Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Mack TV That Is All Mack All the Time
Go big or don’t go at all …
And now, finally a CARS TV worthy of being a CARS TV …
It’s a 19″ 1280 x 800 DVD/CD combo player with remote control (no pictures) + headphone jack … but best of all, it has a VGA port so you can get rid of that LCD thing and switch to this! So, of course, in addition to watching CARS, you can surf the net!
It also has RCA inputs and S-Video so you can plug in a tuner … now, that’s a Mack buddy to have – you can watch DVD’s, listen to CD’s, plug in a tuner or cable/sat box AND output your computer to this!
No retail price yet.
It’s not out yet out but it’s from ALBA (Is there anything Jessica can’t do? just kidding … it’s the same people who put the CARS USB stick MP3 player).
Of course, we have a Lightning McQueen TV but it’s a big odd looking and it’s a 13″ tube (@$130 retail) so we’re Mack stepping up …
Thanks for the heads up Bill H. – Can’t wait to see it on the store shelves.
If anyone spots it, drop us a line and some pics.
Thanks again Bill H.
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i want to buy this lcd dvd disney pixar diecast cars how much is it and where can i buy thank you
gostaria de comprar essa tv para o meu filho, como consigo fazer esta compra e enviar aqui para o Brasil
procure postar isto, mas em ingles! Se quiser, mande um email, para que eu possa ajudar voce!
I would like to know if you send to Brazil the Mack TV with 19″ or when I can find this TV here.
(MET: You can find it at Amazon-Target – I doubt they mail to Brazil … here’s the 19″ for $299 and the 15″ for $249 – good luck!)
have u found this tv yet
me interesa una television, cuanto cuesta si la envian a guadalajara, jalisco mexico Mack TV
My kids just saw this page and now I am going to be in trouble if I don’t buy my 2 year old son that Mack flatscreen! Looks awesome though, so I might get 2!……Easy there Mater boy.
ich möchte diesen lcd tv von cars gerne kaufen jedoch komme ich aus deutschland können sie mir da helfen oder geht der versandt auch nach deutschland
This has now come out in the UK (Argos £279.99) it looks fantastic!
I want to buy this lcd/dvd Disney Pixar Diecast CARS, how much is it and where can i buy thank you.
(MET: Seems to available at Canada TRU).