Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Collect the One … Thy Name McQueen
Save a lot of wear and tear on the brain … is his name Dash or Chuck?
If it’s not McQueen … me’h
You have it all – you have comedy, drama and roughage …
Let’s have fun with Doc, we’ll all pit together …
We are the one.
It’s true what they say, you are really just racing yourself …
All for one …
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I didn’t see the plastic one that comes with the Mack giant playset. I call him “Deuce” McQ, ’cause he looks like he’s trying to drop a… Well, you get the idea.
I know it’s plastic and shouldn’t be included, but for the completionist… It’s like not having the Rollin’ Bowlin’ Mater in your Mater collection for me. It’s dumb looking, true, but I still had to have it for the collection.
I fail to see the Red Ransburg Palm Springs Brainstorm Give A Way McQueen. At least you kept it real… custom/counterfeits.
Nice. More coming, Chase MCQ with shovel, Jumping/splayed out MCQ, Chase masked tires MCQ, can’t member them all right now as it’s kinda late.
Stay tuned.
“95” variations?
Thank you for not putting Tongue McQueen or Finish Line McQueen directly behind another car. Gotta keep it PC around here.
We love McQueen! If they come out with 100 different variations, you can bet that my son and I will get them all. We’re up to date with all of them so far–We’ll keep hoping for more! 🙂
the Ransburg looks normal only, amongst his siblings
Nice, but a bit creepy all at the same time…
Yeah, kinda like, “They’re coming to get you, Barbara…”
Wow, 24 McQ’s!
In order from bottom to top:
Non-Rusteze on fin McQueen, Rusteze on fin McQ, Tongue McQ
Impound, Night Vision, Spinout, Dirt Track, Stickers
Tumbleweed, Sponsorless, Cactus, Whitewalls, Bug Mouth
Ransburg, Tar, Smell Swell, Bling-Bling
Crusin, Radiator Springs, Dinoco, SDCC Lightning Storm, Blu-Ray
Bling-Bling (eyes facing right), Oversized Storm McQueen
Not included: Finish Line McQ, Burnt, Chase w/ Shovel
Met, I think you need to dust your McQueens.
Wouldn’t you think the Lightning Storms would be in the lead, and Impound dead last. Maybe he has been lapped a few hundred times.
Sponsorless or ‘Bulldozer’ McQueen would have wiped out half the others by now.
yikes, I am missing a couple of McQueens! How can that be??
Missing finish line mcqueen with the rubber-less back wheels and the Gene Simmons tongue!
(MET: Damn, I know I’d forget one … oh well, next time, I guess 🙂 There might be another McQ or two 😉 ).
Haha, Gene Simmons tongue. Never thought of it like that! Nice! Now I want to react a concert with Tongue McQueen… maybe youtube! Aroldo, custom KISS McQueen????
He’s rocked his own tires off!
KISS McQueen? Heck yeah, count me in, Aroldo. Make me one, too! 🙂
One Winner, 42 McQueens…collect them all…
Thats gonna be one heck of a purse… and imagine all those race points..
What’s the Dinoco McQueen in the very back? I know there is Dinoco and Bling but what’s the third one?
I had the exact same thought!
Probably the very exclusive upcoming CHASE Dinoco McQueen everyone is waiting for. Piston Cup not pictured….
Including a correction to the original Dinoco McQueen : Dinoco on the back spoiler…
Well, I guess that gives me one more to search for. sigh.
Are you telling me Met is a Completist?!?!?
(MET: I heard good things about this line … 🙂 ).
There’s a corrected version out now, too?
Cars4Lars, I’m right there with you. Have to go searching for that one now. Yea, me.
Not sure but he has the Dinoco on his tail fin…. Maybe a different version of bling bling… with gold piston cups??? sneaky…
(MET: It’s not much of a variant but the 3-pack Bling has different eyes than the regular singles Bling version).
Oh man, you beat me to it.
I did notice the eyes in your photo… but not the package on the shelf. Great now I need to go get that darn thing. At least I have an excuse! haha
Where is Finish Line McQueen?
oops. did not see LMQ Randsburg. He would be the prized possession. Still, place Blu-Ray away from the edge. It’s looks like he is getting ready to jump. 🙂
I would be worried about Blu-ray Mcqueen being so close to the edge. 🙂 Him being the most valuable of the bunch, I would put him on the other side near the wall. Never know how secure those clips can be.
I enjoy having all the LMQ’s in my collection. What I do have a problem with is Mattel placing 6-8 in a case. Let’s spread them out a bit. Let’s make them more of a challenge to find. 🙂
Not to worry, I’m sure that’s the 1348 Stunt Double!
I would argue on the value of Blu-Ray McQueen versus Red Rans McQueen…
Stunt double… hilarious! Maybe Red Rans is the Hong Kong double…
Hey Met, I’ll give you $5 for the McQueen behind Tumbleweed McQueen. Couldn’t resist.
$1.00 Bob
Ooh, and 50 cents for the cardboard box…
Too rich for my blood.
Hey that looks like most Wal-Mart’s!
Lightning will always be number 1. Some might say there are too many but I say “Too many McQueens is barely enough”