world of twitter. Kmart is being VERY generous to you our dear readers with this contest. We love the fact that we can include our many international readers in this contest too.
Feel free to pass along the hashtag via your blogs, comments on blogs, on twitter, facebook, etc. That is part of the fun of it all!
Good luck!
I’ve stayed away from Twitter too, but I may register for an account with this contest in mind! 🙂
I have thought twitter was a complete waste of time, as my life is too busy to see what every other person is doing at that exact moment. However this contest may make me change my thoughts, or at least for this one time! Great Contest!!!
I work in IT yet I don’t Twitter… might have to start… Great contest – many thanks Kmart and TakeFiveADay…
I made my first Tweet 🙂
Yippie! A new contest …. and if I enter … this would be the FIRST time I have ever used Twitter! 😀