Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Check Out the Hook While My DJ Variant Revolves It
And now the DJ remix …
Old, Old Skool DJ … 2006 DJ …
Impound DJ (2009)
(Wing-Spoiler color difference due to lightning, actual colors the same)
First DJ (desert back)
(again, lighting difference)
Race O Rama Check Lane (short card) DJ
Impound DJ
Back of original DJ (desert back) and ROR Check Lane DJ …
(clearly CAR on left in household with someone under the age of 3 … humm, spoi-ler … nummm, nummmm, nummmm 🙂 …as with the switch from Thailand to China, some light differences in the molding and the process … but substantially the same …
It’s not substantially different, the “window” color and pinstripping is slightly different but I think what is more important is that now that we have Impound DJ, we can definitely see what he SHOULD look like all the time …
Not only does this version match the card “portrait” of DJ … we have independent confirmation from the mini CARS encyclopedia …
“Official DJ”
So, looks like if you want the most accurate DJ, you’ll have to buy Impound DJ and cut off the boot … or hope that all future DJ releases are fixed.
So, thanks for the original heads up, SlicePie. Photos of ROR Check Lane DJ courtesy of SlicePie, Sergio E. and supporting evidence by Jasnkar4ever – SlicePie & Sergio E. both made the supreme sacrifice of opening their Check Lane DJ’s … in addition to our gratitude, there are some little boys who get the benefit also – though they are thinking, “I thought I chew that up … better get to work, nummm, nummm, nummm” 🙂 ).
Though now I guess I will wait for the ‘plus’ DJ with equalizer marks and glow in the dark rims … 🙂
Go DJ, that’s my DJ
Go DJ, that’s my DJ
Go DJ, that’s my DJ
Go DJ, yea
Wit Weezy We, step up to the mic dude do watcha do, ya heard
(I think that’s all we can sing here … 🙂 ).

Hello TAKE5ERS I have impound Dj with blue stripes are they suppose to be greenish or both thanks.
(MET: Impound DJ is green stripes).
I have impound Dj with blue stripes.