Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Pit Crews On (Out of Stock)
The next three Pit Crews are listed on
They list items NOT ARRIVED as ‘Out of Stock’
You can sign up for the email but I can say I never got an email when the last ’email me’ item for the Storytellers three-pack was ‘coming soon,’ so I would not count on it and of course, they don’t really pack for collector’s so if you’re an opener, it should be okay to order from them.
Of course, we either have had Pitty releases for some of these Pit Crews but of course, it’s not a huge leap to envision what they look like … but the Crew Chiefs are mostly a mystery because even though they are featured in the pit row scene, some of the crew chiefs were not 100% accurate … so it’s nice to see the final release look …
Easy Idle Pit Crew …
Does the release of the N20 Pitty in this 4 pack (missing one Pitty in photo) mean no singles release? Or does increase the likelihood of a single’s release – as a lenticular?
And the red headphones is nice – first ever non-black headphones …
YOU CAN CLICK on the photos above to open the page link.
While you’re there, you can this – I’ll wait for the lenticular version … 🙂
Or this is an actual rug …
Thanks for the heads up & links, Kevin W.
Last time, MONTHS passed before the Storytellers arrived on the shelves – I don’t think it will take that long – the Spring reset is coming so, drop us a line when you spot them!
these went bye-bye ….
They should do Mood Springs and RPM next.
(can’t this guy just ask for a cane to the knees rather than just deserve one for a change?)
Anybody have any close up pictures of these? Mater looks really nice but wonder if the cable of his hook is plastic or more realistic?
I’m a little surprised that anyone bought them there. Amazon has the 1/24th Doc for around $36.00 and Mater for less than $23.00!
(MET: Matty’s versions had rubber-like tires).
Oh, I forgot about the one person who has Doc for $300.00! LOL
Those pit crew sets definetly look like the’re worth $20.
They look amazing! I can’t wait to get them at Target when they come out! LOL Their expressions are hilarious!
I LOVE ALL of these. I can’t wait for an N2O Cola hauler. As a Chemist N2O, Nitroade, and Shifty Drug are my favorites. Although schemewise I really like Mood Springs and Vinyl Toupee.
1/16/10 post shows set #4 (w/ BUCK) Daredevil Mcqueen with/out teeth but w/ flames, but I have 2 set #4 Mcqueen’s w/out teeth AND w/out flames. I know set #1 (w/ props mcgee) has mcqueen w/teeth and w/out flames. So i’m just curious are my set #4’s correct, and mcqueen with flames is coming later? thanks for the help.
(MET: I have lost track since mine are opened and the sealed ones are packed away but maybe this will help? Scroll to the bottom to see pics of what was announced for #3 & #4 …).
I found the tooth vendor/daredevil McQueen 4 pack the other day and McQueen does not have flames, in fact I can’t see any difference with the mega sized singles.
LOve the PITTIES, bring them on and ship them by sled to Canada!!!
I’m interested to see how soon they are spotted. Easy Idle Crew Chief is a new body right? I think he has the same design as the up-coming Bumper Save Crew Chief. Will that make four different Crew Chief bodies?
My husband and I made a deal: no more purchasing of cars before the ones we have are all opened. That will be over thirty cars people! This addiction is so fun!
woo hoo i cant wait to get these!!! 🙂
Awesome, I just wish this wasn’t going to cost me $60+ to get them.
There’s a reason the other sets are still on the shelves…people do not want to pay $20 for one car and three pitties. These sets are great and I would love to get them for my son, but I’m not paying a dime over $16. I know it’s only $4, but it’s the moral of the thing. Besides, $4 times 6 sets adds up quick. I’d hoped they would have learned their lesson from all those $30 Sarge’s Boot Camp boxes sitting on the shelves at TRU.
$5 a car is a great deal considering how few regular cars are being made.
And that kind of thinking is exactly what they are BANKING on.
I think Sarge’s Booth Camp is worth $25 (which is what I paid for it) for 3 new cars, 1 old turned to mega size, & re-release Sarge. I haven’t picked up the Pitcrew sets because priced @ 19.99 is a bit much for what I would pay for these. Yes I do understand if each is priced @ 5 it would be the same… Why don’t these go on sale at all? Then maybe I’ll pick these up. 😀
does any body know if these will ever be available in the UK?
Perhaps in the fall.
What ever happened to the Octane Gain crew set? I know they were spotted in California about three weeks ago but haven’t been heard from since. Is anybody here finding them?
I wonder if Octane Gain Crew Chief will come out as a Megasize?
Any one know?
I’ve been wondering the same thing; all I ever find are tons of the first 3 sets released
all 3 crew chiefs have weird expressions …..
Easy Idle crew chief is under a trance ….
N20 crew chief is daydreaming…
someone told Nitroade crew chief his mama broke an axle..
new contest…. put a thought bubble by N20 chiefs head and write in what he’s thinking about….
I can’t wait. I love the pitties and minis and there hasn’t been new minis in forever.
My son got the first 2 sets as gifts from the ghost light givers and they are very very treasured pieces. I could never thank them enough.
I wish Target would stop using the same DCPI numbers over and over. These are all showing as “in stock” at my local Targets, but we all know that’s not really the case.
I’d hate to order these on the website and end up receiving the HTB, Dinoco, and Leakless sets – like you said, they all have the same DCPI number…
On the other hand, since my nearest Target stores are over 50 miles away, I could save time, gas, and frustration…
They do look sharp… can’t wait to add them to my collection… at retail price.
Nitroade Crew Chief will complete the Pit Crew team for the Nitro racer AT LAST.
Easy Idle racer and pitty will finally have a crew chief, but no hauler to take them to the race.
That Nitroade set looks mighty tasty!
off topic, an article on the bbc yesterday gave a few more clues about Cars 2.
I wonder what Finn McMissile will look like?
(MET: I think he’s an Astin Martin).
Once I clicked that BBC link I remembered that I had a Cars 2 dream last night. We were in the theater watching the movie, and the first scene had Lightning jumping a ramp or something in Radiator Springs, and when he started talking, I was so happy it was Owen Wilson voicing him again!
Here’s a neat image promoting the film:
These sets are too cool. I think I’ll order them if they are available on line before they hit the shelves. Since there are so many of the older sets left over, it will probably be months before they show up in person.
These are going to be awesome! I just hope they do not OVER SHIP like they did the first set. Those are still very easy to find in my targets ….. cannot WAIT for these sets! BRAVO! 🙂
Jestrjeff I wish that they would overstock on final Lap and these!! I worry that I won’t find them!!
Target always does that! They put stuff online that isn’t released yet same with the haulers they put Shiny Wax Hauler online and it hasn’t been released yet but hey they look AWESOME!! These sets are very nice and i hope they come soon!